
About CarpentryCon

Conference format

Workshop and unconference sessions

CarpentryCon typically offers a series of practical, hands-on skill-ups and workshops to teach essential skills around coding, leading projects, community organisation, curriculum development and other professional development 'must-haves'. There are also unconference breakout sessions where delegates actively participate in discussions.

Networking events

CarpentryCon hosts a series of social and other events, including a poster reception and a dinner, and other events to foster networking, especially among instructors who might want to share workshop and teaching tips. Attendees will have lots of opportunities to come together informally to share stories about challenges and successes.

Community building

Member organisations, local champions, Carpentries' advocates, and Core Team will talk about ways to build communities all around the world. Hear from local champions about tried and tested methods for building strong local communities. Pitch your own community building ideas for discussion in CarpentryCon's 'unconference' section.


Write to [email protected] to get in touch with the current CarpentryCon organising Task Force or visit The Carpentries website for other aspects of connecting to the community.