MATERIAL �(supplements whiteboard) |
Tu-Jan 14
PBMIS overview
Th-Jan 16
1. Basic dynamics
2. Numerical integration
Tu-Jan 21
No class. Read SIGGRAPH course notes.
1. Constraints
& stabilization
2. Collision detection
- Recap of Baraff & Witkin reading
- Constrained Dynamics
- Any introductory text on Lagrangian
mechanics, e.g., Goldstein or Marion & Thornton.
- Comment on Baumgarte stabilization (whiteboard)
- Ming
Lin's course notes on collision detection:
- Collision
Detection: Basics & Convex Polyhedra
- D. P. Dobkin and D. G. Kirkpatrick. Determining the
separation of preprocessed polyhedra: a unified approach. In Proc.
17th Int. Colloq. Automata, Languages, and Programming, Lect. Notes in
Comput. Sci., vol. 443, Springer-Verlag, pages 400--413, 1990.
Interactive and Exact Collision Detection for Large-Scale Environments,
by Cohen, Lin, Manocha & Ponamgi, Proc. of ACM Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics, 1995.�
- A Fast Procedure for
Computing the Distance between Objects in Three-Dimensional Space, by
G. Gilbert, D. W. Johnson, and S. S. Keerthi, In IEEE Transaction of
Robotics and Automation, Vol. RA-4:193--203, 1988.
- Matthew
Moore , Jane Wilhelms, Collision
detection and response for computer animation, SIGGRAPH 88.
- Brian
Mirtich, V-Clip:
fast and robust polyhedral collision detection, ACM Transactions on
Graphics (TOG), v.17 n.3, p.177-208, July 1998
- Fast Penetration Depth
Computation For Physically-based Animation,Young J. Kim, Miguel
A. Otaduy, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on
Computer Animation. pp. 23-32, 2002.
- Collision
Detection: BVHs & Spatial Partitioning
- Interactive
Collision Detection, by P. M. Hubbard, Proc. of IEEE Symp on
Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1993. (aka Sphere Trees--good
deformable objects)
- Efficient
collision detection using bounding volume hierarchies of k-dops, by
J. Klosowski, M. Held, J. S. B. Mitchell, H. Sowizral, and K. Zikan,
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 4(1):21--37, 1998.
- Collision
Detection between Geometric Models: A Survey, by M. Lin and S.
Gottschalk, Proc. of IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces
- OBB-Tree: A
Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection, by S.
Gottschalk, M. Lin and D. Manocha, Proc. of ACM Siggraph, 1996.
- Rapid and
Accurate Contact Determination between Spline Models using ShellTrees,
by S. Krishnan, M. Gopi, M. Lin, D. Manocha and A. Pattekar, Proc. of
Eurographics 1998.
- Other references
- John
M. Snyder , Adam R. Woodbury , Kurt Fleischer ,
Bena Currin , Alan H. Barr, Interval
methods for multi-point collisions between time-dependent curved
surfaces, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 93, p.321-334, September 1993.
(Check out the "Fruit Tracing" example... with a lobster!).
- John M. Snyder, An
interactive tool for placing curved surfaces without interpenetration,Proceedings
of ACM SIGGRAPH 95, p.209-218,
September 1995.
- Collision detection software: Google
section; UNC
gamma software
Assignment #1
- Constrained Particle
Systems (Due Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003)
- Submit your
write-up, code and videos in your directory
Tu-Jan 28
Introduction to rigid body dynamics
- Recap of Baraff & Witkin reading
- Brief
slide comments (ppt)
- References:
- Goldstein, H., Classical
Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1983.
- Featherstone, R., Robot Dynamics
Algorithms, Kluwer, Boston, 1987.
- R. M.
Murray, Z. Li, and S. S. Sastry, A Mathematical Introduction to
Robotic Manipulation, CRC Press, first edition, 1994. (See Chapter
- Software:�
- See Jeff Trinkle's page
on multibody dynamics. Includes a nice survey of simulation packages
Th-Jan 30
Rigid body dynamics
and contact
- Class
slides (ppt)
- References: (see also those from last class)
- David
Baraff, Curved
surfaces and coherence for non-penetrating rigid body simulation,
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 94, Volume 24 ,� Issue 4 �(August 1990).
- David Baraff, Fast
contact force computation for nonpenetrating rigid bodies, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH
94, p.23-34, July 1994.
- Brian Mirtich
, John Canny, Impulse-based
simulation of rigid bodies, Proceedings of the 1995 symposium on
Interactive 3D graphics, p.181-ff., April 09-12, 1995, Monterey,
California, United States.
- Brian Mirtich, Timewarp
rigid body simulation, SIGGRAPH 2000, pp. 193-200, ACM SIGGRAPH,
- Paul
G. Kry and Dinesh K. Pai, Continuous
Contact Simulation for Smooth Surfaces, Transactions on Graphics,
Vol 22, No 1, January, 2003.
- References
on fast multibody forward dynamics algorithms:
- Featherstone, R., Robot
Dynamics Algorithms, Kluwer, Boston, 1987.
- D.
Baraff. Linear-time
dynamics using Lagrange multipliers. ACM SIGGRAPH 96, 137-146,
- U. M.
Ascher, D. K. Pai and B. Cloutier, Forward
Dynamics, Elimination Methods, and Formulation Stiffness in Robot
Simulation. International Journal of Robotics Research, 16:6, pp.
749--758, December 97.
- Fran�ois Faure, Fast Iterative
Refinement of Articulated Solid Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5(3), pp. 268-276, 1999.�
- U. Ascher and P. Lin, Sequential
Regularization Methods for simulating mechanical systems with many
closed loops,�SIAM J. Scient.
Comput. 21, 1244-1262, 1999.
- Interesting applications:
- Karl
Sims, Evolving virtual creatures, Proceedings
of ACM SIGGRAPH 94, p.15-22, July 1994.
- Stephen Chenney, D. A.
Forsyth, Sampling
Plausible Solutions to Multi-Body Constraint Problems, Proceedings
of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000. pp. 219-228, 2000.
- Jovan Popović, Steven M.
Michael Erdmann, Zoran Popović, Andrew P. Witkin, Interactive
Manipulation of Rigid Body Simulations, Proceedings
of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, pp. 209-218, 2000.
Tu-Feb 4
- Class slides (ppt)
- References:
- Any text on (nonlinear) elasticity,
- Ogden, R.W., Non-Linear Elastic
- Atkin, R.J. & Fox, N., An
Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity
- Fung, Y.C., Foundations of Solid
- Timoshenko,
S.P. & Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity
- Boundary integral formulation; Boundary
element method (BEM)
Th-Feb 6
1. Elastostatic Green's functions
2. Capacitance Matrix Algorithm
- Black-box (data-driven) introduction to linear
elastostatic models.
- Class
slides (ppt)
- Slide references:
- D. James and D. K. Pai, ArtDefo, Accurate
Real Time Deformable Objects, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 99,
Annual Conference Series,�pp. 65--72, August 1999.
- D. James and D. K. Pai, A Unified Treatment
of Elastostatic and Rigid Contact Simulation for Real Time Haptics,
Haptics-e, the Electronic Journal of Haptics Research, Vol.2, No. 1,
September 2001. �(Defines Capacitance
Matrix Algorithm using discretization-abstracted Green's functions;
notation as in class)
- Other deformable references:�
- Morten Bro-Nielsen, Stephane
Cotin, Real-time
Volumetric Deformable Models for Surgery Simulation using Finite
Elements and Condensation, Computer Graphics Forum, 1996.
- St�phane Cotin,
Herv� Delingette, Nicholas Ayache, Real-time
elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation, IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5 (1), 62-73, 1999.
- Jeffrey Berkley et al., Banded
Matrix Approach to Finite Element Modeling for Soft Tissue Simulation,
Virtual Reality: Research, Development,� and Application,
4:203-212, 1999. (webpage)
- Low-rank updating references:
- William W. Hager, Updating the inverse of a
matrix, SIAM Review, 31, 221--239, 1989.
Tu-Feb 11
Deformable models in graphics
- Survey of selected formative works on
- Class
slides (ppt)
- References:
- Some geometric deformation refs:
- Alan H. Barr, Global
and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives, Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 84). 18(3), pp. 21-30, 1984.
- Thomas W. Sederberg, Scott R. Parry, Free-Form
Deformation of Solid Geometric Models, Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 86). 20(4), pp. 151-160, 1986.
- Sabine Coquillart, Extended
Free-Form Deformation: A Sculpturing Tool for 3D Geometric Modeling,Computer
Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 90). 24(4), pp. 187-196, 1990.
- William M. Hsu, John F. Hughes, Henry
Kaufman, Direct
manipulation of free-form deformations, Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 92). 26(2), pp. 177-184, 1992.
- Ron MacCracken and Kenneth I. Joy. Free-form
deformations with lattices of arbitrary topology. ACM SIGGRAPH 96,
pages 181–188. ACM Press, 1996.
- Karan Singh, Eugene L. Fiume, Wires:
A Geometric Deformation Technique, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98. pp.
405-414, 1998.
- Some physically based deformation refs:
- Terzopoulos, D., Platt, J., Barr, A., and
Fleischer, K., Elastically
Deformable Models, ACM SIGGRAPH 87, 205-214, 1987.�
- John C. Platt, Alan H. Barr, Constraint
methods for flexible models, ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, June
- Demetri Terzopoulos, Andrew Witkin, Physically
Based Models with Rigid and Deformable Components, IEEE Computer
Graphics & Applications. 8(6), pp. 41-51, 1988.
- Alex Pentland, John Williams, Good
Vibrations: Modal Dynamics for Graphics and Animation, Computer
Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 89). 23(3), pp. 215-222, 1989.
- Dimitri Metaxas, Demetri Terzopoulos, Dynamic
deformation of solid primitives with constraints, ACM SIGGRAPH
Computer Graphics, 26(2), p.309-312, July 1992.�
- David Baraff, Andrew Witkin, Dynamic
simulation of non-penetrating flexible bodies, Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 92). 26(2), pp. 303-308, 1992.
- Marie-Paule Gascuel, An
implicit formulation for precise contact modeling between flexible
solids, ACM SIGGRAPH 93, p.313-320, September 1993.
- Demetri Terzopoulos , Hong Qin, Dynamic
NURBS with geometric constraints for interactive sculpting, ACM
Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.13 n.2, p.103-136, April 1994.�
- Petros Faloutsos, Michiel van de Panne,
Demetri Terzopoulos, Dynamic
Free-Form Deformations for Animation Synthesis, IEEE Transactions
Visualization and Computer Graphics. 3(3), pp. 201-214, 1997.
- Marie-Paule Cani-Gascuel, Mathieu
Desbrun, Animation of Deformable Models Using Implicit Surfaces, IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 3(1), pp. 39-50,
- Sarah F. F. Gibson, 3D
Chainmail: a Fast Algorithm for Deforming Volumetric Objects, 1997
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics. pp. 149-154, 1997.
- S. Gibson and B. Mirtich. A Survey of
Deformable Modeling in Computer Graphics, Tech. Report No.
Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab., Cambridge, MA, November 1997.
Deformable models in graphics (cont'd)
- References:
- See previous class slides & references.
- Shabana, A., Dynamics of multibody systems,
Wiley, New York, 1989. (whiteboard)
- HAIL STORM! (Due Tuesday, March 11)
- HINT: Single barycentric point constraint
- Starter code is
located in�
- /afs/
Tu-Feb 18
Collision detection
for deformable models
- Class
slides (ppt)
- References:
- My handout:
James, "Summary of Collision Detection Algorithms for Deformable
Models," unpublished, 2002.
- G. van den Bergen. Efficient Collision Detection of
Complex Deformable Models using AABB Trees. Journal of Graphics
Tools, 4(2):1--13, 1997.
- S. Cotin, H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache, Real-time
elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation, IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5 (1), 62--73,
1999. (example using uniform space partitioning)
- Thomas Larsson and Tomas
Akenine-M�ller, Collision
Detection for Continuously Deforming Bodies, Eurographics 2001.
(Improved updating of AABB-Trees)
- J. Brown, S. Sorkin, C.
Bruyns, J.C. Latombe, K. Montgomery, and M. Stephanides. Real-Time
Simulation of Deformable Objects: Tools and Application. In Proceedings
of Computer Animation 2001, Seoul, Korea, November 7-8 2001. (example
updating a sphere tree with fixed topology)
- Leonidas Guibas, An Nguyen,
Daniel Russel, and Li Zhang. Collision Detection for Deforming
Necklaces. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Symposium on
Computational Geometry, pages 33-42. ACM Press, 2002. (updating a
tree w/ temporal coherence)
Th-Feb 20
NVIDIA lecture (by Cem Cebenoyan)
Deformable multibody systems
Th-Feb 27
- Class slides
- References:
- Adam Stettner, Donald P.
Greenberg, Computer
Graphics Visualization For Acoustic Simulation, Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 89). 23(3), pp. 195-206, 1989.
- Tapio Takala, James Hahn, Sound
Rendering, Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 92). 26(2),
pp. 211-220, 1992.
- K. van den Doel and D. K. Pai, The Sounds of
Physical Shapes, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,
7:4, The MIT Press, 1998. pp. 382--395.
- Thomas A. Funkhouser, Patrick Min, Ingrid
Carlbom, Real-Time
Acoustic Modeling for Distributed Virtual Environments, Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 99. pp. 365-374, 1999.
- Perry Cook, Physically
Based Parametric Sound Synthesis and Control, ACM SIGGRAPH Course
Notes, 2000.
- Nicolas Tsingos, Thomas Funkhouser, Addy
Ngan, Ingrid Carlbom, Modeling
Acoustics in Virtual Environments Using the Uniform Theory of
Diffraction, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001. pp. 545-552, 2001.
- Kees van den Doel , Paul G. Kry , Dinesh
K. Pai, FoleyAutomatic:
Physically Based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation,
SIGGRAPH 2001, p.537-544, August 2001.�
- James F. O'Brien , Perry R. Cook , Georg
Essl, Synthesizing
Sounds from Physically Based Motion, SIGGRAPH 2001, p.529-536,
August 2001. �(Project
- Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van den Doel, Doug L.
James, Jochen Lang, John E. Lloyd, Joshua L.� Richmond, Som
H.� Yau, Scanning
Physical Interaction Behavior of 3D Objects, ACM SIGGRAPH 2001,
p.87-96, August 2001.�
- Perry R. Cook, Real Sound
Synthesis for Interactive Applications, AK Peters, 2002.
- O'Brien, J. F., Shen, C., Gatchalian, C.
M., Synthesizing
Sounds from Rigid-Body Simulations,� ACM SIGGRAPH 2002
Symposium on Computer Animation, San Antonio, Texas, July 21-22, pp.
- Thomas Funkhouser, Jean-Marc Jot, Nicolas
Tsingos, “Sounds
Good to Me!” Computational Sound for Graphics, Virtual Reality, and
Interactive Systems, �ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes, 2002.
- Software
4 |
Cloth modeling �(by Chris Twigg)
- Class slides
- References:
- Xavier
Provot, Deformation
Constraints in a Mass-Spring Model to Describe Rigid Cloth Behavior,
Graphics Interface '95, pp. 147-154, 1995.
- David Baraff and Andrew P.
Witkin, Large
Steps in Cloth Simulation, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98, pp. 43-54,
- D. E. Breen, D. H. House,
P. H. Getto, A Physically-Based Particle Model of Woven Cloth, The
Visual Computer. 8(5-6), pp. 264-277, 1992.
- David E. Breen, Donald H.
House, Michael J. Wozny, Predicting
the Drape of Woven Cloth Using Interacting Particles, Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 94. pp. 365-372, 1994.�
- Robert Bridson, Ron Fedkiw,
and John Anderson, Robust
treatment of collisions, contact and friction for cloth animation,
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002, pages 594--603.�
- Kwang-Jin Choi and
Hyeong-Seok Ko.� Stable
but responsive cloth, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002, pages 604--611,
- X. Provot, Collision
and Self-collision Handling in Cloth Model Dedicated to Design, Computer
Animation and Simulation '97, pp. 177-190, 1997.
- Martin Courshesnes, Pascal
Volino, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Versatile
and Efficient Techniques for Simulating Cloth and Other Deformable
Objects, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95, pp. 137-144, 1995.
No class (mid-term break)
Hair and strand-like deformable models
- Course project discussion
- Class
slides (ppt)
- References:
- Featherstone, R., Robot
Dynamics Algorithms, Kluwer, Boston, 1987.
- Ken-ichi Anjyo, Yoshiaki Usami, Tsuneya
Kurihara, A
simple method for extracting the natural beauty of hair, Computer
Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 92). 26(2), pp. 111-120, 1992.
- Ronen Barzel, Faking Dynamics
of Ropes and Springs, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications.
17(3), pp. 31-39, 1997.
- N.Magnenat-Thalmann, S.Hadap, P.Kalra, State
of the Art in Hair Simulation, International Workshop on Human
Modeling and Animation, Seoul, Korea, Korea Computer Graphics Society,
pp. 3-9, June, 2002.
- Sunil Hadap, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Modeling
Dynamic Hair as a Continuum, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 20,
Issue 3, Eurographics 2001 Proceedings, Manchester, United Kingdom,
September 2001.
- Eric Plante, Marie-Paule Cani, Pierre
Poulin, Capturing
the Complexity of Hair Motion, GMOD num�ro 1 volume 64 ,
january 2002.
- Johnny T. Chang, Jingyi Jin, Yizhou Yu, A
Practical Model for Hair Mutual Interactions, ACM SIGGRAPH
on Computer Animation. pp. 73-80, 2002.
- Tae-Yong Kim, Ulrich Neumann, Interactive
Multiresolution Hair Modeling and Editing, ACM Transactions on
Graphics. 21(3), pp. 620-629, 2002.
- Dinesh K. Pai, STRANDS:
Interactive Simulation of Thin Solids using Cosserat Models,
Computer Graphics Forum. 21(3), pp. 347-352, 2002.
Attend lecture by Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Tu-Mar 18� |
Multiresolution deformable modeling:
Adaptive simulation
- Class slides (ppt)
- References:
- H. Yserentant, On the
multilevel splitting of finite element spaces, Numer. Math., 49 (1986),
pp. 379--412. �(related
- Yan Zhuang and John Canny, Real-time
Simulation of Physically Realistic Global Deformation,� IEEE
Vis'99 Late Breaking Hot Topics. San Francisco, California. October
24-29, 1999.
- Gilles Debunne, Mathieu Desbrun,
Marie-Paule Cani, Alan H. Barr, Dynamic
Real-Time Deformations Using Space & Time Adaptive Sampling,
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001. pp. 31-36, 2001.
- Xunlei Wu, Michael S. Downes, Tolga
Goktekin, Frank Tendick, Adaptive
Nonlinear Finite Elements for Deformable Body Simulation Using Dynamic
Progressive Meshes, Computer Graphics Forum. 20(3), pp. 349-358,
- Steve Capell, Seth Green, Brian Curless,
Tom Duchamp, Zoran Popović, A
Multiresolution Framework for Dynamic Deformations, ACM SIGGRAPH
Symposium on Computer Animation. pp. 41-48, 2002.
- Eitan Grinspun, Petr Krysl, Peter
Schr�der, CHARMS:
A Simple Framework for Adaptive Simulation, ACM Transactions on
Graphics. 21(3), pp. 281-290, 2002.
Th-Mar 20 |
No class (SIGGRAPH
committee meeting) |
Tu-Mar 25
class (Spring break)
27 |
class (Spring break) |
Multiresolution deformable modeling:
Data-driven simulation
- Class slides (ppt)
- References:
and cutting
- References:
- Terzopoulos,
D. and Fleischer, K., Modeling
Inelastic Deformation: Viscoelasticity, Plasticity, Fracture, ACM
SIGGRAPH 88, 269-278, 1988.
- James F. O'Brien , Jessica K. Hodgins, Graphical
Modeling and Animation of Brittle Fracture, Proceedings of the 26th
annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques,
p.137-146, July 1999.�
- F. Ganovelli, P. Cignoni, C. Montani, R. Scopigno, Enabling Cuts
on Multiresolution Representation, The Visual Computer. 17(5), pp.
274-286, 2001.
- Andrew Mor, Progressive Cutting
with Minimal New Element Creation of Soft Tissue Models for Interactive
Surgical Simulation, doctoral dissertation, tech. report
CMU-RI-TR-01-29, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001.
- James F. O'Brien ,
Adam W. Bargteil , Jessica K. Hodgins, Graphical Modeling
and Animation of Ductile Fracture, ACM Transactions on
Graphics (TOG), v.21 n.3, July 2002.
1. Finite Element Method (FEM) details
2. Implicit-Explicit (IMEX)
- References:
- Explicit linear tetrahedral FEM material:
- Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) integration schemes:
- Ascher, Ruuth, Wetton, Implicit-Explicit
Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations, SIAM J.
Num. Anal. 32, pp. 797-823, 1995.
- Bernhard Eberhardt, Olaf
Etzmu�, Michael Hauth, Implicit-Explicit
Schemes for Fast Animation with Particle Systems, Computer
Animation and Simulation 2000, Proceedings of the EG Workshop in
Interlaken, 21-22 August, 2000.�
- Mathieu Desbrun, Peter
Schr�der, Al Barr, Interactive
Animation of Structured Deformable Objects, Graphics Interface '99.
pp. 1-8, 1999.
Conservation laws
Conservation laws (cont'd)
1. Semi-Lagrangian integration schemes
2. Smoke simulation
- References:
- Staniforth, A., and J. Cote, Semi-Lagrangian integration schemes for
atmospheric models - A review. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119,
- Dale R. Durran, Numerical Methods for
Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, 465
pages, 1999. (See chapter 6)
- Jos Stam, Stable
Fluids, SIGGRAPH 99. pp. 121-128, 1999.
- Fedkiw, R., Stam, J. and Jensen, H.W., Visual
Simulation of Smoke, SIGGRAPH 2001, pp. 23-30, 2001.
1. Level sets
2. Fluids and fire simulation
- References:
- Stanley J. Osher, Ronald P. Fedkiw, Level
Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces, Springer Verlag, 1st
ed., 2002.
- Nick Foster, Ronald Fedkiw, Practical
Animation of Liquids, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001. pp. 23-30,
- Douglas P. Enright, Stephen R. Marschner,
Ronald P. Fedkiw, Animation
and Rendering of Complex Water Surfaces, ACM Transactions on
Graphics. 21(3), pp. 736-744, 2002.
- Duc Quang Nguyen, Ronald P. Fedkiw,
Henrik Wann Jensen, Physically
Based Modeling and Animation of Fire, ACM Transactions on Graphics.
21(3), pp. 721-728, 2002.
24 |
Project presentations |
class (ACM I3D) |
Tu-May 6
presentations |
Fri-May 9
Projects Due
on numerical linear algebra
- References:
- James W. Demmel, Applied
Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997. (Chapter 6: Iterative Methods for
Linear Systems)
- William L. Briggs, Van Emden
Henson, Steve F. McCormick, A
Multigrid Tutorial, SIAM, 2000. (See tutorial