
China's new-generation ice-breaking research vessel delivered

2024-06-25 08:19:13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
China's new-generation ice-breaking research vessel Ji Di is officially named and delivered in Nansha district, Guangzhou in South China’s Guangdong Province on June 24, 2024. (Photo/Screenshot from China Central Television)

China's new-generation ice-breaking research vessel Ji Di is officially named and delivered in Nansha district, Guangzhou in South China’s Guangdong Province on June 24, 2024. (Photo/Screenshot from China Central Television)

China's new-generation ice-breaking research vessel Ji Di was officially named and delivered on Monday, contributing to improving China's marine disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities. 

The research vessel was formally named and delivered in Nansha district, Guangzhou in South China’s Guangdong Province on Monday, and is expected to assume the research duties in the second half of 2024, China Central Television (CCTV) reported. 

The Ji Di is affiliated with the North Sea Bureau of China’s Ministry of Natural Resources, and represents a new-generation ice-breaking research vessel designed and developed independently by Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited, a subsidiary of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited (CSSC).

With an overall length of 89.95 meters, a beam of 17.8 meters and a design speed of 15 nautical miles per hour, the Ji Di is capable of worldwide navigation. 

The vessel has 4,600 tons of total displacement and a range of 14,000 nautical miles allowing it to guarantee 80 days of operation at sea for 60 people with a single replenishment.

Chief designer, Cai Ruimou, told CCTV that during the summer, the Ji Di is able to conduct polar and deep-sea surveys, while during the winter it can navigate the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea to break the ice and carry out monitoring on the marine environment of the ice area, measurement of seawater, as well as rescue missions in icy areas.

Following delivery, it will focus on comprehensive investigation, observation and research tasks involving the conditions of polar oceans, sea ice and atmosphere, due to it possessing  comprehensive marine observation and sampling capabilities, which will help to strengthen China's marine disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities, CCTV reported.

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