Planning winterized water circulation auto waterer


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2024
So I'm trying to plan out my chicken waterer for portland maine. Essentially I am collecting rain water from the run roof into a 55 gal barrel. I have been doing this since June and with the location of the run/coop and the tree canopy, I have not had any issues with algae.

Basically I want to take water from the barrels, circulate it through pvc with water nipples, and return it back into the barrel, which will have a stock tank de icer. I have never done this before and it is my first flock. Trying to gather as much info as I can and to the best with the generally conflicting opinions haha. However I am very open to more opinions and criticism. I want to try to do this right the first time.

Right now I am just doing a rough outline of the plan

Gutters return water from roof to barrel with two mesh filters for large debris

Barrel a few few feet of the ground with spicket in the bottom.

4 line splitter

Irrigation filter

Rv filter

Metal dishwasher hose

Vacuum breaker/backflow preventer

1.5 inch pvc will be cut down and drilled and carolina coop nipples screwed in

12v water circulation pump

Dishwasher hose that leads back into the barrel just a little higher than the water that enters the system, towards the bottom

One of the biggest conflicts I read is where to place the pump. Right now I'm leaning towards the end of the system and drawing water from the pvc back into the pump, as I understand you don't want too much pressure with these spring loaded nipples.

Happy to answer any questions. I provided some images and I'm eager to any and all feedback. Thanks all!!


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How cold does it get where you are at?

Sounds like a great summer time system...

But.. metal hoses, especially thin ones will want to freeze and freeze fast.

Stock tank de-icers are made to keep the water from freezing... so, maybe 40 F. This is great, since you want to use as little electricity as possible, since electricity costs a bunch.

But.... that means the water will NOT be hot... and then you will send it through a bunch of tiny tubes... it will freeze solid.

So... absolutely, play with the system... for summer time use.

For winter... can you heat tape and then super insulate all pipes? Of course... running heat tape is not cheap.

I often find it easier to just haul water 2 to 3 times a day, and not use any heat.

If you put a black rubber pan in the sun, behind a clear wind break (window or ripple plastic or similar) it will stay thawed way longer than you would think.

I know that going out 2 or 3 times a days sounds like a bunch ... but it is actually nice, and helpful.

You can check on the flock more... see how they are doing with the cold... keep checking their feed. They eat WAY MORE the cooler it gets. Super important to not let them run out. And also... you will want to gather eggs way more often, or all of the eggs will freeze solid and crack.

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