What's On
Photo of three people in a doorway at Wrest Park in the winter

What's On

Feel great at our unmissable historic events taking place this winter.

Channel your inner Queen Charlotte (Bridgerton) or Lady Diana (The Crown) in a fascinating behind-the-scenes tour of filming spots at Wrest Park.

Go deep underground into the tunnels of Dover Castle and discover the Dumpy level.

And enjoy staff-led guided tours of Bolsover Castle and Osborne to delve into the stories and secrets of these historic sites.

English Heritage members enjoy free or discounted entry to events - join today to unlock a whole year of great days out.

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Filming Tour and Bridgerton Afternoon Tea

Channel your inner Queen Charlotte or Lady Diana in this fascinating behind-the-scenes tour of filming spots at Wrest Park.

Featured in a range of TV series including The Crown, Antiques Roadshow and the Netflix hit Bridgerton, Wrest Park has been the backdrop for some of TV's most dramatic moments.

Book tickets

Dumpy Level Tunnel Tour

Go deep underground at Dover Castle and discover the Dumpy level on a special guided tunnel tour.

In the early 1960s the Government selected Dover Castle as one of 12 Regional Seats of Government to be occupied in the event of nuclear war. The heart of this was in Dumpy level and this tour presents an ideal opportunity to view the tunnels as they were when they were abandoned in the late 1980s.

Find out more
Photo of the entrance to the Little Castle at Bolsover Castle on a sunny day

Guided Tours of Bolsover's Little Castle

Discover the enchanting Little Castle with our staff-led guided tours this winter. Join us every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 11am and 1pm for an engaging exploration of the castle’s rich history and hidden gems.

Find out more
Photo of two historical interpreters in Victorian clothing showing a visitor a painting of Queen Victoria and family in Osborne House

Winter Guided Tours at Osborne

Join us this winter for an extraordinary journey through time as you step into the grandeur of Osborne, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's beloved royal residence.

During these special guided tours, you'll have the unique opportunity to delve deep into the stories and secrets of Osborne’s royal household.

Book now and save
Image supporting the Million and More appeal - shows a conservator examining a collection object

Million and More Appeal

More than 85% of our collections are protected within stores across the country, that's more than a million historic objects. Every piece in our collections tells a story about England's past and helps us to understand our present. We care for these objects to safeguard the stories that define who we are and to ensure they last for future generations. 

We urgently need your help to protect these stories and stop them being lost forever. 

Donate today


  • Top 5 things to do in January

    This January, we’ve got plenty of ideas to help inspire your visits. Make the most of the season with a visit to our winter gardens, revive a medieval tradition and discover the highlights of our collection.

  • Things to do on a rainy day

    If you're looking for rainy-day ideas, we have plenty of historic places in which the family can hide, play and enjoy a great day out, whatever the weather may have in store.

  • Become a member

    As an English Heritage member you can delve far deeper into our history. Join today to get unlimited access to the spectacular places where history really happened.