The following are a series of tutorials I am developing geared towards development with OpenCV. For each tutorial there is a powerpoint presentation (eventually PDFs) and, in many cases, the source code covering the topic addressed in the tutorial. I have just started working on these (as of December 2005) so they are surely not in their final forms. I also welcome any feedback.

I also came a across a tutorial written by Jerome Landre on using the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and OpenCV under GNU Linux. In addition to the install directions for the packages there are a few sample programs. The document can be downloaded from me at ws9k or through sourceforge.


This is a mirror of the site where I actually keep track of these tutorials. While the tutorial PDFs, sources, and images are all local to the CS webserver, the powerpoints were too much for my quota and are linked to my own website at I put this up as a backup in case I get bored running my site or it is down for some reason or another. -gsp

Tutorial I: Using OpenCV with Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2003

An introduction to configuring Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2003 for use with OpenCV. The source code demonstrates how to create an image and write text to it. Note: You may need to add the OpenCV bin directory to your path.

Tutorial I pdf Source

Tutorial II: Loading Images and Using Histograms

Shows how to load an image, specify a region of that image, calculate the histogram, and calculate some simple statistical measures based on that histogram.

Tutorial II pdf Source Image

Tutorial III: Image Correlation

Shows basic usage of the cvMatchTemplate function. Also goes through usage of cvGetSubRect, which is a pretty popular topic based on my hits from search engine keywords.

Tutorial III pdf Source Image

Tutorial IV: A Brief Guide to Memory Management

This tutorial goes through how to create and destory some of the basic OpenCV structures.

Tutorial IV ppt pdf

Tutorial V: An Introduction to HighGUI

This tutorial discusses some of the basic HighGUI functionality including the usage of trackbars.

Tutorial V pdf Source