
Home  »  The Oxford Book of English Verse  »  Jago, Richard to Milton, John

Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250–1900.

Alphabetic Index of Authors

Jago, Richard to Milton, John

Jago, Richard. 1715–1781 Absence
James I (King of Scotland). 1394–1437 Spring Song of the Birds
Johnson, Samuel. 1709–1784 One-and-Twenty
On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet, a Practiser in Physic
Jones, Ebenezer. 1820–1860 When the World is burning
Jones, Sir William. 1746–1794 Epigram
Jonson, Ben. 1573–1637 Hymn to Diana
To Celia
Simplex Munditiis
The Shadow
The Triumph
An Elegy
A Farewell to the World
The Noble Balm
On Elizabeth L. H.
On Salathiel Pavy
A Part of an Ode
Jordan, Thomas. 1612?–1685 Coronemus nos Rosis antequam marcescant
Keats, John. 1795–1821 Song of the Indian Maid
Ode to a Nightingale
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to Psyche
To Autumn
Ode on Melancholy
Fragment of an Ode to Maia
Bards of Passion and of Mirth
Las Belle Dame sans Merci
On first looking into Chapman’s Homer
When I have Fears that I may cease to be
To Sleep
Last Sonnet
Keble, John. 1792–1866 Burial of the Dead
Kendall, Henry Clarence. 1841–1882 Mooni
King, Henry (Bishop of Chichester). 1592–1669 A Contemplation upon Flowers
A Renunciation
Exequy on his Wife
Kingsley, Charles. 1819–1875 Airly Beacon
The Sands of Dee
Kipling, Rudyard. b. 1865 A Dedication
Lamb, Charles. 1775–1834 The Old Familiar Faces
On an Infant dying as soon as born
Lamb, Mary. 1765–1847 A Child
Landor, Walter Savage. 1775–1864 The Maid’s Lament
Rose Aylmer
Twenty Years hence
Proud Word you never spoke
Mother, I cannot mind my Wheel
Of Clementina
Ianthe’s Question
On Catullus
Alciphron and Leucippe
Late Leaves
Lang, Andrew. 1844–1912 The Odyssey
Le Gallienne, Richard. b. 1866 Song
The Second Crucifixion
Lindsay, Lady Anne. 1750–1825 Auld Robin Gray
Locker-Lampson, Frederick. 1821–1895 At Her Window
Lodge, Thomas. 1556?–1625 Rosaline
Rosalind’s Madrigal
Phillis 1
Phillis 2
Logan, John. 1748–1788 To the Cuckoo
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1807–1882 My Lost Youth
Lovelace, Richard. 1618–1658 To Lucasta, going to the Wars
To Lucasta, going beyond the Seas
Gratiana Dancing
To Amarantha, that she would dishevel her Hair
The Grasshopper
To Althea, from Prison
Lydgate, John. 1370?–1450? Vox ultima Crucis
Lyly, John. 1553–1606 Cards and Kisses
Spring’s Welcome
Lyttelton, Lord. 1709–1773 Tell me, my Heart, if this be Love
Lytton, Earl of. 1831–1892 A Night in Italy
The Last Wish
Macaulay, Lord. 1800–1859 A Jacobite’s Epitaph
MacDonald, George. 1824–1905 That Holy Thing
Mahony, Francis. 1805–1866 The Bells of Shandon
Mangan, James Clarence. 1803–1849 Dark Rosaleen
The Nameless One
Mannyng of Brunne, Robert. 1269–1340 Praise of Women
Marlowe, Christopher. 1564–93 The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Marvell, Andrew. 1621–1678 An Horatian Ode
A Garden
To His Coy Mistress
The Picture of Little T. C. in a Prospect of Flowers
Thoughts in a Garden
An Epitaph
Mayne, Jasper. 1604–1672 Time
Melcombe, Lord. 1691?–1762 Shorten Sail
Meredith, George. 1828–1909 Love in the Valley
Phoe<! oelig>bus with Admetus
Tardy Spring
Love’s Grave
Lucifer in Starlight
Meynell, Alice. b. 1850 Renouncement
The Lady of the Lambs
Milton, John1608–1674 Hymn on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
On Time
At a Solemn Musick
Il Penseroso
Arcades (excerpt)
Comus i (excerpt)
Comus ii (excerpt)
Comus iii (excerpt)
Comus iv (excerpt)
On His Blindness
To Mr. Lawrence
To Cyriack Skinner
On His Deceased Wife
Samson Agonistes i (excerpt)
Samson Agonistes ii (excerpt)