Image of FFoI Silver Medal award from Bod Bia Bloom 2024

Members & Followers will know that we sent a small but highly talented delegation to Bord Bia Bloom in the Phoenix Park for the first time.

The team did an amazing job, and they (and their flowers!) were excellent ambassadors for Irish-grown cut flowers and foliage over the course of the June bank holiday weekend. So good were they, in fact, that the show judges saw fit to recognise their efforts with a Silver Award. We know they’re all Gold standard, of course, but we’re delighted with the result, especially for a first-time out.

From design and construction of the display to running the stand and delivering presentations on various stages, and managing the mayhem of the last few hours of Bloom, this event really showed the potential of what we can achieve as an organisation and we’re already looking forward to going back to the Phoenix Park again in 2025.

Our members are united by their passion for sustainable cut flower farming. This is reflected in the dedication, creativity, patience and respect for nature they bring to an industry sector worth over €97 million in 2023*.

Find your local flower farmer and let your floral arrangements tell a uniquely local story.

* Gardening Market Survey Full Year 2023 Management Report, Bord Bia, February 2024.