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Fisterra (2007)

Fisterra (2007) for the publication "A Lonxa de Fisterra" (Indeza, colección Atlante). From the supposed location of "Ara Solis", I could see the great sight which has moved people for so many centuries. Before the sun set, there was a long silence, a black line crossed the star and the clouds, ashamed, drew strange and peculiar shapes.


Fisterra (2007) para publicación "A Lonxa de Fisterra" (Indeza, colección Atlante). Desde a suposta situación do "Ara Solis", puiden ver o grande espectáculo que moveu durante séculos a tanta xente. Antes de desaparecer o sol, fíxose un gran silencio, unha banda negra cruzou o astro e as nubes avergoñadas tomaron formas extrañas e singulares.

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Uploaded on July 27, 2011
Taken on September 25, 2007