� |
� |
� |
Iraq and Afghanistan |
� |
� |
Afghanistan's Mineral Resources
fueling War and Insurgency
� |
America's Triumph & Europe's Angst
The Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage
� |
Anunnaki, Iraq and Pearl Harbor
� |
Espa�ol |
As� se Manipula a una Poblaci�n
- Las Oscuras Verdades que
Oculta la Pel�cula "El Francotirador"
Espa�ol |
As� ser� 'The Line' - La nueva
Ciudad Dist�pica en Arabia Saudita
� |
War on Terror" when You Are the Terrorist - Iraq,
Massacre of a Country
� |
Report' on Iraq Invasion Shows Threat of Lesser Evils
� |
CIA Has Resumed Drug Smuggling Ops
in Afghanistan
- Evidence Mounts
� |
Congressional Probe Reveals
Cover-Up of "Auschwitz-Like" Conditions at U.S.-Funded
Afghan Hospital
Italiano |
Cos� si Manipola una Popolazione -
Le Oscure Verit� che Nasconde il Film "American Sniper" |
� |
Damning Chilcot Report
Confirms Iraq Invasion Was Bush/Blair's War of Choice
� |
Declassified CIA Document
Reveals Iraq War had Zero Justification
� |
Did 9/11 Justify The War in
- Using The McChrystal Moment to Raise a Forbidden
� |
Dismantling The Iraqi State,
Destroying an Entire Country
- "Ending States That Sponsor Terrorism"
Espa�ol |
Petr�leo y Guerra - Afganist�n
� |
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. Utiliz� el C�ncer Como Arma
de Guerra - La Guerra Radiactiva en
Irak y en Los Balcanes
Espa�ol |
El Caso Actual de Iran - �El
Inicio de La Tercera Guerra Mundial? - Main
Espa�ol |
El Caso
Actual de Siria - Main
� |
Espa�ol |
El "Cementerio de Imperios"
reclama otra V�ctima
Espa�ol |
El V�deo Capaz de Socavar el Apoyo
P�blico a La Guerra en Afganist�n
� |
Expanding The Afghan War - The West's Insatiable
Appetite for Global Military Domination
� |
Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive
War against Iraq
� |
Espa�ol |
Fragmentar Irak - El Demencial
Plan Estadounidense
� |
George Bush and Tony Blair
Secretly Plotted the Iraq War a Year before the Invasion
� |
Horrifying US Secret Weapon
Unleashed In Baghdad
� |
� |
�- "Hubris"
- New Documentary Reexamines The Iraq War "Hoax"
� |
Espa�ol |
Irak - Bush bajo la Lupa
- por Alfredo Jalife Rahme
� |
Iraq - 935 Lies - A Tyrant with "Weapons
of Mass Destruction"
� |
� |
Iraq - Order 81
- Re-engineering the Country's Traditional Farming
� |
Iraq -�Toppling a Country
� |
� |
Israel's Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil
- Operation Shekhinah a.k.a. Operation Iraqi Freedom
� |
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
Espa�ol |
La Carrera Secreta Para Controlar
La Herencia Extraterrestre De Irak
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele � "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Espa�ol |
Las Ruinas de una Ciudad Oculta de
3.400 A�os de Antig�edad emergen al secarse una Presa
Gigante en Irak
� |
Law Suit Against 4 US Presidents
and 4 UK Prime Ministers
- For War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity...
Italiano |
Le Rovine di una Citt� Nascosta
Antica di 3.400 Anni emergono con la secca di una Diga
Gigante in Iraq
Espa�ol |
Los Anunnaki, Irak y Pearl Harbor
� |
� |
Microwaving Iraq
� |
� |
More American Troops to
Afghanistan to Keep the Chinese Out? - Lithium and the
Battle for Afghanistan Mineral
� |
Paralyzed Iraq War Veteran's
Writes Last Words to Bush and Cheney
Espa�ol |
Querella de Irak en Espa�a
Presentado Contra 4 Presidentes de EE.UU. y 4 Primeros
Ministros del Reino...
� |
Racism and U.S. War - Iraq Veteran
� |
� |
Reports Related to
Saddam Hussein
- Main File
� |
� |
Researchers Suggest Iraq War Was
Centrally Motivated From an Extraterrestrial-Inspired
Espa�ol |
Resistencia Iraqu�, Guerra Sucia
Estadounidense y La Remodelaci�n de Oriente Medio
- 2003-2013
� |
Revealed - Bush Was Planning to Attack Iraq From The
� |
� |
Rise of Cancers and Birth Defects
in Iraq - World Health Organization Refuses to Release
� |
Rise of the Climate Oligarchs |
Espa�ol |
Siete Mentiras sobre Afganist�n
� |
Star Wars In Iraq
� |
� |
The Actual Iran Case
- The Beginning of World War III?
- Main File
� |
The Actual Syrian Case
- Main File
� |
� |
The Afghanistan Protocol
- Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those
Fighting It
� |
The Hawks Were Wrong - Iraq Is Worse Off Now
� |
� |
The History of the Islamic State
� |
The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs
� |
� |
The Midas Disease - Corruption has
Shaped History - Why do we still Ignore it?
� |
The Nightmare
- The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the
� |
The Secret Race to Control Iraq's
Extraterrestrial Heritage
� |
� |
The U.S. Airstrikes in Northern
Iraq are All About Oil
� |
War is Worth Waging"
- Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural
Gas |
� |
Tony Blair and George Bush's Phone
Conversation a Week Before Iraq Invasion 'Must Be
� |
Threatening and Killing of
Scientists in Iraq
� |
� |
Two Births - A Gilded Arrival and
a Poisoned Legacy
� |
Espa�ol |
Una Perspectiva Exopolitica en La
Guerra Preventiva Contra Irak
- Puertas Estelares Est�n Directamente...
� |
U.S. and Israel - Two Governments
linked by Lies and Bloodshed
� |
U.S. Military "Commemorates"
Its Iraq Massacre
� |
� |
U.S. Officials Guilty of War
Crimes for Using 9/11 as A False Justification for The
Iraq War
Espa�ol |
a Invadir 5 Pa�ses en 7 A�os - Empezaremos Con Irak"
- La Verdad Sobre Oriente Medio
� |
War Comes to The Edin
� |
� |
When The U.S. Used Cancer as a
Weapon - Radioactive Warfare in
Iraq and The Balkans
� |
White House, CIA Deny Faking Iraq-Al Qaeda Letter
� |
� |
WHO Refuses to Publish Report on
Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted
� |
Wikileaks Publishes 1000+
of Hillary Clinton�s Iraq War Emails - Read Them Here
� |
Wikileaks Releases Massive Set of
Afghan War Files
� |
� |
Will Iraq Be World's First
Electromagnetic 'Scalar' War? |
� |
� |
� |
� |
Multimedia: |
� |
Bush's Hideous Legacy
- Baghdad, 5 Years On - City of Walls
� |
Bush Was Planning to Attack Iraq
from The Start
� |
Collateral Murder
- Wikileaks - Iraq |
� |
Descubren Puerta Estelar en Irak
Causa de la Invasi�n de USA
� |
Military Secret Tesla Weapon in
� |
Star Wars In Iraq
� |
Wikileaks Leaked Video of
Civilians Killed in Baghdad
� |
� |
Additional Information |
� |
� |
Countries in 5 Years" - Regime Change in Iran Coming
A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing
The Realm
� |
� |
A 'Holy' War
� |
Albert Einstein Institution Manual for A Colored
Revolution in Egypt
Espa�ol |
Alejandro Magno y Gaza - Una
regi�n en Hist�rico Cambio y Conflicto
Italiano |
Alessandro Magno e Gaza - Una
regione con un Cambiamento e Conflitto storico
� |
Alex Jones on Arab Spring &
Globalism - An Exopolitics
Espa�ol |
Algunas Revelaciones de Los
Documentos de WikiLeaks
� |
� |
Alleged '9/11 Mastermind' could
blow Saudi Role Wide Open in Lawsuit Testimony
Espa�ol |
Al-Qaeda, Eterno Auxiliar de La
� |
Al Qaeda to ET's - The Search for
� |
� |
Al-Qa'ida, The Second Act - Why
the Global 'War on Terror' Went Wrong
� |
America - Death by Terminal Madness and Stupidity
� |
� |
America Is Falling Into An
Illuminati Trap
� |
� |
Americans and Northern Alliance "Friends"�
- False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged "Taliban" Attacks
� |
America's Chemical Weapons -
Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History
� |
America's Complicity in Evil
� |
� |
An Open Book... and The Pages Are
� |
� |
Another War Crime Surfaces - Expulsion and Massacre of
the Bedouins
- Ariel Sharon
� |
A "Nuclear-Free Zone" in The
Middle East?
- Why Israel will not Join the Non-Proliferation Treaty
� |
Apocalyptical Cult Groups Seek the
Destruction of New York City and Toronto
� |
Arab Spring
- Revolutions, Lies, and Intervention
� |
� |
Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real
Unrest or A Manufactured Crisis?
� |
A Return to Monarchy Could Solve
the Afghan Conflict
� |
Are We Witnessing The Start of A
Global Revolution?
� |
� |
Automated Apartheid - Walking
through Hebron 'Smart City'
� |
Baalbek - A Colossal Enigma - Main
� |
� |
a Brutal Ally
� |
� |
Bahrain - Is Washington Preparing
For 'Regime Change' in PR Disaster Kingdom?
� |
Bahrain - Nailing The Lie in
Washington's Rhetoric on "The Arab Spring"
� |
Bahrain - The Key to Saudi-Qatari
� |
� |
Blackwater Troopers Replacing
Emirati Forces in Yemen
� |
� |
Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc.
- The Privatization of War - Main
� |
Britain's May Eyes the
GCC as a Surer Bet for Trade Ties after Brexit
Espa�ol |
Brusco Cambio de La Situaci�n
Estrat�gica en El Medio Oriente
� |
Building Your Own Enemies
- from 'Order Out of Chaos' by Paul Joseph Watson
� |
Cables Reveal Saudi Royals' Money
Grabs -
U.S. Messages Detail Royal Welfare Program and Royal...
Changing Course - A New
Direction for U.S. Relations with The Muslim World
� |
Clinton and al-Qaeda
- The Propaganda Wars Continue
� |
� |
Clinton Sends Lackey to House Committee to Cover Her
Involvement in Benghazi Attack
� |
CNN Accused of Forcing Journalist
to Censor Bahrain Brutality
� |
� |
Columbia a High Profile Victim of
Proxy Clandestine Government War?
Espa�ol |
Comienza el Juicio contra Israel
por Genocidio en el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia
Espa�ol |
C�mo los Houthis dieron Vuelta al
Tablero de Ajedrez - Ataque a las Instalaciones
Petroleras de Abqaiq
� |
Connecting The Many Undersea Cut
Cable Dots...
� |
Espa�ol |
'CST Global' Especializada en El Reclutamiento de Mercenarios
� |
Declassified 28 Pages Reveal
Evidence of Saudi Govt. Involvement in 9/11
� |
Now" and The "Progressive" Alternative Media
- Valued Cheerleaders for Imperialism and War
� |
Uprising" in The U.S.A.?
� |
Espa�ol |
Derrota Humillante de EE.UU. a
manos de Palestina al frente del G77
Espa�ol |
Descubren 400 "Puertas"
Misteriosas en un Campo de Volcanes de Arabia Saudita
Espa�ol |
Detalles del Esc�ndalo de
Corrupci�n que pone contra las cuerdas al Parlamento
Europeo |
� |
Document on Saudi Involvement in
9/11 Released Finally |
� |
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields
Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile
Middle East
� |
Egyptian President Mubarak Steals
40 Billion Dollars
� |
Espa�ol |
El Advenimiento de Ahriman
- Un Ensayo Sobre las Fuerzas Profundas Detr�s de la
Crisis Mundial
Espa�ol |
El Antiuniverso Est� Compuesto de
Energ�as en El Cubo Negro de La Meca...
Espa�ol |
El a�o 2024 - Gaza, Ucrania y
Eurasia en la Crisis del Declive Occidental
Espa�ol |
El Documental "Fuego Sobre El Marmara" Evidencia Abusos
del Ej�rcito Israel�
- Franja de Gaza
Espa�ol |
El Final de Los D�as
- de "El Fin De Los D�as - Armagedon y Las Profec�as Del
Espa�ol |
El Medio Oriente se libera de
Espa�ol |
El Mito del Ej�rcito Moral� -
Testimonios del 7 de Octubre revelan que el Ej�rcito
Israel� mat� a muchos de sus...
Espa�ol |
El Mundo reacciona a la Orden de
Arresto contra Netanyahu
Espa�ol |
El Mundo sin Qatar
� |
Espa�ol |
El Posible Colapso Financiero del
Megaproyecto fara�nico de Arabia Saud�
Espa�ol |
El Profeta
- Alberto Rivera
� |
Espa�ol |
El Proyecto de "Nuevo Orden Mundial" Tropieza con Las
Realidades Geopol�ticas
Espa�ol |
El Trabajo Sucio siempre consiste
en Provocar y Escalar la Guerra
� |
Endless Wars Have Cost Americans
$1.6 Trillion - Report Finds
Espa�ol |
En Exclusiva RT Obtiene
Documentos que Explican c�mo Funciona la 'Corporaci�n'
Petrolera del Estado...
Espa�ol |
Estado Isl�mico - Una Operaci�n
� |
Europe's Long War with
� |
Evil Only Comes where It's Invited
- Tracking Ponerogenesis in History and Israel-Palestine
� |
Expediting The Grand Jihad
- The Muslim Brotherhood
� |
� |
Facebook Bans Pages Calling for
Palestinian Uprising
� |
� |
Fall of the Arab Spring - From
Revolution to Destruction
� |
� |
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and
the Exopolitical Perspective
� |
Espa�ol |
FDI, Mossad y Shin Bet sab�an del
Ataque de Hamas antes del 7 de Octubre - No Actuaron
para Evitarlo
� |
Five Arab Countries That The
"Jasmine Revolution" May Spread to Next
� |
Follow the Money - Senator John
McCain's Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds Exposed |
Espa�ol |
Fuera de Control - C�mo Occidente
Cre�, Financi� y Desat� el Terror del Estado Isl�mico
sobre el Mundo
� |
Gaddafi Was Killed by French
Secret Serviceman on Orders of Nicolas Sarkozy - Sources Claim
� |
Geert Wilders's "Fitna - The Movie"
- A Review
� |
� |
Israel" - The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
� |
� |
Guess What? Lots Of Oil, Natural
Gas In Gaza!
- A Secret Behind Israel's Siege of Gaza: Palestinians...
� |
Global Banks Embrace Islam
� |
� |
HAMAS - Islamic Resistance
� |
� |
HAMAS History Tied to Israel
- International Intelligence Analysis
� |
� |
Hidden Intelligence Operation
Behind The Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents?
- The Real Story of...
� |
History of US-NATO Military
Campaigns - 1991-2023
� |
Holy Wars in Buddhism and Islam
� |
� |
Hoovid Branchings, Hebrew Roots
and The Crescent
- from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
� |
How Islam Failed Me
� |
� |
How Palestine Became
- The Empire Files
� |
How the Houthis Overturned the
Chessboard - Attack on Abqaiq Oil Installations
� |
How War Fuels the 'March toward a
New World Order' - Is a New World War about to Begin?
� |
Huge Geometric Shapes in Middle East May
Be Prehistoric
� |
IAEA to Investigate Gaza Uranium
Ammunition Allegations
� |
Italiano |
Il Piano per Destabilizzare La
� |
� |
Inside Iran's Sex Slave Industry
� |
In Support of Arab Democracy - Why
and How
- Report of an Independent Task Force
� |
Introducing The Gulf Despots
Supported by The West - 10 Facts About Saudi
Iran - Nuclear Intentions and
� |
� |
Irish Aid Vessel Plans to Pass Through Israel's Gaza
- 'Most Serious Consequences' Promised If...
� |
Is Global War their Goal?
� |
ISIS - An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert
� |
ISIS is America's New Terror Brand
- Endless Propaganda Fuels "War on Terror"
� |
Islamist Assault on The U.S.
� |
� |
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet
� |
Espa�ol |
Israel, Hamas y Netanyahu - Un
Coctel Explosivo
Espa�ol |
Israel quiere Extender la Guerra a todo Oriente Medio
� |
Israel's 'Operation Protective
Edge' - Barbaric Human
Sacrifice Taking Place in Gaza's Real-Life 'Apocalypto'
� |
Israel's Water Genocide
� |
� |
this What We Destroy Lives for?" - Iraq, Afghanistan
Veterans' Guilt, Unanswered Questions Spike Suicide...
� |
Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground
Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria
� |
It's Over Chaps - It's Just A Matter of When |
� |
Espa�ol |
Falsa Guerra de Obama contra El Estado Isl�mico (ISIS)
Espa�ol |
La Fuerza Bruta de Las Potencias
Neocoloniales del Siglo XXI
- Israel, el Miembro N�mero Veintinueve de...
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Est� Materializando la
Israelizaci�n del Mundo - Dividir, Conquistar, Colonizar
Italiano |
La Nuova Alleanza in Medio Oriente
scuote i Poteri Mondiali
Espa�ol |
La Patagonia - �La Nueva Palestina?
- �Qu� Est�n Haciendo Equipos de Reconocimiento del
Espa�ol |
La Plaga del Siglo XXI - Todo
sobre el Estado Isl�mico
Espa�ol |
La Podredumbre Moral del Estado Sionista
Espa�ol |
La Primera Guerra de la "OTAN-MO"
perturba el Orden Regional
Espa�ol |
Las Grandes Reservas de Gas en el
Espa�ol |
Las Ra�ces del Islam
� |
Espa�ol |
Ra�z de toda Maldad? - "El Enga�o de Dios"
Italiano |
La Sorte di Mubarak � Segnata
Fidel Castro
� |
Espa�ol |
La Suerte de Mubarak Est� Echada
Fidel Castro
� |
Espa�ol |
- Se Desenmascara la Aterradora Realidad de la Guerra
Espa�ol |
La Verdadera Raz�n por la que los
Propagandistas han estado Promoviendo la Histeria Anti-Rusa
� |
Leaked 'Palestine Papers' Show Bad
Faith Negotiating by Israel and U.S.
Italiano |
Le Grandi Riserve di Gas nel Mondo
Espa�ol |
Los D�nmeh - El Secreto M�s
Susurrado del Medio Oriente
Espa�ol |
Los Geoglifos Gigantes de Jordania - M�s
Antiguos que las famosas L�neas de Nazca Peruanas
Espa�ol |
Socios Mesi�nicos de Netanyahu quieren una Guerra Regional
Total - Gaza es s�lo el Primer Paso
� |
- de "Los
Dioses del Eden"
� |
� |
Mainstream Media Takes Money from
Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda
- CNN Exposed!
� |
Many Nations Recognize a
Palestinian State - Only Obama Stands in the Way of Full
Global Recognition
Espa�ol |
de La OTAN en Tr�poli
� |
Espa�ol |
Mercenarios de Las Monarqu�as
D�spotas Contra La Democracia
- Emiratos �rabes Unidos
� |
Middle East Madness
� |
� |
Middle East Undersea
- Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation?
� |
- from "The Gods Of Eden"
� |
� |
Monotheism, Inc.
- Chart
� |
� |
Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt
� |
� |
Mubarak's Fate is Sealed
- Reflections by Fidel Castro
� |
� |
Carnage in Tripoli
� |
� |
"Operation Gladio" - Sibel
Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
� |
Neom - Is Saudi Arabia
Constructing the future Babylon?
� |
New Wineskins, Old Vinegar - Mankind Doomed to
Repeat Mistakes
� |
No Time For Jihads or Crusades
� |
Espa�ol |
Nueva Alianza de Oriente Medio
sacude a los Poderes Mundiales
Espa�ol |
Guerra a la Vista? - Arabia Saud� cambia a EE.UU. por
Italiano |
Nuova Guerra in Vista? -
L'Arabia Saudita passa da Stati Uniti a Russia
� |
Obama Gives Israel All-Out Support
� |
� |
Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent
� |
� |
Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS) - The Islamic State is
Protected by the U.S. and its...
� |
Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for
"Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq...
Espa�ol |
y Putin Van a Repartirse El Medio Oriente?
� |
Peace and Palestine: Energy Key to Holy Land's Past,
- World Energy Monthly Review
� |
�-� Old
Religious Hegemony, NWO
- Jesus to the Palestinians: "Love One Another" / God to
the Jews: "Get...
Espa�ol |
Operaci�n de Conquista de las
� |
Justified Vengeance"
- Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of
A Broader Military...
� |
Operation Orchard
� |
� |
Osama Bin Laden and 9-11
- Main File
� |
� |
Palestine and The Demise of
� |
� |
Political Ponerology - A Science
on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
� |
Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Commentaries and Additional Quoted Material
Espa�ol |
Politica' por Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Comentarios y Material Adicional Citados
Espa�ol |
Ponerolog�a Pol�tica
- Una Ciencia Sobre la Naturaleza del Mal Adaptada a
Prop�sitos Pol�ticos
� |
Pope Calls Migrant Crisis
'Arab Invasion' - Says Europe Must 'Rediscover its
Cultural Roots'
� |
Putin Reveals 40 Countries that are Funding ISIS at The
G20 Summit
Espa�ol |
Putin Revela en la Cumbre del G20 a 40 Pa�ses que Est�n
Financiando a ISIS
Espa�ol |
Qatar 2022 - El Mundial Maldito
Espa�ol |
Qatar, la Hermandad Musulmana, el
Hamas e Israel
Espa�ol |
Hay de Esas Guerras en El Medio Oriente?
� |
� |
Quotes to "Illuminate" You
- A "Gift of Love" from Three Mayor Religions
Espa�ol |
Rabino Jud�o Habla La Verdad Sobre
El Genocidio Contra Los Palestinos y Gaza
Espa�ol |
Red Jud�a Anti-Sionista Internacional
� |
Espa�ol |
Rusia, EE.UU. y Francia Formar�n
una Amplia Coalici�n que "Dar� un Golpe Definitivo al EI"
- Dice Hollande
Espa�ol |
Rusia est� Derrotando a EE.UU. en
el 'Juego del Petrolero en Oriente Medio'
Espa�ol |
Rusia Transporta el "Arca de Gabriel" que estaba Debajo
de la Gran Mezquita de La Meca a la Ant�rtida
� |
Russia begins Transport of Saudi Arabia's Mysterious
"Ark of Gabriel" to Antarctica
� |
Russia is Defeating the U.S. in
the 'Middle East Oil Game'
Saudi Arabia Declares Oil War on
U.S. Fracking
- Hits Railroads, Tank-Car
Makers, Canada, Russia and...
� |
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Espa�ol |
Secretos Ocultos del Vaticano
Acerca de la Creaci�n del Profeta Mahoma - Alberto Rivera, Ex
� |
Secret Vatican Briefings on The
Creation of Prophet Muhammad
- Alberto Rivera, Former Jesuit Priest
Italiano |
Segreti Occulti del Vaticano su La
Creazione del Profeta Maometto
- Alberto Rivera, ex
Sacerdote Gesuita
� |
Sex, Sharia and Women In The
History of Islam
� |
� |
Start Preparing for the
Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom
� |
State of Israel Charged for "Crime
of Genocide and War Crimes"
- Kuala Lumpur Tribunal |
� |
State Terrorism and The New World
Order -
"Man's Stupidity Has No Bounds"
� |
Stopping ISIS - Follow the Money
� |
Struggling With Pedophilia in
� |
� |
Sumer and The Anunnaki
- Main File
� |
� |
Supporting Genocide to Halt
Espa�ol |
Terrorismo de Estado
- Israel Incendia Con F�sforo la Sede de La ONU,
Bombardea Hospital, Dispara...
Espa�ol |
Terroristas Islamistas - �T�teres
Controlados por Occidente?
� |
The Advent of Ahriman
- An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis
� |
The American Empire Is Collapsing
Before Our Eyes in The Mideast
� |
Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to
Obscure The Truth
� |
CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil
� |
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
� |
The Covenant
- from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
� |
� |
The "Demonization" of Muslims and
The Battle for Oil
� |
� |
The Drug Catastrophe in
� |
� |
The Egypt 'Revolution' - The
Manipulation of A Justified Rebellion�
The Emergence of Wahhabism and its
Historical Roots
� |
The End of Days - from "The End of
Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return"
� |
The Fallacy of 'Regime
Change' Strategies
� |
The Invisible Entity Behind The
Global Uprising Taking Place
� |
The Israel-Palestine
Jeremy R.
� |
The Jet Fuel of Tyranny Hypocrisy
� |
The Late Neolithic Colonization of the
Eastern Badia of Jordan
� |
The Making of World Wars
� |
� |
The Master Race and The Family of
Light -
Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political
Agendas in "Book...
� |
The Middle East and Then The World - Globalist Blitzkrieg
Signals Largest Geopolitical Reordering Since...
� |
The Middle East Policy Problem
- US, UK And Israel
� |
� |
The Muslim Brotherhood
- Main File
� |
� |
The Plans to Rebuild The Temple in Jerusalem Have Been
- The Dome of The Rock Will Remain...
� |
The Politics of An Israeli Extermination Campaign
- Backers, Apologists and Arms Suppliers
The Prophet
- Alberto Rivera
� |
� |
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File
� |
� |
The Redirection
- Is The Administration's New Policy Benefitting Our
Enemies in The War on Terrorism?
� |
The Religion of Peace - Myths of
� |
� |
The Root of All Evil? - "The God
� |
� |
The Roots of Islam
� |
� |
The "Secret Society" Behind Osama
bin Laden and his al-Qaeda
� |
� |
True Obstacle to Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians
� |
� |
The Untold Story of The Deal That
Shocked The Middle East
- Revealed
� |
The U.S. Colored Revolution User
Manual for Egypt
� |
� |
The U.S. is Supporting The Most
Violent Muslim Terrorists in Order to Wage War for Oil
� |
The U.S.-NATO Preemptive Nuclear
- Trigger A Middle East Nuclear Holocaust To Defend 'The...
� |
The U.S. Policy Coup Explained by
4-Star General Wesley Clark
� |
The Western Alliance is Falling
a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World - Renewing Transatlantic Partnership
Espa�ol |
Trump cae en la Trampa de Aramco
� |
Trump Falls Into the Aramco Trap
Espa�ol |
Trump re�ne al Imperialismo, el Wahabismo y el Sionismo
� |
Trump's Trip to Riyadh Offers Left and Right Common
Ground |
� |
Tulsi Gabbard Slams Trump - Being
"Saudi Arabia's Bitch is Not America First" |
Turkey - A Criminal State, a NATO
Espa�ol |
Una Idea Loca y Peligrosa Salta a
la Luz P�blica
Espa�ol |
Una Revelaci�n Publica Impactante
sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Isl�mico"
United Nations Listing of
Terrorist Organizations
� |
Espa�ol |
Uranio Empobrecido
- Una Extra�a Forma de Proteger a Los Civiles Libios
� |
Uranium Weapons - Does Anyone Care
About Our Planet?
� |
� |
U.S. Foreign Policy in Shambles -
NATO and the Middle East - How do You Wage War without
� |
U.S. Presidents Charged With
Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies
in Spain
� |
U.S. Says NO to United Nations'
Anti-Free Speech Effort
� |
Espa�ol |
Israel a Provocar un Cataclismo?
Espa�ol |
Voy a la Guerra por Israel - Los
Palestinos No Son mi Enemigo
� |
War and Natural Gas
- The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
� |
The Obama Administration Involved in The Planning of The
Israeli Attack on The Gaza Freedom Flotilla?
� |
West Attempts to Trigger Clash of Civilizations
� |
� |
What About Those Wars in The
Middle East?
� |
� |
What are Israeli Army
Reconnaissance Teams Doing in Patagonia?
Which Path to Persia?
� |
Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the
Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab
� |
Are Right-Wingers So Crazy In Love With Israel?
� |
� |
Why Does the "War on Terror" Serve
Western Policy?
� |
Will Israel Fall in Five Years?
� |
� |
Countries Off The Map"
- Who's Failing The "Failed States"
Espa�ol |
'Dios' cre� a Hamas en el S�ptimo D�a
� |
Yemen - The Covert Apparatus of
The American Empire
� |
Espa�ol |
Global Contra los BRICS?
� |
- The Real Enemy of the Jews? - Why the Truth of History
� |
Zionism vs. Islam - Which is More
� |
Libya and North Africa |
� |
� |
America's Planned Nuclear Attack
on Libya
� |
Italiano |
Come Al-Qaida � Riuscita a
Governare Tripoli
� |
Italiano |
Come Gli Uomini di Al Qaida
Arrivarono al Potere in Libia
� |
Espa�ol |
C�mo Lleg� Al-Qaida a Gobernar en Tr�poli
� |
� |
Cruise Missiles With Depleted
Uranium on Libya
� |
� |
Al Qaeda Men Came to Power in Libya
� |
Espa�ol |
Impacto de Los Misiles Crucero de
Uranio Empobrecido en Libia
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Contra Libia es Una
Cat�strofe Econ�mica Para �frica y Para Europa
- Entrevista al Mini. de...
Italiano |
La Guerra Contro la Libia � Una
Catastrofe per l'Africa e per l'Europa
- Intervista con il Ministro per la...
Italiano |
La NATO di Fronte 'L'Ingratitudine'
Dei Libici
- Il Neocolonialismo per il Petrolio
Espa�ol |
La OTAN Ante la 'Ingratitud' de
los Libios
- Neocolonialismo por el Petr�leo
Espa�ol |
Las Verdaderas Razones por las que
Gaddafi fue Asesinado - Si esto es "DICTADURA" �qu� es
la Democracia?
Italiano |
Libia - La Vera Guerra Comincia
Adesso |
� |
Espa�ol |
Libia - La Verdadera Guerra Comienza Ahora |
� |
Espa�ol |
Libia - �Petr�leo o Bancos
� |
� |
Libya and The End of Western
� |
� |
Libya - From Africa's Richest
State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO
� |
Libya in Anarchy Two Years after
NATO 'Humanitarian' Liberation |
� |
� |
Libya R.I.P. - The Rothschilds Own
You Now |
� |
� |
- The Real War Starts Now |
� |
� |
Planned Regime Change Throughout the Middle East and
North Africa 20 Years Ago
� |
� |
� |
The Libyan War, American Power and
The Decline of The Petrodollar System
� |
The Truth About The Situation in
Libya -
Cutting Through Government Propaganda and Media Lies
� |
Who Are The Libyan Freedom
Fighters and Their Patrons?
� |
� |
Multimedia |
� |
Al Jazeera Analyses Bush's Checkpoint Gaffe
- 10 January 2008
Amazing Speech by War Veteran
� |
Espa�ol |
Asombroso Discurso de Un Veterano
de Guerra
� |
Blood and Oil
� |
Censored Images of War
� |
Control Room
� |
Dirty Wars
� |
Espa�ol |
El Fin del Letargo |
� |
Espa�ol |
El Virus de La Fe - The Virus of
Faith -
Richard Dawkins for Channel 4
Erased - Eliminados
- La Barbarie de Gaza
� |
Gaddafi - Our Best Villain
� |
Geert Wilders's "Fitna - The Movie"
� |
Hubris - Selling The Iraq War
� |
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! - VIDEO WAS CENSORED!
Iran, Iraq, and Extraterrestrials
� |
Espa�ol |
Israel - Desvelando un Misterio -
Documental de David Sorensen
Espa�ol |
La Ilusi�n de Dios
- The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
� |
Map with Iraq's Threatened Heritage
� |
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu -
Unconvicted War Criminal
Middle East History - Maps of War In Motion
- 3000 B.C.E to 2006 C.E.
Obsession - Radical Islam's War
Against the West
� |
Origins of Israel and New Mono
World Order
- David Icke |
� |
Pathocracy = DISEASE
� |
Sala de Control
� |
The Dangers of Idealism - How
America Destabilized the Middle East
The Fraud of "Humanitarian Wars"
� |
The Isis Crisis - The Al-Sham Scam - David Icke
� |
The Laughs of Hillary Clinton -
Expressions of A Psychopath?
� |
Naked Truth -
Documentary by Jordan Maxwell
� |
The Other Israel
� |
The Power of Nightmares
- The Rise of The Politics of Fear
� |
The Root of All Evil
- Richard
� |
The Story of 'God'
� |
This Could Have Been Done With The
Money Spent on Iraq War!!
When War BackFires!
- Delusions of A Maverick As President
� |
� |
Related Reports |
� |
� |
Atomic Power and the Use of
Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
- Main File
� |
Comet 73 Deep Impact 2006
- by Eric Julien
- Main File
� |
� |
Global Militarism
- Main File
� |
� |
Gods and Religions on Planet Earth�-
Main File
� |
� |
La Verdadera Historia del
- Main File
� |
� |
Libro del Conocimiento - Extractos
� |
� |
Oil Industry - Producers of Energy
and Disasters
- Main File
� |
� |
The 9-11 Events
- Main File
� |
� |
The Divine and The Manipulative
- Effects on Humanity's Religions, Beliefs...
- Main File
� |
The Robots' Rebellion
- The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance - by David Icke
� |
�-� 'War
on Terror'
- Main File
� |
� |
Zecharia Sitchin, Sumeria, Los Anunnaki y Nibiru
- Main File
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |