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Emacs-Ring - Site Number 42
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A list of my EMACS packages:
desktop-menu.el�:�Managing emacs desktops
bs.el�:�Buffer selection
ibs.el�:�Buffer cycling by C-TAB
generic-dl.el�:� Fast navigation through toplevel definitions
gimp-shell.el�:� Gimp shell for Gimps Script Fu
highlight-regexp.el�:� highlighting regular expressions and current word.

And here they are ...
desktop-menu.el (version 0.1) for a managing various Emacs desktops in one directory.
Why a Desktop Menu?
The Emacs package desktop is a really nice menu for saving and reading various Emacs desktops in different directories.
But often I have following problems:
So I've developed a menu which can handle various Emacs desktops in one directory and I can give each desktop a nice name.
���� Installation ����
  1. Put desktop-menu.el in a directory found by your emacs load path.
  2. Add to your .emacs:
    (require 'desktop-menu)
  3. Optional define a key binding for main function bs-show
    (global-set-key "\C-xp" 'desktop-menu)
  4. To customize desktop-menu use
    M-x desktop-menu-customize

bs.el (version 1.17 of 1 mar 2001) for a better way of selecting buffers.

Nice and comfortable buffer selection by C-x C-b. An alternative for list-buffers referable electric-buffer-list
Support buffer cycling with bs-cycle-next and bs-cycle-previous.

���� Installation ����
  1. Put bs.el in a directory found by your emacs load path.
  2. Add to your .emacs:
    (require 'bs)
  3. Optional define a key binding for main function bs-show
    (global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'bs-show)
  4. To customize bs use
    M-x bs-customize

ibs.el (version 0.12 1 mar 2001) for buffer cycling by C-TAB.

���� Installation ����
  1. Put ibs.el in a directory found by your emacs load path.
  2. Add to your .emacs:
    (require 'ibs)
���� Commentary ����
This Emacs package provides a minor mode for buffer cycling; more exact: to switch by key C-TAB between Emacs buffers like MS-Windows IDEs. C-TAB starts buffer cycling. Every other key terminates cycling and sets the current buffer at the top of Emacs buffer list. The buffer we started buffer cycling won't be buried !!!
You can configure the keys for cycling. Therefore set global ibs-cycling-key before loading ibs.el.
You can define which buffers will be used for buffer cycling. Set global ibs-cycle-buffer-function to a function which returns a buffer list. The default is buffer-list, which returns all buffers in recently order. If package bs is loaded the cycling list of this package will be used.

generic-dl.el (8kB ;26 October 2000, requires generic-menu.el (14kB)) for a better way of navigating over toplevel functions.

Provide a function for listing toplevel definitions in current buffer according to current mode.
���� Installation ����
  1. Put generic-dl.el and generic-menu.el into a suitable place.
  2. When in load-path:
    (require 'generic-dl)
  3. When not in load-path:
    (load "/WHERE_IT_IS/generic-menu.el")
    (load "/WHERE_IT_IS/generic-dl.el")
  4. Define a suitable key
    (global-set-key [f8] 'dl-popup)

gimp-shell.el (26 October 2000, (15kB)) a Gimp-Shell.

Provide a Gimp-Shell for a friendly way to talk to Script Fu.
���� Installation/Use ����
  1. Start Gimp and its Script-FU Server
  2. Load gimp-shell.el
  3. Start Gimp-Shell with interactive command gimp-shell

highlight-regexp.el temporary highlighting regular expressions and current word.

Provide some functions for highlighting regular expressions in current buffer and a convenience function for highlighting current word `highlight-regexp-current-word'.

This package offers default key bindings:

You can disable these key bindings.

If recentering `C-l' the display all highlighted instances will be deleted. You can disable this feature.

Some links:

generated by EMACS und Olaf Sylvester