2018 Legislative Scorecard - House

Florida Health Care Association’s Legislative Scorecard reports on the Association’s 2018 priorities, which includes issues related to implementing a Prospective Payment System for nursing center Medicaid reimbursement, preserving Certificate of Need, Emergency Preparedness, and the Agency for Health Care Administration regulatory bill. A thumbs up or thumbs down indicates a legislative vote, positive or negative, on an FHCA priority. More than one thumbs up/thumbs down would indicate multiple votes on an issue (in committee, on the House/Senate floor or in the budget conference process, for example). Comments reference a legislator’s sponsorship/co-sponsorship of pro-long term care legislation, their voting record and overall support or non-support related to issues or bill(s) that impact the profession. If no action on an issue/bill was taken, the record is left blank.

House Legislation Reference Key

2018 House Scorecard


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