Voluntary Consent to Magistrate Judges

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As provided in General Order No. 24-06, parties may consent to proceed before any available Magistrate Judge identified below in the Voluntary Consent List to conduct all further proceedings in the case pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(c) and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 73. To confirm a particular Magistrate Judge's ability to schedule the trial in the time frame desired by the parties and/or willingness to accommodate any other special requests of the parties, please contact that Magistrate Judge's Courtroom Deputy prior to attaching Form CV-11D (Statement of Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge) to a Notice of Lodging of Consent Form, which shall be e-filed as required by Local Rule 5-4.4 as a proposed document.

Note: The parties shall complete form CV-11D, save it and attach it to a Notice of Lodging of Consent Form, which shall be e-filed as required by Local Rule 5-4.1 as a proposed document. Additionally, the form shall be electronically submitted to the District Judge's chambers' e-mail box via Proposed Orders under UTILITIES in CM/ECF.

Voluntary Consent List
Maria A. Audero (MAA)
David T. Bristow (DTB)
Pedro V. Castillo (PVC)
Jacqueline Chooljian (JC)
Stephanie S. Christensen (SSC)
Patricia Donahue (PD)
John D. Early (JDE)
Charles F. Eick (E)
Shashi H. Kewalramani (SHK)
Steve Kim (SK)
Douglas F. McCormick (DFM)
Brianna Fuller Mircheff (BFM)
Rozella Oliver (RAO)
Sheri Pym (SP)
A. Joel Richlin (AJR)
Margo A. Rocconi (MAR)
Alicia G Rosenberg (AGR)
Jean P. Rosenbluth (JPR)
Alka Sagar (AS)
Karen E. Scott (KES)
Autumn D. Spaeth (ADS)
Karen L. Stevenson (KS)