;;; eyedropper.el --- Pick foreground and background colors at cursor or pointer.
;; Filename: eyedropper.el
;; Description: Pick foreground and background colors at cursor or pointer.
;; Author: Drew Adams
;; Maintainer: Drew Adams (concat "drew.adams" "@" "oracle" ".com")
;; Copyright (C) 2006-2018, Drew Adams, all rights reserved.
;; Created: Fri Jun 23 08:07:15 2006
;; Version: 0
;; Package-Requires: ((hexrgb "0"))
;; Last-Updated: Mon Jan 1 11:15:31 2018 (-0800)
;; By: dradams
;; Update #: 200
;; URL: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/eyedropper.el
;; Doc URL: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CustomizingFaces
;; Keywords: color, rgb, hsv, hexadecimal, face, frame
;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs: 20.x, 21.x, 22.x, 23.x, 24.x, 25.x, 26.x
;; Features that might be required by this library:
;; `hexrgb'.
;;; Commentary:
;; Use the commands defined here to examine or save the background or
;; foreground color at the text cursor or the mouse pointer.
;; After using commands `eyedrop-pick-background-*' or
;; `eyedrop-pick-foreground-*', the picked color is saved in variable
;; `eyedrop-picked-background' or `eyedrop-picked-foreground',
;; respectively.
;; If you have Emacs 22 or later, all of the functionality provided
;; here, and much more, is provided in library `palette.el'. Use
;; library `eyedropper' instead of `palette.el' if either of these
;; applies:
;; * You do not want to use the color palette itself. You want only
;; the functionality provided by `eyedropper.el'.
;; * Your Emacs version is older than Emacs 22 (`palette.el' requires
;; 22 or later).
;; If you load `palette.el', there is no reason to also load
;; `eyedropper.el'. However, if for some reason you do load both
;; `palette.el' and `eyedropper.el' then load `palette.el' second, so
;; that its definitions will override those provided in
;; `eyedropper.el', providing additional functionality for the color
;; palette.
;; To use this library:
;; Add this to your initialization file (~/.emacs or ~/_emacs):
;; (require 'eyedropper) ; Load this library.
;; You will also need my library `hexrgb.el'; it is loaded
;; automatically by `eyedropper.el'. Get it here:
;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/hexrgb.el.
;; Commands defined here:
;; `background-color', `eyedrop-background-at-mouse',
;; `eyedrop-background-at-point', `eyedrop-foreground-at-mouse',
;; `eyedrop-foreground-at-point', `eyedropper-background',
;; `eyedropper-foreground', `eyedrop-pick-background-at-mouse',
;; `eyedrop-pick-background-at-point',
;; `eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-mouse',
;; `eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-point', `foreground-color',
;; `pick-background-color', `pick-foreground-color'.
;; Non-interactive functions defined here:
;; `eyedrop-color-message', `eyedrop-face-at-point', `keywordp'.
;; Internal variables defined here:
;; `eyedrop-last-picked-color', `eyedrop-picked-background',
;; `eyedrop-picked-foreground'.
;;; Change Log:
;; 2015/05/09 dadams
;; eyedrop-(background|foreground)-at-point: Reverse params to and in last let clause.
;; 2013/11/15 dadams
;; eyedrop-(fore|back)ground-at-point: Return nil if unspecified-(fg|bg).
;; 2012/08/12 dadams
;; eyedrop-(background|foreground)-at-mouse: Ignore a switch-frame event.
;; 2011/01/04 dadams
;; Added autoload cookies for commands.
;; 2007/10/11 dadams
;; eyedrop-(back|fore)ground-at-(mouse|point),
;; eyedrop-pick-(back|fore)ground-at-(mouse|point), pick-(back|fore)ground-color:
;; Added optional MSG-P arg (instead of interactive-p).
;; 2006/07/28 dadams
;; eyedrop-face-at-point: Use car, not caar, for (*-color . "...") test.
;; 2006/06/25 dadams
;; Added: eyedrop-last-picked-color. Set it whenever set picked fg or bg.
;; 2006/06/24 dadams
;; Added: keywordp (for Emacs 20), eyedrop-face-at-point.
;; eyedrop-(back|fore)ground-at-point: Use eyedrop-face-at-point also.
;; 2006/06/23 dadams
;; Created.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Code:
(require 'hexrgb) ;; hexrgb-hex-to-rgb, hexrgb-rgb-to-hsv
(defvar eyedrop-picked-background nil
"Color last picked from a face or frame background.
You can use `eyedrop-pick-background-at-point' or
`eyedrop-pick-background-at-mouse' to pick the color.")
(defvar eyedrop-picked-foreground nil
"Color last picked from a face or frame foreground.
You can use `eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-point' or
`eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-mouse' to pick the color.")
(defvar eyedrop-last-picked-color nil
"Color last picked from a face or frame foreground or background.")
;; This is built-in in Emacs 21; not defined before Emacs 21.
(unless (fboundp 'keywordp)
(defun keywordp (object)
"Return t if OBJECT is a keyword.
This means that it is a symbol with a print name beginning with `:'
interned in the initial obarray."
(and (symbolp object) (string-match "^:" (symbol-name object)) t)))
(defun eyedrop-color-message (color)
"Display information about COLOR as a message."
(let* ((rgb (hexrgb-hex-to-rgb color))
(hsv (apply #'hexrgb-rgb-to-hsv rgb)))
(message (format "Color: %s, RGB: %s, HSV: %s" color rgb hsv)))
color) ; Return it.
(defun eyedrop-background-at-mouse (event &optional msg-p)
"Return the background color under the mouse pointer.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "e\np")
;; Emacs bug on Windows: Get extra, pending event, so discard it.
(while (input-pending-p) (discard-input))
;; Ignore `switch-frame' events.
(when (and (consp event) (eq (event-basic-type (car event)) 'switch-frame))
(setq event (read-event)))
(set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
(mouse-set-point event)
(let ((bg (eyedrop-background-at-point)))
(when msg-p (if bg (eyedrop-color-message bg) (message "No background color here")))
(defun eyedrop-foreground-at-mouse (event &optional msg-p)
"Return the foreground color under the mouse pointer.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "e\np")
;; Emacs bug on Windows: Get extra, pending event, so discard it.
(while (input-pending-p) (discard-input))
;; Ignore `switch-frame' events.
(when (and (consp event) (eq (event-basic-type (car event)) 'switch-frame))
(setq event (read-event)))
(set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
(mouse-set-point event)
(let ((fg (eyedrop-foreground-at-point)))
(when msg-p (if fg (eyedrop-color-message fg) (message "No foreground color here")))
;; RMS added this function to Emacs (23) as `face-at-point'.
(defun eyedrop-face-at-point ()
"Return the face under the text cursor.
If there is more than one face, return the first one.
Return nil if there is no face at point."
(let* ((faceprop (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
(get-char-property (point) 'face)
(face (cond ((symbolp faceprop) faceprop)
;; List of faces (don't treat an attribute spec).
;; Just use the first face.
((and (consp faceprop) (not (keywordp (car faceprop)))
(not (memq (car faceprop) '(foreground-color background-color))))
(car faceprop))
(t nil)))) ; Invalid face value.
(if (facep face) face nil)))
;; RMS added this function to Emacs (23) as `background-color-at-point'.
(defalias 'background-color 'eyedrop-background-at-point)
(defun eyedrop-background-at-point (&optional msg-p)
"Return the background color under the text cursor.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "p")
;; `eyedrop-face-at-point' alone is not sufficient. It only gets named faces.
;; Need also pick up any face properties that are not associated with named faces.
(let* ((face (or (eyedrop-face-at-point)
(get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
(get-char-property (point) 'face)))
(bg (cond ((and face (symbolp face))
(condition-case nil
(face-background face nil 'default) ; Emacs 22+.
(error (or (face-background face) ; Emacs 20
(cdr (assq 'background-color (frame-parameters)))))))
((consp face)
(cond ((memq 'background-color face)
(cdr (memq 'background-color face)))
((memq ':background face)
(cadr (memq ':background face)))))
(t nil))) ; Invalid face value.
(bg (and (not (member bg '("unspecified-fg" "unspecified-bg"))) bg)))
(when msg-p
(if bg (eyedrop-color-message bg) (message "No background color here")))
;; RMS added this function to Emacs (23) as `foreground-color-at-point'.
(defalias 'foreground-color 'eyedrop-foreground-at-point)
(defun eyedrop-foreground-at-point (&optional msg-p)
"Return the foreground color under the text cursor.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "p")
;; `eyedrop-face-at-point' alone is not sufficient. It only gets named faces.
;; Need also pick up any face properties that are not associated with named faces.
(let* ((face (or (eyedrop-face-at-point)
(get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
(get-char-property (point) 'face)))
(fg (cond ((and face (symbolp face))
(condition-case nil
(face-foreground face nil 'default) ; Emacs 22+.
(error (or (face-foreground face) ; Emacs 20
(cdr (assq 'foreground-color (frame-parameters)))))))
((consp face)
(cond ((memq 'foreground-color face)
(cdr (memq 'foreground-color face)))
((memq ':foreground face)
(cadr (memq ':foreground face)))))
(t nil))) ; Invalid face value.
(fg (and (not (member fg '("unspecified-fg" "unspecified-bg"))) fg)))
(when msg-p
(if fg (eyedrop-color-message fg) (message "No foreground color here")))
(defun eyedrop-pick-background-at-mouse (event &optional msg-p)
"Pick background of face or frame at character under the mouse pointer.
Save the background color in `eyedrop-picked-background' and
`eyedrop-last-picked-color'. Return the picked color.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "e\np")
(setq eyedrop-picked-background (eyedrop-background-at-mouse event)
eyedrop-last-picked-color eyedrop-picked-background)
(unless (stringp eyedrop-picked-background) (error "No background color here to pick"))
(when msg-p (eyedrop-color-message eyedrop-picked-background))
(defun eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-mouse (event &optional msg-p)
"Pick foreground of face or frame at character under the mouse pointer.
Save the foreground color in `eyedrop-picked-foreground' and
`eyedrop-last-picked-color'. Return the picked color.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "e\np")
(setq eyedrop-picked-foreground (eyedrop-foreground-at-mouse event)
eyedrop-last-picked-color eyedrop-picked-foreground)
(unless (stringp eyedrop-picked-foreground) (error "No foreground color here to pick"))
(when msg-p (eyedrop-color-message eyedrop-picked-foreground))
(defalias 'eyedropper-background 'eyedrop-pick-background-at-point)
(defalias 'pick-background-color 'eyedrop-pick-background-at-point)
(defun eyedrop-pick-background-at-point (&optional msg-p)
"Pick background of face or frame at character at text cursor (point).
Save the background color in `eyedrop-picked-background' and
`eyedrop-last-picked-color'. Return the picked color.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "p")
(setq eyedrop-picked-background (eyedrop-background-at-point)
eyedrop-last-picked-color eyedrop-picked-background)
(unless (stringp eyedrop-picked-background) (error "No background color here to pick"))
(when msg-p (eyedrop-color-message eyedrop-picked-background))
(defalias 'eyedropper-foreground 'eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-point)
(defalias 'pick-foreground-color 'eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-point)
(defun eyedrop-pick-foreground-at-point (&optional msg-p)
"Pick foreground of face or frame at character at text cursor (point).
Save the foreground color in `eyedrop-picked-foreground' and
`eyedrop-last-picked-color'. Return the picked color.
Non-nil optional arg MSG-P means display an informative message."
(interactive "p")
(setq eyedrop-picked-foreground (eyedrop-foreground-at-point)
eyedrop-last-picked-color eyedrop-picked-foreground)
(unless (stringp eyedrop-picked-foreground) (error "No foreground color here to pick"))
(when msg-p (eyedrop-color-message eyedrop-picked-foreground))
(provide 'eyedropper)
;;; eyedropper.el ends here