Coach on Tensing: ‘This guy is not a monster’

The son of a suburban firefighter, Ray Tensing followed in his father’s footsteps toward a career in public service.
Tensing was hellbent on becoming a cop, joining a police officer youth program while attending Colerain High School and eventually reaching the Ohio State Highway Patrol by his early 20s – if only for a day.
By many accounts, Tensing enjoyed his job and was good at it. Then it all went terribly wrong around dinnertime on July 19, when Tensing shot and killed an unarmed man while making a traffic stop in Mount Auburn.
Many who know the 25-year-old Tensing remain perplexed about what caused him to fire a bullet into Samuel DuBose’s head.
“I just want people to know this guy is not a monster,” said Kevin Coombs, who coached Tensing in baseball as a teenager. “That doesn’t mean he didn’t screw up, but this is not a cop out in L.A. stomping on Rodney King.”
The now former University of Cincinnati officer was arraigned on a murder charge in Hamilton County court on Thursday. He posted bond that evening.
Officer quit state patrol after one day on job
An Enquirer review of public records and multiple interviews help fill in blanks about Tensing’s path toward police work.
As a teenager, Tensing received praise for his dedication to learning about law enforcement in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Explorers Program.
After graduating from Colerain in 2008, Tensing attended Ohio State University before transferring to UC Clermont’s police academy. Tensing went on to receive his bachelor’s degree at the main UC campus, graduating with honors in spring 2012.
Tensing received satisfactory job reviews over a four-year career with the UC, Greenhills and Colerain Township police forces.
Still, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said Tensing “should have never been a police officer,” but has declined to elaborate on that claim beyond discussing the DuBose shooting.
“I don’t think this man has a clue what he’s talking about,” said Justin Shereen, who was in the Explorers Program with Tensing at Colerain and still occasionally hangs out with him. “Ray took his career very seriously. He was a great police officer.”
Deters’ comments, however, raise questions about what’s not known about a guy who’s been in headlines across the globe in recent days. Among the unknowns: What led Tensing to quit the Ohio State Highway Patrol after just one day on the job in September 2013?
Jobs with the state highway patrol are considered highly competitive and prestigious. An applicant is required to pass a months-long, rigorous background and interviewing process. Tensing started the state patrol’s 26-week academy in Columbus on Sept. 18, 2013, but quit the following day, patrol spokesman Sgt. Vincent Shirey told The Enquirer.
Tensing cited his reason for leaving as he “couldn’t adapt to the training environment,” Shirey said. Additional information on Tensing’s time with the highway patrol was not available Thursday, and the state is processing an Enquirer public records request seeking his full personnel file.
Tensing had resigned his position with the Greenhills police department to join the state highway patrol. He then returned to his old job with the northwest Hamilton County suburb after leaving Columbus.
Tensing used Taser during 2012 traffic stop
In the wake of the July 19 shooting death of DuBose, many have questioned how Tensing handled previous traffic stops. That wasn’t the first time Tensing used a weapon on a motorist during a traffic stop, according to documents obtained by The Enquirer.
In January 2012, Tensing used a Taser on a motorist, records show. The officer claimed the driver was resisting arrest and assaulting him, according to Greenhills police records. Tensing was a part-time officer with Greenhills then.
Tensing’s Greenhills file does not provide details about his reason for stopping the motorist in 2012, nor does it include the motorist’s name. Another motorist stopped to help Tensing. Here is the statement the motorist gave police:
Tensing “had suspect at the side of his car. Suspect started hitting officer and trying to get away. I stopped to help officer and grabbed suspect's leg. Suspect continued to fight. Officer told him to stop or he would get Tazed. Suspect continued to fight so officer Tazed him and took him into custody.”
No official arrest record could be found. Tom Doyle, who was Greenhills’ chief at the time, declined comment Thursday.
Peter Rideout, the motorist who stopped to help Tensing and gave the statement, told The Enquirer that the officer handled the situation well and was justified in his actions.
“Textbook,” Rideout said.
The incident occurred on Sharon Road, Rideout said, adding that all he could remember about the suspect is he was a “guy in a leather jacket.”
Tensing received cuts and bruises on his fingers during the altercation, according to records. There was no mention of the incident in any of Tensing’s Greenhills performance reviews.
Doyle did talk to The Enquirer earlier this week about Tensing’s overall performance.
“Ray was all business,” the former chief said. “He liked to follow the rules.”
‘Take a step back and not react quickly’
The Greenhills file also included Tensing’s answers to a questionnaire about use of force and how he said he would react in a potentially dangerous situation. According to records, here is how Tensing answered some of the questions:
Have you seriously considered the possibility of having to shoot another person?
Tensing: “Yes, it is part of the job – although an unfortunate one.”
Could you take someone’s life who is not threatening you personally?
Tensing: “Yes – if threatening them with serious harm or death.”
How do you react to feelings of fear and danger?
Tensing: “Take a step back and not react quickly – officer safety #1 rule.”
Father was valued suburban firefighter
Many who know Tensing have been unwilling to talk publicly about him, including his father, Paul, a retired Springfield Township firefighter. Paul Tensing, who posted bond for his son, did not return a message seeking comment Thursday.
An Enquirer reporter visited Paul Tensing’s Colerain Township residence on Tuesday. When asked about Ray Tensing, a man there said: “I’m divorced with no kids.” The man then asked the reporter: “Did you see the ‘no trespassing’ signs on the property?”
The elder Tensing worked his way up as a firefighter, starting as a volunteer in 1979 with the Northern Hills Fire Department, which has since been consolidated into Springfield Township. He went on to become a paramedic in 1983 and retired in 2011.
Fire Chief Rob Leininger estimated Paul Tensing logged 28,000 hours on the job, according to a December 2011 Enquirer story.
“He never took a day off,” Leininger said then. “He’s our Cal Ripken of the fire department, and I consider him a friend and valued employee. We will miss him.”
Paul Tensing now runs a successful contracting business out of his home, and those who know him say he’s just as dedicated to that job. Ray Tensing has many of the same qualities as his dad.
“The Ray Tensing I know was very hard-working, humble, thoughtful, intelligent and disciplined,” said Coombs, the former youth baseball coach.