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Academic Events

Fast Radio Bursts in the Local Universe
Lunch Talk 12:00~12:40 [R1412]
Tightening Dark Energy Constraints with Intrinsic Galaxy Shape Alignments
Junsup Shim (ASIAA)
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1412]
The status of the Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS II)
Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
Lunch Talk 12:00~12:40 [R1412]
First Interferometric Observation of ortho-H2D+ Depletion in the Prestellar Core G205.46M3 Sheng-Jun Lin (ASIAA)
14:20~15:20 [R1412]
Gas Surface Density Profiles in Protoplanetary Disks Revealed by Pressure-Broadened CO Line Wings Tomohiro Yoshida (NAOJ)
Lunch Talk 12:00~12:40 [R1412]

Masaomi Ono (ASIAA)
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1412]

Ben Horowitz (IPMU)
Lunch Talk 12:00~12:40 [R1412]

Jinshi Sai (ASIAA)