v2.1.5 (build 263) (09/18/2002)
! Fixed some EXIF makernote fields
! When adding watermarks in batch mode for more than one image, the inserted
data will always has been taken from the first image only.
! Creating and removing thumbnails didn't work.
! Exifer created an empty file c:\exifer.txt.
! Empty date fields has been exported as 12/30/1899 to CSV.
v2.1.4 (build 259) (09/14/2002)
! Fixed error with proxy port on startup when upgrading from prior version.
v2.1.3 (build 257) (09/14/2002)
+ Minolta makernotes (special thanks to Dalibor Jelinek).
+ Editable JPEG comment.
* Optional display of unknown EXIF makernote fields.
* Improved rewriting EXIF data (e.g. the data now won't be totally rewritten
after rotation or date field changes).
* Improved functionality of HTTP access to checkup for updates.
! Improved speed of refreshing the list view while reading data.
! Fixed display of some EXIF fields.
! Fixed some minor bugs.
v2.1.2 (build 230) (08/25/2002)
+ Watermarks can be inserted with size relative to a given reference.
+ Added command line parameters (launch "Exifer.exe /?")
* Improved zoom features in slideshow mode.
! Fixed GUI bugs.
! Changed Shortcuts hasn't been saved.
! Other APP-markers than EXIF and IPTC has been deleted after rotation.
! Customized shortcuts won't be saved.
! Makernotes won't be displayed on TIFF files.
! The dialog for importing camera focal length values appears outside
the screen, so it's not visible.
! The field "Digital zoom" in Olympus makernotes won't be displayed
! Exifer removes APP-markers except EXIF and IPTC after rotation (for
example sound information)
v2.1.1 (build 104) (08/21/2002)
There are many changes against the last public version 1.0.20. Here are
some of them, but I think not all:
+ Crop feature with aspect ratio (in slideshow view).
+ Watermarks (text can be inserted into images).
+ Added delete directory to browse window.
+ Creating directories in browse mode
+ Displaying thumbnail in slideshow.
+ Optional updating of EXIF modified date.
+ Zoom feature in slideshow.
+ Customizeable shortcuts.
+ Added copy/cut and paste (ctrl+c, ctrl+x, ctrl+v) for copying, cutting
and pasting images.
+ Added rename to slideshow.
+ New options for backup "yes", "no", "ask".
+ Added directory history.
+ Added quality selection for thumbnail creation.
+ Added import of Cumulus categories into EXIF/IPTC data.
+ Directories will be shown in list view.
+ Added image delete to slideshow.
+ Added shortcut for image delete.
+ Directory-Up button
+ Thumbnail view
+ EXIF 2.2
+ Editing/creating of several EXIF fields
+ IPTC support
+ TIFF support (view only)
+ THM support
+ Creating/inserting/rotating/deleting of thumbnails in EXIF data
+ Three customizeable data views in browse and slideshow
+ Improved rename feature that
+ Online update
! Many GUI bugs.
! "Portrait mode" and "Landscape mode" of exposure
program in EXIF data hasn't been recognized correctly.
v1.0.20 beta (build 104) (03/10/2002)
! When running under Windows 95 the DLL MSIMG32.DLL hasn't been found.
! "Open With" didn't work with filenames containing blanks.
! Some translation bugs.
* Display format of some exif fields ("shutter speed", "brightness"...).
* Renaming now also is possible with files which dowsn't contain EXIF
date information.
* A few minor changes.
v1.0.19 beta (build 103) (02/03/2002)
* Improved "open with" customizing.
* Optimized XP style.
! Some minor translation bugs.
v1.0.18 beta (build 102) (02/02/2002)
* Improved "open with" customizing.
+ Toolbar with "open with" software.
! Image height and width in Exif info sometimes hasn't been set correctly
after rotation.
v1.0.17 beta (build 101) (01/30/2002)
! Fixed some minor bugs.
! Added some translations.
v1.0.16 beta (build 100) (01/30/2002)
* All changes from v1.0.15 beta are now also available in English
+ Supports Windows XP.
+ Added time offset feature to edit dialog.
+ Option to add/remove Exifer to/from the Explorer context menu in options
+ Possibility to enable/disable asking for creating a backup when opening
an image by "open with".
+ Showing progress when reading a directory with lot of images.
! Fixed some minor bugs.
v1.0.15 beta (build 89) (10/17/2001)
This update was in German language only.
! Fixed: Displaying correct exposure values greater than 1 second
! Fixed: Sometimes exif data hasn't been diplayed when it didn't contain
any thumbnail data
+ Possibility to hide images (original and thumbnail) which is useful
for slower PCs
v1.0.14 beta (build 88) (09/19/2001)
! Fixed: Backups haven't been created under some circumstances
v1.0.14 beta (build 85) (09/17/2001)
! Fixed a lot of minor bugs
+ Commandline parameters (Exifer can be called with a file or directory)
+ Copying, moving and deleting of image files
* Redesigned Exif view
* "Tip of the day" is only available when using the German language
* Improved slideshow (with Exif window, lossless rotation)
* Improved a lot of other minor things
v1.0.14 beta (build 53) (09/11/2001)
! Fixed problems with Windows 95/98: The backup files haven't been moved
to the backup directory if they haven't been needed anymore
! Fixed a lot of minor bugs
+ Rename and redate
+ Lossless rotating
+ Slideshow
+ Toolbar
+ Support for English and German language
+ "Tip of the day" and "Hint" dialogs
+ "Insert from file" (*exi or *jpg) is also possible for all
selected files now, not only one file.
v1.0.13 beta (08/28/2001)
+ Export dialog allows customizing of separators and delimiters (screenshot).
+ Exif export of all JPEG files in subdirectories.
+ Improved behaviour when changing, deleting or adding files to the actual
displayed directory.
+ Option to display and export exif infos in raw format (for example '30/10'
instead of 'F2.8' for 'Max Aperture').
v1.0.12 beta (08/27/2001)
+ Options dialog (screenshot).
+ Customizable camera values for converting the focal length to an equivalent
value of analog cameras (screenshot).
+ The time stamp of an image file will be saved into the backup files
and can be restored optional.
+ Purging files in backup directory after a certain time period or when
the total size of files exceeds a certain value.
+ Customizable export of Exif values to a CSV file.
+ Customizable menu with programs for "open with" (screenshot).
+ Deleting exif backups.
+ Sizable preview image.
+ Drag and drop to other applications.
+ Several select commands.
* Many little things and many minor fixes.
v1.0.11 beta (08/22/2001)
! Fixed problems with bigger fonts.
v1.0.10 beta (08/22/2001)
! Fixed some minor bugs.
+ The date fields now can be changed for all selected files without changing
the time.
v1.0.9 beta (08/07/2001)
! Fixed problem with large JPEG files (for example panoramas with
about 15000 x 2000 pixels).
v1.0.8 beta (08/07/2001)
+ New replacemet dialog (screenshot).
+ Bookmarks for directories.
+ Hotkeys
! A lot of fixes of minor user interface bugs.
v1.0.7 beta (08/05/2001)
! Fixed all problems with tested cameras (see above) and hopefully with
all cameras in general.
! Improved the speed of reading a directory with picture files.
! "Load"-dialog had the default extension "exif".
Now it's "exi".
+ Moved all buttons to a menu.
+ The file list box has got a popup menu and a new column which shows
if a backup for the exif information exists.
+ The date fields and the user comment can be edited for all selected
files ("Exif | Edit...").
+ Reading/writing the user comments of all selected files from/to a file
"descript.ion". This is a hidden ASCII file which can be handled
among others by ACDSee.
+ Progress bar.
v1.0.6 beta (08/02/2001)
! Fixed wrong visual display of some exif values
! Enabled "Load" button when picture has no exif.
v1.0.5 beta (08/01/2001)
+ Turned it back to beta stadium
! Fixed crashes with the message "Format '%p' ung�ltig oder
nicht kompatibel mit
Argument" which occurred every time Exifer doesn't like a picture.
v1.0.4 (07/31/2001)
! Disabled temporary special camera notes (maker notes).
! Fixed bug which causes sometimes an error with Motorola align
pictures when adding user comments.
v1.0.3 (07/31/2001)
+ Setup dialog / deinstallation
v1.0.2 (07
! Reading images with motorola byte aligns (pictures taken with
Ricoh-, some Kodak-, Sony and other Cameras).
+ Editing of date and time fields.
+ Editing of user comment. |