FastTalker  is an audio recorder for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

It's designed for quick recordings, you can choose durations of 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds.

With a single tap you can start recording and your audio is recorded and saved for you - there's no need to tap a stop button. It's perfect for quickly capturing thoughts on the go.

You can also conveniently send the saved recordings by email.


Recording (iPhone)  Saved Talks (iPhone)Setttings (iPhone)  Main Screen (iPad)
FastTalker main screenshot

  • Tap the Record button to begin recording
  • Choose "Start Recording On Launch" to start without needing to tap the button
  • Tap the Talks button to bring up the list of recorded talks
  • Click the play button on a talk to play it back
  • Select a talk to email it

  • [email protected]

    If you encounter a bug or other problem, or need help using FastTalker.
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