PLEASE NOTE: My website was hacked and it's now kind of back except for images; I'm in the process of switching hosts, so I'm not going to fix things here -- so pardon my dust for another week! And if you visited any time recently, nope... I did not start a casino in the meantime! But I do feel like I unlocked a life achievement by finally getting attacked by the Internet Overlords.

Writing and strategizing in higher education since 2002


years experience in higher education


colleges and universities served as freelancer or contractor


web content and digital marketing projects since 2015


speaking engagements in higher ed and publishing


publications in trade and consumer media

We all have stories.

Telling stories across industries and platforms for two decades.

No matter where my career has taken me, people, stories, and community have been at the heart of what I do, from local radio & alt-weeklies in the pre-digital age to trade school admissions and from ecommerce for SMB to higher ed content and digital strategy.

illustration of handshake and heart above
Storytelling With Heart

Thought-provoking profiles and features for alumni magazines, trade journals & general interest publications, print or digital. (illustration: Sara Boccaccini Meadows).

Strategic & Compelling Content

Higher ed content strategy and writing for web redevelopment projects, plus copywriting services for digital campaigns and print publications.

Engaging Talks & Workshops

Engaging talks on content marketing, storytelling for leaders, online publishing, and more; plus web content strategy and writing-for-the-web workshops for campus teams.

Latest Blog Posts

Latest Project: Writing Craft Anthology is Out in the World!

Getting the Truth: The Craft and Practice of Creative Nonfiction, edited by Rae Pagliarulo and Donna Talarico (Books by Hippocampus; August 2021), features craft essays from 22 brilliant, savvy creative nonfiction writers and publishing professionals. It’s the perfect companion for anyone who wants to write true stories.

cover of getting to the truth the craft and practice of creative nonfiction