Just a Souvenir (Dig)
仕様 | 価格 | 新品 | 中古品 |
CD, オリジナルレコーディング, 2008/10/22
"もう一度試してください。" | オリジナルレコーディング |
| — | ¥447 |
CD, 限定版, 2010/10/6
"もう一度試してください。" | 限定版 |
| — | ¥3,324 |
ページ: 1 / 1 最初に戻るページ: 1 / 1
1 | Star Time 2 |
2 | The Coathanger |
3 | Open Society |
4 | A Real Woman |
5 | Delta-V |
6 | Aqueduct |
7 | Potential Govaner |
8 | Planet Gear |
9 | Tensor In Green |
10 | The Glass Road |
11 | Fluxgate |
12 | Duotone Moonbeam |
13 | Quadrature |
14 | Yes Sequitur |
- メーカーにより製造中止になりました : いいえ
- 製品サイズ : 16.61 x 13 x 0.51 cm; 47.91 g
- メーカー : Warp Records
- EAN : 0801061016128
- SPARSコード : DDD
- レーベル : Warp Records
- ディスク枚数 : 1
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 557,434位ミュージック (ミュージックの売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- カスタマーレビュー:
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星5つ93%7%0%0%0%93%
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星4つ93%7%0%0%0%7%
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星3つ93%7%0%0%0%0%
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星2つ93%7%0%0%0%0%
- 星5つ星4つ星3つ星2つ星1つ星1つ93%7%0%0%0%0%
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2008年10月30日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入
- 2008年10月11日に日本でレビュー済みテクノ、ジャズ、フュージョン、ドラムンベース、エレクトロノイズ、プログレ、
- 2008年9月28日に日本でレビュー済みBudakhan Mindphone 以降同じ所をグルグルしてる感があったが、ちょっと抜け出たか。
- 2008年12月23日に日本でレビュー済み本人のレビューによると彼が白昼夢で見たバンドのセッションを音楽として表現(再現?)したアルバムだとか・・・。昔の過激なやりすぎフュージョンドランベやらその後の実験的ジャズが好きだ!という方には悪い意味の裏切りととれるだろうし、逆に面白い裏切りと考えるリスナーもいるんだろうなと。自分としては、たしかにユルいかもしれないけどどこまでも進化を続け、同じところにとどまらず、なおかつクオリティーを下げない姿勢を評価したいです
5つ星のうち5.0 Just a souvenir!
Amazonで購入It was a good purchase, the seller wrote that the vinyl was in very good condition but it turned out to be in perfect condition. for that price I bought a real treasure!
SergeJust a souvenir!
5つ星のうち5.0 Minimalista
Amazonで購入Es lo que tiene Squarepusher, que solo es música, si buscamos cómo se hizo en lo que en inglés se denomina "liner notes" aqui eso desaparece, es un diseño minimalista amas no poder, un carton doblado por tres partes y un hueco en el que metemos el disco. No busqueis mucho mas, pero si os gusta este genio del nu jazz y la tecnología aquí tenéis esra joyita. Por buen precio en segunda mano y restaurado manualmente desde la tienda.
Jean-Sebatien Leveille2018年10月28日にカナダでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Thank you
Amazonで購入Great album and great group
5つ星のうち5.0 Genial wie immer !
Amazonで購入Wie bei der "Hello Everything" präsentiert sich Meister Jenkinson hier anfangs eher mit eingängigeren Melodien und Taktverläufen. Der prägnante Einfluss einer bis auf's letzte zerfilterten E-Gitarre mit spielerisch anmutenden Drum'n Bass takten, berührt wieder einmal so Alternativ, wie es jedes vorhergehende Album ebenso auf seine Weise zu tun vermochte.
Die ersten 4 Stücke erklingen entspannt melodisch. Wie bei einem Spaziergang durch verschwommene Abendlichter, rieseln die Akkorde zu einem fließenden Gesamtbild. Mit Delta-V startet dann die Symbiose aus "Elecronic Metal" und Drum'n Bass welches sich in den folgenden Tracks mit grandiosen Jazz-Einflüssen ausbaut. Musikalisch wirklich auf höchstem Niveau, wenn auch - ganz gezielt - die Abstimmung relativ flach gehalten wurde, ist doch jede Kleinigkeit akribisch abgestimmt. Hier sind also keine fragmentarischen Bass- und Höhengewitter wie bei der Go Plastic zu erwarten. Die Taktführung ist wie immer klassisch "hektisch" und der Ablauf überraschend erfrischend. Klanggerüste aus atmosphärischem Jazz-Metal-Bass und ruhigen Zwischenstücken führen zu einem harmonischen Gesamtbild dieses Albums. Vor allem durch die schroffe Gitarre gelingt es ihm mal wieder ein völlig anderes Flair und seine eigene Interpretation der Grenzenlosigkeit der musikalischen Kombinierbarkeit zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Auch das Cover-Artwork ist sehr inspirierend und wirkt stilvoll frei definierbar, ebenso wie die Musik.
Robert Strecker2012年12月10日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 jenkinson continues to deliver original material with new approaches and themes
Amazonで購入This is a wondeful gem from mr jenkinson and a great example of the range of his artistic exploration.
I find it hilarious and sad when peopl critisize squarepusher for putting out a release that is "much diffwerent from his other works" or "great album just not one of his best" or other one track mind comments such as that.
Squarepusher gived us a solid concept album here that marks his first attempt to materialize this fantasy/dream he has about this futuristis space band that prob is made up of robots due to the creative punkish song that is trck 4. At first is sounds like a overprocessed punk rock song--(who would want to hear that esp from squarepusher-i thought at first then as the song goes on it becomes a classic mainly due to the thematic content.The track then becomes tripped out in it is a clever observation about humans from a robot or android perspective which quickly turns a cheesy approach into something with substance and valid artistic expression.
Track 2 "the coathanger" sound like something a robotic george clinton would of released. It is an eletro funk classic..
His use of the bass guitar is prob he standout feature of this album being that he has it ran therough an interface to sound like a guitar one min then an acoustic funcadellic bass the next.
I am not really a metal or punk fan as i feel that type of music has an age limit that sould not go far beyond highschool but i do love heavy music so the rock sounding tracks are fun for me.. (i really love track 8 or 9 from ufabulum it sounds like a heavy metal track)--this album represents ultimately what music will look like in the futureif styles were programmed into a robotic musician and by creating this concept album of this robotic or non human band squarepusher then frees himnself to use vastly differing styles because this fusion would prob be what it wouls sound like if all of the musical styles from the past 200 years were programmed into current pop music of this fictuitous band.. I think squarepusher is optioning a reality in which pop music could possibly become intersting and intellectual due to the categorization that current pop musicians put themselves into therefore reducing their potential-- here squarepusher is saying pop music can be sweet if approached outside any category rules or conditioning-- the concept of this album is deep and only for people who take music seriously and are open to new ideas-- the people who get mad at squarepusher for his shobandleader and just a sov-experiments are just single minded losers--one of my favorite things to do on amazon is to get a laugh at retards that critisize brilliant artist such as jenkinson--'uhhh its not hardcore drum and bass ohh nooo run and cry he used barely any drum machines on this runn ohh no its less than a squarepusher release" haaaaa--screw people like that--i loved that one review where the guy was said there was too much bass guitar on this album but the e.p. he released along with it"numbers lucient" was a "return to form to apologize for the mainly acoustic souvenier"--haaa retard there was just as much bass on numbers as on souvenier---- buy this album if your really down with squarepusher if you just want his early style stick to his early work and the new album--i am a big fan of his solo bass works as well as his fantasy space band phase--squarepusher cant make a mistake its not possible--