Odd behavior...broody?


Jun 9, 2022
South Georgia
Okay chickens experts, I've had a hen that I suspected was broody for over 3 weeks now. I put some fertilized eggs under her that I got from a neighbor and she sat on them every day and night but now she is leaving the nest but still making these clucking sounds and walks around all puffed up. Nothing physically looks to be wrong with her but she is acting very strange...is this normal behavior for a hen that's getting over the mama fever?

Also during her nest sitting time I added a rooster to the flock and now every time she comes out he chases her around which I'm guessing is him trying to "introduce" himself? He's doing wonderful with the rest of the group and for right now seems to be the best rooster I have ever had....time will tell but hopefully the 3rd time is the charm.
now she is leaving the nest but still making these clucking sounds and walks around all puffed up.
Totally normal. It's like they think they have a trail of baby chicks following them. Ours come out about once a day for about a half an hour or so to poop very giant poops, eat, drink, and go back, but the whole time they're out, they're doing that clucking and all puffed up.

The rooster chasing her around apparently isn't experienced because they usually leave broody hens alone.
Totally normal. It's like they think they have a trail of baby chicks following them. Ours come out about once a day for about a half an hour or so to poop very giant poops, eat, drink, and go back, but the whole time they're out, they're doing that clucking and all puffed up.

The rooster chasing her around apparently isn't experienced because they usually leave broody hens alone.
Thanks!! He is an older rooster. It took several days after the initial quarantine look but don't touch period for him to get even close to them...they had been without a male companion for a while so they are quite independent! LOL They scared the crap out of him! He would run like crazy when they came towards him. Now after 3 weeks he has them herded up and is doing a great job in my opinion. The broody one will get to know him and be a part of the flock again I'm sure. Thanks again!!
I've had a hen that I suspected was broody for over 3 weeks now. I put some fertilized eggs under her that I got from a neighbor and she sat on them every day and night but now she is leaving the nest but still making these clucking sounds and walks around all puffed up. Nothing physically looks to be wrong with her but she is acting very strange...is this normal behavior for a hen that's getting over the mama fever?
When did you put the eggs under her?
Have/did you candle the eggs to make sure they are developing...
...and to remove any fresh eggs added by your other hens?

Is she still spending the night in the nest?
When did you put the eggs under her?
Have/did you candle the eggs to make sure they are developing...
...and to remove any fresh eggs added by your other hens?

Is she still spending the night in the nest?
As of this morning she is not acting weird anymore....I went and checked on her last night and she was up on the roost like the rest of them. I did not candle them since I truly do not want anymore chickens, but would have let her do her thing if she had hatched them. I was just trying to help her out since she wanted to be a mama. I did get the other eggs out because the ones that I got from my neighbor were blue and green so they were easy to identify...thnaks everyone for all the help!! Who would have thought that ther was this much drama with birds!! LOL

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