Climate change

Analysis of the science, politics and economics of the climate

Latest stories

A girl looks on as seawater floods into her home on Nyangai Island, Sierra Leone

The sea is swallowing an African island

In Sierra Leone, adjusting to a warmer climate is getting harder

Solar panels installed on the roof of a building at Skardu in Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan region.

Cheap solar power is sending electrical grids into a death spiral

Pakistan and South Africa provide a warning for other countries

wind turbines operate in Serra da Babilonia in Morro do Chapeu, Bahia state, Brazil.

Brazil’s ragged finances are holding back its green ambitions

The transformation of its largest private port has lessons for the country’s aspirations

The Arctic: climate change’s great economic opportunity

An enormous prize is on offer. When might it be grasped?

Why don’t more countries import their electricity? 

The economics make sense, but the geopolitics are nerve-racking

To make electricity cheaper and greener, connect the world’s grids

Less than 3% of the world’s power is internationally traded—a huge wasted opportunity


 Firefighters battle the Eaton fire in strong winds

Much of the damage from the LA fires could have been averted

The lesson of the tragedy is that better incentives will keep people safe

People wade through a flooded street during heavy rain in Chennai, India

Smarter incentives would help India adapt to climate change

It is the biggest test case for how hot, hard-up countries can cope

Trees planted in the Taklamakan Desert to control sand movement

Will China’s “green Great Wall” save it from encroaching sands?

A big part of it has just been completed. Its effect is hotly debated

Deforestation is costing Brazilian farmers millions

Without trees to circulate moisture, the land is getting hotter and drier

Business and finance

TVs on seat backs in a plane.

Carbon emissions from tourism are rising disproportionately fast

The industry is failing to make itself greener

An illustration showing the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy and the costs associated with it.

The energy transition will be much cheaper than you think

Most analysts overestimate energy demand and underestimate technological advances

 A worker uses a torch to cut steel pipes near the coal-powered Datang International Zhangjiakou Power Station

King coal is dirty, dangerous—and far from dead

Rumours of its rapid demise have been greatly exaggerated

Big oil may be softening its stance on climate-change regulation

ExxonMobil’s boss wants America to stick with the Paris accord

Science and data

The rising Earth is about five degrees above the lunar horizon.

Global warming is speeding up. Another reason to think about geoengineering

Reducing sulphur emissions saves lives. But it could also be hastening planetary warming

Sun glint on the Caspian Sea.

Earth is warming faster. Scientists are closing in on why

Paradoxically, cleaner emissions from ships and power plants are playing a role


What has four stomachs and could change the world?

Technology is transforming cattle farming, but not fast enough

The Caspian Sea is shrinking rapidly

This has big implications for Russia, which has come to rely on Central Asian ports

Latest coverage

Middle East & Africa

The sea is swallowing an African island

In Sierra Leone, adjusting to a warmer climate is getting harder


The rise of the Net-Zero Dad

Middle-aged men care less about the problem. But they love the solution 

Finance & economics

The Arctic: climate change’s great economic opportunity

An enormous prize is on offer. When might it be grasped?

Graphic detail

Which parts of the world are becoming more prone to wildfires?

Two maps explain why fire seasons are lasting longer and becoming more dangerous


Much of the damage from the LA fires could have been averted

The lesson of the tragedy is that better incentives will keep people safe

United States

How will calamity change Los Angeles?

Short-sighted policies amplified the destruction. Will LA–and California–learn from their mistakes?

Graphic detail

How to make sense of 2024’s wild temperatures

Our climate team highlight four charts and two maps

United States

Los Angeles against the flames

Always vulnerable, the city is increasingly susceptible to fire

The Americas

Failure to prepare for climate change is costing Honduras dear

Weeks after the most recent storm, the country is still in emergency mode


Smarter incentives would help India adapt to climate change

It is the biggest test case for how hot, hard-up countries can cope


How 1.4bn Indians are adapting to climate change

As heat, floods and drought get worse, people are getting creative


Britons brace themselves for more floods

A warming planet is making a soggy island soggier