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"url_eng": "", "tags": ""},{"filename":"null", "dataSize": "null", "dbFile": "null", "dbFile2": "null", "href": "null", "href2": "null", "shortTitle": "Anmeldeformular für Übernachtungsanfragen im DESY Hostel auf dem Campus Zeuthen", "shortTitle_eng": "Registration Form for Accomodation Request in DESY Hostel on the Zeuthen campus site", "title": "Hostel Anfrageformular Zeuthen", "title_eng": "Hostel Request Form Zeuthen", "category": "Gäste und internationale Kollegen", "url": "", "url_eng": "", "tags": ""},{"filename":"null", "dataSize": "null", "dbFile": "null", "dbFile2": "null", "href": "null", "href2": "null", "shortTitle": "Um Hilfe bei der Wohnungssuche beim DESY Housing Service zu beantragen, müssen Sie ein Antragsformular einreichen.", "shortTitle_eng": "To apply for help searching for housing with the DESY Housing Service, you will need to submit an application form", "title": "Antragsformular für eine Unterkunft", "title_eng": "Housing Application Form", "category": "Gäste 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