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�@SPDY��Google���񏥂��Ă���HTTP�g���v���g�R���B���݁APC����Web�u���E�U�ł�Google Chrome��Mozilla Firefox�Ȃǂ�SPDY�v���g�R���ɑΉ����Ă���i�֘A�L��1�A�֘A�L��2�j�B


Ben Greenstein�������e�����p�b�`�̓��e�iChromium�v���W�F�N�g�̌����T�C�g������p�j

diff --git a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
index e47a84d..f9173f4 100644 (file)
--- a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
@@ -6936,11 +6936,11 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
         An app to develop apps / extensions.
       <if expr="pp_ifdef('android')">
-        <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_SPDY_PROXY_AUTH_NAME" desc="Name of the flag to enable SPDY proxy authentication.">
-          Enable SPDY proxy authentication.
+        <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_SPDY_PROXY_AUTH_NAME" desc="Name of the flag to enable data compression proxy.">
+          Enable Data Compression Proxy
-        <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_SPDY_PROXY_AUTH_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of flag to enable SPDY proxy authentication.">
-          <!-- TODO Add description of enable SPDY proxy auth flag. -->
+        <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_SPDY_PROXY_AUTH_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of flag to enable data compression proxy.">
+          Reduce data consumption by loading optimized web pages via Google proxy servers.
       <message name="IDS_FLAGS_IMPL_SIDE_PAINTING_NAME" desc="Name of about:flags option for impl-side painting.">

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adb shell 'echo "chrome --enable-spdy-proxy-auth" > \

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'; if( !this.isSubscription ) { this.insertTarget = document.querySelector('#cmsBody .subscription') || document.querySelector('#cmsBody .inner'); } }; BodyAdIMSWithCCE.prototype = Object.create(BodyAdContent.prototype); BodyAdIMSWithCCE.prototype.activate = function () { refreshGam('InArtSpecialLink'); } // global reference window.itm = itm; //entry point BodyAdEventBase.polyfill(); const bodyAdManager = BodyAdManager.getInstance(); bodyAdManager.addEventListener(BodyAdManager.EVENTS.READY, function (ev) { bodyAdManager.loadAdvertise(); }); bodyAdManager.init(); })();


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