Global educators | Passionate campaigners | Trusted experts | Close collaborators | Industry leaders | Conversation starters

Founded in 1971, and with over 5,000 members in 135 countries around the world, the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) is a global educator, joining the dots between scientific researchers, medical communities and the wider public, encouraging and enabling them to pass on their knowledge to a global audience.

Our internationally renowned publications are among the foremost international journals in antimicrobial research, while our commitment to scientific excellence is reflected in our varied programme of events, training and free educational resources.

We know that better education can help prevent disease, develop more effective practice and influence international policy. Working together, we can ensure a safer world by developing new drugs, while making sure we use the ones we already have are used responsibly and protected for future generations.


Andrew Seaton


David Jenkins

Vice President (Past President)

Mike Allen

General Secretary - Governance (including elections), Consultations, Working Parties

Chris Longshaw

Honorary Treasurer - Financial management issues, facilities investments, staff matters

Michelle Bucker

Academic Affairs - Grants and academic matters

Sally Tipping

Education Secretary - Conference and events

Ordinary Members

Ordinary Members

Aimee Murray, One Health
Louise Sweeney, Microbiology
Annie Joseph, Microbiology
Naomi Fleming, Pharmacy
Ian Gould, Microbiology/international
Aoife Fleming, Pharmacy
Tom Ashfield, General Practice/Industry
Ioannis Baltas, ID-Micro and Trainees
Fran Garraghan, Behavioural Science
Jane Democratis, Microbiology

Co-opted Members

Mark Gilchrist, Into Clinical Practice Lead
Nick Brown, Director of Professional and Public Engagement
Philip Howard, Sustainability Lead
Sanjay Patel, Maternal and Child Health Lead
Peter Donnelly, Journals
Gail Hayward, Representing diagnostics
Wendy Thompson, Representing dentistry


Memorandum and Articles of Association (MAA) is the statutory instrument that governs the operation of the BSAC. The MAA can only be amended with the approval of the Charity Commission.

The Regulations, that can be amended by Council, further define the MAA and establish operational procedures for BSAC business.

The Register of Interests offers provisions for members, throughout the submission of transparency declarations and voluntary or requested withdrawal from meetings, to ensure that they are not influenced, or appearing to be influenced, by their private interests in the execution of their duties on behalf of the Society. The BSAC Register of Interests is regularly updated and a copy can be provided on receipt of a written request to the Chief Executive Officer.

Copies of the all governance documents can be requested from the BSAC Office.

Memorandum and Articles of Association Download
Regulations Download
UK Expenses Claim Form 2020 Download
Principles for expenditure Download

Registered Charity 1093118
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No: 4443910

Our Strategy

The What

A leading influencer of responsible antimicrobial use globally.

Priotity Activities 2022-2025

  • Facilitate the development of a global network of accredited AMS Centres and multidisciplinary network of AMS Leaders.
  • Provide and host open access education and accredited training courses and events that are relevant, and where required multilingual, to the needs of healthcare professionals (HCPs) across all health economies.
  • Publish internationally renowned peer reviewed research publications and education on antimicrobial development and use across the one health agenda.
  • Support the optimal development, use and evaluation of diagnostics that inform and direct effective antimicrobial prescribing, including adoption of patient pathways that improve effective antimicrobial prescribing and patient outcomes.
  • Provide intelligence to support optimisation of antimicrobial use through the collation, analysis, and publication of local and national data across the One Health agenda.
  • Advocate:
    • appropriate and sustainable antimicrobial use across the One Health agenda through engagement with governments, education authorities and regulatory bodies world-wide and third sector agencies world-wide
    • securement of teaching on antimicrobial resistance within UK undergraduate HCP curricula
    • for nationalised investment / support for approaches to accelerate development of and bringing innovative solutions to antimicrobial resistance to market
  • Secure funding / offer funding calls for open and named grant calls aligned with priorities of the Society and emerging needs of the antimicrobial chemotherapy community.
  • Measure and report on the impact of Society activities.

The How

  • Through the development, funding, delivery, evaluation, and communication of relevant, timely initiatives that inform and enhance knowledge about the practices that drive responsible antimicrobial use; and by
  • Engaging and mobilising the membership in supporting development and implementation of the work of the Society.

By Whom

Council as a collective, Trustees as individuals, Members and others as appointed by Council, the CEO and Secretariat.


Tracey Guise

Chief Executive Officer

Michael Corley

Head of Policy & Public Affairs

Liam Brown

Head of Communication

Esme Carruthers

Head of Education and Events Manager

Charlotte McNeill

Finance, Membership & Facilities

Jacqui Sneddon

Programmes Manager

Sarah Esberger

Publications Officer

Ryan Hamilton

GAMSAS Programmes Lead

Nicola Robinson

GAMSAS Project Officer

Spela Oberstar

Projects Lead

Neil Watson

Design & Development

Contact us

BSAC Office

Tel: +44 (0)121 236 1988

JAC Office


British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
53 Regent Place
B1 3NJ

GP? Pharmacist? Researcher? Social Scientist? Whatever field you work in, if you’re committed to fighting infection then we want you to join us as a BSAC Member.
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