ロイヤル・ペインズ~救命医ハンク~シーズン1 バリューパック [DVD]
フォーマット | 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン |
コントリビュータ | パウロ・コスタンゾ, マーク・フォイアスタイン, ジル・フリント, キャンベル・スコット, レシュマ・シェティ |
言語 | 英語, 日本語 |
ディスク枚数 | 4 |
稼働時間 | 9 時間 45 分 |
全米大ヒット本格医療エンターテイメント! !
第1話 「運命のパーティー」
第2話 「ハンプトンズのロビン・フッド」
第3話 「見えない敵」
第4話 「リストランテの週末」
第5話 「SOSの届かない島」
第6話 「招かれざる客」
第7話 「愛されすぎて」
第8話 「問題だらけのハネムーン」
第9話 「娘たちの馬術大会」
第10話 「青ざめる秘密」
第11話 「豪華ヨットへの誘い」
第12話 「ハンク・イン・ワンダーランド」(最終話)
ニューヨークにある病院のERで働く有能な医師ハンクは、美しい婚約者ニッキもいて完璧な毎日を過ごしていたが、誠実な彼は心筋梗塞で倒れた病院の理事より、容態が深刻な青年の治療を優先し、理事が命を落とすという事態を招く。責任を問われて病院を解雇されたハンクは、ニッキからは婚約を破棄され、自宅に引きこもる。そこへ弟の会計士エヴァンが、郊外の超高級住宅地ハンプトンズで開かれるパーティーで気晴らししようと誘ってくる。同行したハンクがパーティー会場で、1人の女性を救おうと見せたER仕込みの医療テクニックは豪邸の主ボリスを感心させ、彼から特別の専属医“コンシェルジュ・ドクター"にならないかという誘いを受ける。ボリスの大豪邸のゲストハウスにエヴァンと間借りしながら、医師ハンク、財務責任者エヴァン、そして医療助手ディヴィヤというトリオで “ハンク・メド"を立ち上げ、いわくありげなセレブたちを次々と救う毎日へ――!
■製作:2009年 アメリカ
■画面サイズ:16:9 HD・サイズ
(C)2009 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
- アスペクト比 : 1.78:1
- 言語 : 英語, 日本語
- 製品サイズ : 30 x 10 x 20 cm; 140 g
- EAN : 4988102191092
- メディア形式 : ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー, 色
- 時間 : 9 時間 45 分
- 発売日 : 2013/11/27
- 出演 : マーク・フォイアスタイン, パウロ・コスタンゾ, ジル・フリント, レシュマ・シェティ, キャンベル・スコット
- 字幕: : 日本語, 英語
- 言語 : 日本語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- 販売元 : ジェネオン・ユニバーサル
- 原産国 : 日本
- ディスク枚数 : 4
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 118,671位DVD (DVDの売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 2,902位アメリカのTVドラマ
- カスタマーレビュー:
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2018年8月8日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入皆さんのレビューが好評だったので買ったが、とても良かったです。いつもは、ドンパチモノを観ているのですが、観ているうちにドンドン引き込まれて、バリュー7まで一気に揃えました。
- 2015年7月15日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入初めはふーんって感じで見てたけど段々とERっぽくなって引き込まれた☆
- 2012年2月25日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入このドラマ、たぶんDVDが発売される前後に紹介されていたのを見ました。
- 2023年6月4日に日本でレビュー済みテンポがよいです。hot shotのように行動しない地に足がついた医者の兄とずれているけど人がよい弟が、日本では考えられない大金持ちのところで働きます。家のインテリアや庭をみて、ため息。
- 2011年6月2日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入医療系のドラマで
早くseason 2のDVDがほしい!ロイヤル・ペインズ〜救命医ハンク〜 シーズン1 DVD-BOX
- 2014年1月5日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入とっても面白かった。ただ値段が高すぎて。。。仕方なく買うしかないのですが、どうにかなりませんでしょうか。
- 2015年8月1日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入この度はじんそくかつていねいなたいおうをありがとうございました。また機会がございましたらよろしくお願いします。
- 2011年9月1日に日本でレビュー済み医療ドラマとしては浅すぎ、コメディとしてはベタすぎ、人間ドラマとしては薄すぎる。
5つ星のうち5.0 Pas mal
Amazonで購入Un coté origine pour cette série médicale
Mark Baker - Carstairs Considers2015年4月14日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Another Satisfied HankMed Viewer
Amazonで購入Over the last few years, I have gotten hooked on the original shows on the USA Network. I really enjoy all of them. So when they've got a new show starting, I automatically give it a try. Because of that "rule," I tuned into the first season of Royal Pains, even though I am not normally a fan of medical shows. I was rewarded with a charming show with great characters.
Hank Lawson (Mark Feuerstein) is engaged to a beautiful woman and rising in a New York City hospital. That is until the day he decides to treat a poor young man with a serious medical condition instead of focusing all his time on the hospital trustee member who appears to be in stable condition. While the young man lives, the trustee takes a turn for the worse and dies, causing the hospital to fire Hank and blacklist him around the city. Hank slips into depression, causing his fiancee to break up with him, leading to further depression.
His brother Evan (Paulo Costanzo) decides that a weekend in the Hamptons is exactly what Hank needs to pull himself out of his funk. At a party the first night, Hank saves the life of a young woman, leading to an invitation to open a private medical service for the rich in the area. Evan is the first to get on board, quickly declaring himself the CFO of HankMed. Hank gets an assistant in the form of Divya Katdare (Reshma Shetty), an Indian woman whose parents don't know she has gotten a medical degree. Then there's Jill Flint (Jill Casey), the cute administrator for the local hospital. She and Hank seem to flirt as often as they fight over the best use of hospital resources.
Along the way, Hank gets some unusual cases. There's a senator's son who collapses for no apparent reason. Hank is asked to accompany a pregnant woman to an island so remote it has no phone service. The guests at a bark mitzvah (yes, you read that right) get quarantined when a mysterious disease breaks out there. And a local children's illustrator is risking his life to finish his latest book. Can Hank deal with all these cases?
This show definitely takes its cue from modern medical shows. Very few of the diseases faced are common enough that I've heard of them. It seems that if you want to get sick in the Hamptons, you need a disease as exotic as the location. Of course, that goes right along with Hank's diagnosis skills. This man took lessons from MacGyver, sometimes making medical instruments out of the weirdest stuff. Okay, so it isn't that practical. The show is so much fun, I really don't care.
Yes, this fits quite comfortably into the USA Network's family of dramadies. This is especially true when Evan and Divya are together. Those two exchange some of the funniest barbs. I can't help but laugh at them. But all the characters provide some comic moments in the middle of the medical drama.
Another staple of the USA Network's hits is strong character, and once again this show perfectly captures it. The four main characters are all very believable and relatable. They're helped by wonderful acting by the leads. There are actually several recurring characters on the show, all of whom add greatly to the its depth as a whole. My favorite of these is Tucker, a neglected teenager played by Ezra Miller. The teen latches onto Hank as a caring adult, and the two have some of the best scenes together.
The big flaw in this season is Evan R. Lawson, CFO of HankMed. Evan is a bit too much of an idiot most of the time. In fact, there are plenty of times I want to smack him. Most of the time he is funny, but he crosses that line from funny to annoying at least once an episode. Paulo seems to go a little over the top with the acting at times, but I blame it more on how the character is written then how it is acted. And maybe it's just because he's an accountant so the character hit a little too close to home for me because both my roommates watched the show with me and loved his character.
This three disc set collects all twelve episodes from season 1 of the show in wide screen and full surround. Extras include the usual deleted scenes and outtakes along with six commentaries on four different episodes by various members of the cast and crew. We also get a featurette on the real doctor who is the medical consultant for the show and Paulo Costanzo's video blogs from the set.
Even with how annoying Evan R. Lawson, CFO of HankMed, could get at times, I still couldn't wait for Royal Pains each week. This first season set is a must try for fans of medical shows and should entertain everyone who enjoys a light, fun show.
5つ星のうち5.0 1 bella sorpresa...
Amazonで購入Scoperto per caso 1 giorno mentre andava in onda su 1 canale privato, sono rimasto affascinato sia dall'ambientazione che dalle 2 protagoniste femminili ( perdonatemi ma é proprio così ) principali e poi dalla storia in se dell'episodio in onda tanto che anche il protagonista mi ha fatto simpatia sia per etica che per modo di fare. Nei giorni seguenti ho cercato di seguire qualche altro episodio. Ho cercato notizie in merito ed ho cercato su Amazon se era stato pubblicato in Italia. L'ho trovato ed ho comprato, sulla fiducia, le prime 2 stagioni ( il prezzo abbordabilissimo ha fatto il resto ). Lo stò guardando, mi piace e spero anche in Italia pubblichino tutte le stagioni giá disponibili sul mercato estero. Ottimo il cast, le sceneggiature e la recitazione, sempre con quel filo di ironia che rende questo telefilm davvero godibilissimo. Ottimo come sempre il servizio Amazon. Unico appunto, la custodia della prima stagione leggermente rotta sulla chiusura.
5つ星のうち5.0 Great show...
Amazonで購入This is a show which those who love to have very easy casual viewing must have. Essentially the story follows a young Doctor who is forced to leave his ER position because he makes a morally right decision (IMO). He loses his fiancee and his way before his brother picks him up and starts him on a journey to find meaning in his life - as a private doctor to the rich and famous.
5つ星のうち5.0 Royal Pains - Season 1
Amazonで購入I started watching this show when I was in Vegas. I loved it and was hoping that it would come to Canada and it did. I was very happy. As soon as the season came out I bought it. Love the show!!!