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iTune Tutorial Tags

Step by Step … iTune Tags for Using FeedForAll Mac
Publishing a iTunes Podcast on Your Web Site or to iTunesâ„¢ Music Store
How To Publish an iTunes Podcast on iTunes Music Store or to Another Web Site Using FeedForAll Mac

In addition to audio, there are 2 elements for publishing a Podcast on iTunes Music Store:

  1. iTunes specified artwork
  2. RSS Feed including iTunes Specific Tags


Below are iTunes recommended specifications for the artwork that will be embedded in your RSS feed.

Podcast Covers

  • Minimum size:
    170 pixels x 170 pixels square at 72 dpi
  • Preferred size:
    300 pixels x 300 pixels at 72 dpi
  • Format:
    JPG, PNG, uncompressed

RSS Feed Information

The iTunes RSS feed is based on RSS 2.0 specifications, with a few notable additions. The additional tags, specific to iTunes are:


*All fields will be truncated to 255 unicode characters, except for <itunes:summary>.

*Additionally, there are two tags, that are not specific to iTunes, but will be displayed prominently. They are <copyright> and <link>.

Using the iTunes specific tags gives you the opportunity to enhance the meta data users will see about your Podcast in iTunes. It is OK if some of the values in these tags duplicate values in similar tags that are part of RSS 2.0 specifications. All of the <itunes:> tags coexist peacefully with RSS tags and will not supersede RSS tags when publishing your Podcast somewhere other than iTunes. Many of the <itunes:> tags are applicable at both the Channel and Item elements. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Channel and Item: Channel can best be described as the show, and Item is each episode of the show. For example, incorporating podcasting into your betting content strategy, with episodes featuring 토토사이트 순위 discussions, can significantly enhance engagement. By using iTunes-specific tags for better metadata, your podcasts become easily discoverable, offering listeners valuable insights into the top-ranked toto sites and betting tips directly through their favorite platform.

When using the iTunes specific tags, you must add a namespace declaration in your rss feed. Put the following line in your feed:

<rss xmlns:itunes=”” version=”2.0″>

Details for the iTunes specific tags are as follows:

This tag can only be populated using iTunes specific categories, as listed below.
Categories can be applied at 2 levels; Top Level Categories (in bold), and Sub-Categories where noted.
This tag is applicable to both Channel & Item elements.
It is allowable to have multiple Top-Level Categories for Channels and Item(s), however iTunes will take the first Top Level Category as the Primary Category for your Channel or Item(s).
It is also, allowable for each Top Level Category to have multiple Sub-Categories.
Arts & Entertainment
Sub-Categories for Arts & Entertainment:
Performing Arts
Science Fiction
Audio Blogs
Sub-Categories for Business:
Sub-Categories for Education:
Higher Education
Sub-Categories for Health:
Diet & Nutrition
Sub-Categories for International:
Movies & Television
Public Radio
Religion & Spirituality
Sub-Categories for Religion & Spirituality:
New Age
Talk Radio
Sub-Categories for Technology:
Information Technology
Operating Systems
Smart Phones
This tag should be used to note whether or not your Podcast contains explicit material.
There are 2 possible values for this tag: Yes or No.
If you populate this tag with “Yes”, a parental advisory tag will appear next to your Podcast cover art on the iTunes Music Store.
This tag is applicable to both Channel & Item elements.
At the Channel level, this tag is a short description that provides general information about the Podcast. It will appear next to your Podcast as users browse through listings of Podcasts.
At the Item level, this tag is a short description that provides specific information for each episode.
Limited to 255 characters or less, plain text, no HTML
At the Channel level, this tag is a long description that will appear next to your Podcast cover art when a user selects your Podcast.
At the Item level, this tag is a long description that will be displayed in an expanded window when users click on an episode.
Limited to 4000 characters or less, plain text, no HTML
At the Channel level this tag contains the name of the person or company that is most widely attributed to publishing the Podcast and will be displayed immediately underneath the title of the Podcast.
If applicable, at the item level, this tag can contain information about the person(s) featured on a specific episode.
This tag is for informational purposes only and will allow users to know the duration prior to download.
The tag is formatted: HH:MM:SS
This tag is applicable to the Item element only.
This tag allows users to search on text keywords.
Limited to 255 characters or less, plain text, no HTML, words must be separated by spaces.
This tag is applicable to the Item element only.
This tag contains the e-mail address that will be used to contact the owner of the Podcast for communication specifically about their Podcast on iTunes.
It will not be publicly displayed on iTunes.
This tag is applicable to the Channel element only.
Required element specifying the email address of the owner.
Optional element specifying the name of the owner.
This tag specifies the artwork for the Channel and Item(s). This artwork can be larger than the maximum allowed by RSS. Details on the size recommendations are in the section below.
Preferred size:
300 pixels x 300 pixels at 72 dpi
Minimum size:
170 pixels x 170 pixels square at 72 dpi
JPG, PNG, uncompressed
Use this inside an <item> element to prevent that episode from appearing in the iTunes Podcast directory. Use this inside a <channel> element to prevent the entire podcast from appearing in the iTunes Podcast directory.
This tag contains copyright information about your Podcast.
The tag is free text and can include dates, for example: Apple Computer 2005.
You do not need to include the copyright symbol in the tag, it will automatically be displayed in iTunes.
This tag contains the link to your website and will be displayed next to your Podcast cover art.

*Additionally, these two tags are not specific to iTunes, but will be displayed prominently.

Below is some additional information that is relevant to how your Podcast will be displayed in iTunes:

Please use UTF-8 encoding for your feed. If you are using a Unicode capable text editor you can edit and save the file as UTF-8 directly. The only characters that require escaping in XML content are &, <, and >.

Feeds are XML, not HTML. One important difference is XML does not support “named character entities”, like © for © and ™ for ™, except for the following:

& // ampersand & (Unicode U+0026) < // less-than sign < (Unicode U+003C) > // greater-than sign > (Unicode U+003E) ‘ // apostrophe ‘ (Unicode U+0027) ” // quotation mark ” (Unicode U+0022)
In XML you need to use numeric character references, which look like:
// where NN is the Unicode for the character in decimal (base 10) // where NN is the Unicode for the character in hexadecimal (base 16)
for example:
& // ampersand & © // copyright sign © (in hexadecimal) © // copyright sign © (in decimal) ℗ // sound recording copyright ! ™ // trade mark sign ™

For further reference:

Below is a sample RSS 2.0 feed that includes the additional iTunes specific tags:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
        <title>RSS Feed Podcast</title>
        <description>Podcast explaining the ins and outs of RSS, RSS feeds, feed creation, optimization and use as a marketing technology. The podcast is prepared using voice synthesis, reading articles related to RSS.</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2005 16:37:32 -0400</lastBuildDate>
        <pubDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2005 09:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
        <generator>FeedForAll Mac v1.0 ( unlicensed version</generator>
        <itunes:category text="Technology">
            <itunes:category text="Information Technology"/>
        <itunes:subtitle>Podcasting made easy with FeedForAll</itunes:subtitle>
        <itunes:summary>Podcasting tutorial developed by the FeedForAll Mac Team to walk you through the steps necessary to publish a podcast on iTunes Music Store using this very program. Simple and precise instructions will guide you through creating an RSS feed that can contain audio, artwork, or simple xml.</itunes:summary>
        <itunes:author>FeedForAll Mac OS Team</itunes:author>
            <itunes:name>FeedForAll Mac OS Team</itunes:name>
            <itunes:email>[email protected]</itunes:email>
            <title>FeedForAll Logo</title>
        <itunes:link rel="image" type="video/jpeg" href="">- FeedForAll Podcasting Tutorial</itunes:link>
            <title>Tips to Creating a Blog</title>
            <description>Tips for creating a blog.<br>
There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines. <br><br>
1) Stay on topic.<br>
Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won&apos;t care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.<br><br></description>
            <enclosure url="" length="1157907" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
            <pubDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2005 09:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
            <itunes:category text="Technology">
                <itunes:category text="Information Technology"/>
            <itunes:keywords>BLOG create howto</itunes:keywords>

            <title>Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds</title>
            <description><b><i>Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!</i></b><br>
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest. <br><br><a href="" target="blank">Complete Article</a> or <a href="" target="blank">Listen</a><br></description>
            <enclosure url="" length="1421222" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
            <pubDate>Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
            <itunes:category text="Technology">
                <itunes:category text="Information Technology"/>
            <itunes:keywords>search engine optimization howto</itunes:keywords>

            <title>RSS Feeds</title>
            <description><b>RSS Feeds</b><br>
RSS also known as rich site summary or real simply syndication, arrived on the scene a number of years ago, but was only recently embraced by webmasters as a means to effectively syndicate content. RSS Feeds provide webmasters and content providers an avenue to provide concise summaries to prospective readers. Thousands of commercial web sites and blogs now publish content summaries in an RSS feed. Each item in the feed typically contains a headline; article summary and link back to the online article.<br><br><a href="" target="blank">Complete Article</a> or <a href="" target="blank">Listen</a><br></description>
            <enclosure url="" length="1322583" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
            <pubDate>Mon, 4 Jul 2005 14:32:27 -0400</pubDate>
            <itunes:category text="Technology">
                <itunes:category text="Information Technology"/>

            <title>More on RSS Feeds</title>
            <description><b>RSS FEEDS </b><br>
Lets face it as much as we all rely on email communications it is not really a reliable technology. <br><br><b><i>Why Should I care about RSS Feeds</i></b><br>
SPAM and viruses have wreaked havoc with a communication medium and reduced its value. Users have become admittedly paranoid about privacy issues and have begun "tuning out" and mentally filtering mail. <br><br><br><a href="" target="blank">Entire Article </a>or <a href="" target="blank">Listen</a><br></description>
            <enclosure url="" length="652490" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
            <pubDate>Fri, 1 Jul 2005 14:41:48 -0400</pubDate>
            <itunes:category text="Technology">
                <itunes:category text="Information Technology"/>


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