The Asia Pacific OperatorS Forum - the NOG for the Asia Pacific Region

Co-chairs: Philip Smith (APRICOT) and Matsuzaki Yoshinobu (IIJ).


APOPS is the Network Operators Group for the Asia Pacific region. APOPS now meets annually, during the February APRICOT summit.


APOPS was established as a mailing list for ISP operations engineers as early as 1996. With the growth of the Internet in the region, the first APOPS meetings were held as part of the APNIC annual members meeting in 2000.

Up until the end of 2006, APOPS meetings have been held during the annual APRICOT conference and the mid-year APNIC meeting.

From 2007, APOPS took on a greater role within the Asia Pacific Internet Operations community, forming the general plenary session of the APRICOT conference (following a revamp of the multi-track programme format of APRICOT). And APOPS formed the general plenary session at the joint SANOG 10 and APNIC 24 meeting in New Delhi in August 2007.

From July 2019, APOPS was brought under the auspices of APNOG, the Asia Pacific Network Operators Group Ltd, the non-profit organisation responsible for the delivery of the annual APRICOT Summit.

APOPS Future

Previous APOPS meetings are listed here

The APNOG Board agreed that, as from APRICOT 2025, the general plenary sessions at APRICOT Summits will no longer be badged as APOPS. The mailing list will remain for the general operator community across the world to use to discuss operational issues affecting the Internet.

Abha Ahuja Bursary Award

Since 2008, the generosity of an anonymous donor and Verisign with the administration of the Internet Society, have created and agreed to administer a bursary for persons from developing economies to participate in a regional operators meeting.

The Abha Ahuja Bursary targets individuals from Africa, Asia, and Oceania who are actively involved in Internet development, in any of the following roles:

  • Engineers (Network Builders)
  • Operational and Infrastructure Support Personnel
  • Educators, Teachers, and Trainers

For more information about the Abha Ahuja Bursary Award and about how to apply, please consult the Abha Ahuja Bursary Award website.

Mailing List:

The mailing list is targeted at network and operations engineers in the Asia Pacific Region. It is open to everyone from all walks of life around the world who is interested in ISP operations activities in the Asia Pacific Region. To ensure that the list is a useful forum for discussion of relevant technical issues, participants are asked to respect these guidelines. Failure to do so will lead to posting rights being denied.

To subscribe, use the online form.

To post a message, send e-mail to [email protected]. Note, you must be a subscriber in order to post a message.


For more information about APOPS or contact APOPS, please complete the general enquiry form.


APOPS would like to acknowledge and thank APNIC for kindly agreeing to host this website.