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Painless Shopping

  1. corner shop
    26 Cheap (But Expensive-Looking) Throw Pillows and Covers for Every Type of RoomIncluding a macramé pillow for the ’70s conversation pit and a giant stuffed baby seal.
  2. corner shop
    50 Cheap (But Expensive-Looking) Kitchen AccentsIncluding an Umbra soap pump, linen napkins, and a vintage timer.
  3. curbed catalogue
    15 Especially Well Designed Bedside LampsWe asked designer Ming Thompson to share her favorites across all price points.
  4. the online thrifter
    How to Shop for Furniture on InstagramBusiness is booming for the city’s vintage-store owners and amateur thrifters who are using their Instagram accounts to sell secondhand housewares.
  5. painless shopping
    This Etsy Shop Sells Some Extremely Nice LampsAt a fraction of the price they would be anywhere else.
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