Long overdue, we have finally managed to release the latest incarnation of the Fuel PHP framework, version 1.8.
Besides the usual improvements, bug fixes, and new functionality, one feature is important to mention straight away: PHP 7 compatibility !
It has been what can only be described as another hectic and difficult year. We've lost contact with new team member Mark for quite a while, and continuing work and health related issues for the remaining team members played havok with any plans we had. I has all meant that again, things haven't moved as fast as they should have.
Good news is that everything seems to slowly pick up a little, we're trying to spend every minute of spare time we have on a redesign of the v2 core code. We have made the descision that Fuel v2 will require PHP 7+. We hope that we can pick up the pace soon, so there is something you can work with, and give your comments on.
As always, don't forget to read on, and check the changelog before you upgrade an existing application. Be sure to checkout the v1.8 Changelog.
]]>Long overdue, we have just released a new maintenance release, v1.7.3.
It has been what can only be described as a hectic year. We've lost a valuable team member ( sorry to see you go Frank! ), we've gained a new valuable team member ( welcome to the team, Mark! ) and lots of work and health related issues for the remaining team members. I has all meant things haven't moved as fast as they should have.
Good news is that everything seems to slowly pick up a little, and our new team member Mark will be working only on Fuel v2 code, so we hope that we can pick up the pace there as well.
This maintanancce release fixes a long list of bugs and ommissions, and added a suprising number of improvements to existing classes. Version 1.7.3. finally uses Composer as the primary means of installing packages, both for the release and the development version. No more submodules, all the core packages are no longer included but installed by Composer.
As always, don't forget to read on, and check the changelog before you upgrade an existing application. Be sure to checkout the v1.7.3 Changelog.
FuelPHP v2 has been “on the horizon” or “just around the corner” for a long time. Unfortunately due to various personal issues in the team work on v2 has been progressing much slower than we would like.
But! That is all about to change! We are very happy to announce that the first alpha version of FuelPHP v2 (v2.a.1) will be released on the 1st of January 2015! No more “just around the corner” and “when it comes”.
The version that we will release will be far from a finished version but will allow the community to play with the new framework and allow us to gather feedback early on in the new version’s life cycle to make sure we grow the framework in the right direction.
It has been quite a busy 7 months since the last release. Unfortunately not all spend on FuelPHP, due to personal circumstances. But there is good news too!
Emlyn West has been added to the core development team. Emlyn was already active working on improving the functionality of the ORM, but will focus mainly on rewriting the ORM for version 2, on Fieldsets and Validation, and on unit testing. And off course we have released a new maintenance release, version 1.7.2.
This release fixes a long list of bugs and ommissions, and added a lot of improvements to existing classes. Version 1.7.2. also introduces Composer as the primary means of installing packages. No more submodules, all the core packages are no longer included but installed by Composer.
As always, don't forget to read on, and check the changelog before you upgrade an existing application. Be sure to checkout the v1.7.2 Changelog.
]]>We've been very busy the last few weeks. This release fixes quite a few bugs and ommissions. Also the documentation has been improved, where the missing Fieldset Field class documentation has been added.
As always, don't forget to read on, and check the changelog before you upgrade an existing application.
]]>It's been busy times lately. We've been trying to get 1.7 out of the door for quite some time, but every time new issues were reported that needed attention. Plus side of this is that all these issues have been addressed, which should make the 1.7 release the most stable yet! In this release, existing functionality has been improved or optimized, and new functionality has been added. This release also addresses two reported security issues, so we urge you to upgrade as soon as possible.
As always, don't forget to read on, and check the changelog before you upgrade an existing application.