How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 today, 8 yesterday and 9 the day before that :O

One of my girls is laying a blue so pale it's almost white and I am just in love.


a very pastel day today

the hen, Jane, who loves to mount other hens just like a rooster would, is ALSO, weirdly, a hen who looooovvvveeess to sit a nest for HOURS. She will sit and make velociraptor noises at anyone (except me!) who comes close.

This morning, Dora was anxiously needing to get on a nest but Jane was up there and making her dinosaur noises. Dora didn't want to get on the bad side of Jane, no way! So she was just antsy in the hen house while I was cleaning the poop boards.

So, since I'm the "rooster" (hens see the people as the rooster if there isn't one) I coo'd and talked to Dora gently and went to the other nests and showed her it was ok and they were safe, too.

To my utter delight and surprise, it worked! She hopped right up to the nest I showed her and she settled down.

Jane didn't make a peep while I was over there, either. Haha that Jane is a whole mess. What an attitude she's got! Such fun

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