Eden of the East: Complete Series [Blu-ray] [Import]
- Eden of the East: Paradise Lost (東のエデン 劇場版2) 北米版 [Blu-ray]東のエデンBlu-ray送料: ¥2,612最短で1月9日 木曜日のお届け予定です残り1点 ご注文はお早めに
- 東のエデン 劇場版I The King of Eden+Air Communication Blu-ray プレミアム・エディション【初回限定生産】木村良平Blu-ray送料: ¥2,936残り1点 ご注文はお早めに
- Eden of the East: The King of Eden (東のエデン 劇場版1) 北米版 [Blu-ray]Jason Liebrecht, Leah ClarkBlu-ray送料: ¥2,612残り1点 ご注文はお早めに
- アスペクト比 : 1.78:1
- メーカーにより製造中止になりました : いいえ
- 言語 : 日本語, 英語
- 製品サイズ : 1.78 x 19.05 x 13.72 cm; 181.44 g
- EAN : 0704400088414
- 製造元リファレンス : 704400088414
- メディア形式 : DVD-Video
- 出演 : Jason Liebrecht and Leah Clark
- 吹き替え: : 日本語, 英語
- 字幕: : 英語
- ディスク枚数 : 2
- カスタマーレビュー:
"...もちろん、日本版ブルーレイと比べるとビットレートは少々削られているのだろうが最高のコストパフォーマンスだと感じる。..." もっと読む
"...○よい点 ・なんといっても安い。インタビューなど映像特典まで観れる ・字幕なしで日本語設定にすれば、北米版であろうと何の不便もなく観れる(字幕有りにしてしまうと、パソコンや携帯画面に上から文字が乗せられて、オリジナルの画面がほとんど見えなくなるのでオススメしません)..." もっと読む
"...通常のTV版+劇場版2話+総集編が1つのパッケージにまとまっており、非常にお買い得感の高い商品だと思います。 (どのディスクがどの内容かパッと見で分かりにくいのが難点ではありますが…)..." もっと読む
"北米版に日本語でも見れて安くて最高。 買うなら海外版にかぎる。" もっと読む
"このタイプのBDをはじめて買いました。 PCでの再生は問題なく再生できました。 作品はアニメ版しかわかりませんが見ていて面白い作品だと思います。 購入した物にはTV放映された話数だけ入っていました..." もっと読む
"内容や仕様に関しては他の方が記述している通りです。 背景描写が素晴らしいこの作品は是非ブルーレイの高画質で見ていただきたい作品ですね。 また、私の所に届いたものは、他の方が引いたハズレとは違い 外の紙箱も大変綺麗で内部もシュリンクされていました。..." もっと読む
"配送状態も問題無しで内容も面白い作品でした。 また購入したいと思います。" もっと読む
"とても考えさせられる作品でした。見ていて面白いので飽きずにずっと見てしまいました。" もっと読む
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
この後に東の『エデン 劇場版I The King of Eden』と『東のエデン 劇場版II Paradise Lost』につづきますがここでも一区切りでオシマイ。
他にも、TV版総集編の『東のエデン 総集編 Air Communication』も有ります。
国内版の高額な値段と全巻揃えると場所を取りすぎるのが嫌になり、北米版Blu-rayを購入してみました。機器によってはリュージョンの関係で再生できない、字幕は消せない、Blu-rayは再生出きるけどDVDは出来ない、など様々な噂やレビューを事前に調べてから『東のエデン/Eden of East・THE COMPLETE SERIES(Blu-ray&DVD)』の北米版の円盤を購入しました。再生機器はPS4のVer.8.52(現時点でのVer.)での再生になります。結果ですが、Blu-rayとDVD共に再生出来ました。字幕も両規格共に消せました。噂ではDVDは再生出来ないとレビューなどにあったのでちゃっと得した気持ちになりました。OPやEDなどのクレジットは英語表記でした。画質ですがDVDは、DVDレベルです(笑) Blu-rayの画質ですが許容範囲内だと思いますし、もしかしたら日本国内版の方が良いのかも知れませんね? あくまでも現時点(21.8/18)のPS4.Ver.8.52での再生のレビューなので購入を検討してる人はレビューなど良く調べてから個人の責任での購入をご検討ください。個人的にはとても良いお買い物になったのでこれからもAmazonを中心に北米版Blu-rayを購入していきたいと思います!
国内版の高額な値段と全巻揃えると場所を取りすぎるのが嫌になり、北米版Blu-rayを購入してみました。機器によってはリュージョンの関係で再生できない、字幕は消せない、Blu-rayは再生出きるけどDVDは出来ない、など様々な噂やレビューを事前に調べてから『東のエデン/Eden of East・THE COMPLETE SERIES(Blu-ray&DVD)』の北米版の円盤を購入しました。再生機器はPS4のVer.8.52(現時点でのVer.)での再生になります。結果ですが、Blu-rayとDVD共に再生出来ました。字幕も両規格共に消せました。噂ではDVDは再生出来ないとレビューなどにあったのでちゃっと得した気持ちになりました。OPやEDなどのクレジットは英語表記でした。画質ですがDVDは、DVDレベルです(笑) Blu-rayの画質ですが許容範囲内だと思いますし、もしかしたら日本国内版の方が良いのかも知れませんね? あくまでも現時点(21.8/18)のPS4.Ver.8.52での再生のレビューなので購入を検討してる人はレビューなど良く調べてから個人の責任での購入をご検討ください。個人的にはとても良いお買い物になったのでこれからもAmazonを中心に北米版Blu-rayを購入していきたいと思います!
日本での地上波テレビ放送当時、まだ自身の視聴環境ではアナログ形式だったため『640x480i SD画質』『レターボックス16:9』でCD音質に満たないステレオ音声でした。
『映像: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC、1920x1080p 16:9 HD』
『音声: ドルビーTrueHD、5.1chサラウンド(英語、日本語対応)』
『字幕: 英語』
『映像: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC、1920x1080i 16:9 HD』
『音声: ドルビーTrueHD、2.0chステレオ(日本語のみ)』
『字幕: 英語』
『A (南北アメリカ、東南アジア、日本、朝鮮半島、台湾及びそれら海外領土)』のみかと思いきや
『B (ヨーロッパ、中近東、アフリカ、オセアニア及びそれら海外領土)』も対応しているから驚いた。何て豪華なんだと感じた。
あと、オープニングが第二話以降、早見沙織さんが歌う『ミカエル か ベリアル』になっています。
このレビュ-はブルーレイ&DVD北米版(ASIN: B003SPDS8A)ですが
なぜかアマゾンさんのレビューではDVDボックス(ASIN: B003VOIPHW)にも
ブルーレイ&DVD北米版(ASIN: B003SPDS8A)は
DVDボックス(ASIN: B003VOIPHW)はPAL形式ですので、
5つ星のうち5.0 Excelente producto y envio veloz.
El producto tenía un defecto de fábrica (llegó roto una de las bases que sostiene el DVD) pero fue causa externa a Amazon.
5つ星のうち5.0 Ca c'est un japanime
5つ星のうち5.0 20,000 Naked NEETs and A Cute Dog With Wings
Eden of the East, first broadcast in 2009, is one of those rare works of art that succeeds in capturing the spirit of a time and place and commenting on it without singling out any particular group for ridicule. Pick any character in the series and you can easily criticize some aspect of that character as a person, but you can also, just as easily, identify positive and redeeming aspects of that character.
All the more impressive is how genuinely likable the cast is. I'll admit: when I first started watching Eden, I thought I was going to hate Takizawa the moment he stepped into frame, impossibly upbeat despite being naked and waving a gun over his head in front of two police officers in the capitol of the United States. Clearly, there's something wrong with this dude, he's overmedicated or he's one of those new-age hippies who love everybody and everything, and I'm not going to watch past the first episode because he is going to drive me up the wall. But almost as soon as he started speaking with Saki, he won me over. It's tempting to say he's charismatic, but I'm not sure that's an accurate statement. He's calm, he's collected, he's soft-spoken, and he's nice. He's a gentleman in the truest of the world: he wants those around him to be comfortable and feel safe. Early on, when he's first getting to know Saki, he asks her about herself and won't accept long silence or empty answers. He keeps prompting for more substance. He genuinely wants to know who she is. Later on, it's revealed that he willingly accepted blame for a series of missile attacks, when the truth is that his actions ensured no one would be hurt in those missile attacks. And what's more, he doesn't ever ask for applause. He's not trying to be a national hero. He simply does what he can to mitigate bad situations.
Likewise, Saki, who starts off as a silly, naive student, very quickly wins us over as we come to understand that she is not really naive but more a victim of a society that doesn't seem to have a place for young people and doesn't seem to really care all that much that it doesn't have a place for them. Early on, Saki goes to a job interview, and the man interviewing her asks a question, but before she can even begin to respond, he dismisses her answer: "No, that's disappointing. That's not at all what we're looking for. We want people who think outside the box. Let's go have lunch." Saki goes to the cafeteria, thinking she might have a chance while they eat to redeem herself, but after an hour, a man is sent to quote-unquote accidentally dump noodles all over Saki's skirt. It's a humiliating moment for her and it's heartbreaking for the audience because she didn't deserve that. No deserves to be treated like that. What did Saki do? She went in for a job interview, got nervous, and gave a fraction of an answer that her interviewer didn't like. It's bad enough that she was so rudely dismissed, but then to have food dumped on her! As if to say, you're garbage, go away. And what does Saki do as a result? She goes to work on a social network project with her university friends.
And it's here that Eden's political dimension really shines. Throughout the series, we hear about the 20,000 NEETS, 20,000 young men not in education, employment, or training, and there is a glib dismissal of these young men as basically bums, as lazy bums. But Saki's job interview, which at first seems a bit out of place in the series, is an opportunity to implicitly question the view of NEETS as bums. How many of them are NEETS because they're just lazy, and how many of them are NEETS because they were treated like Saki and gave up in frustration?
No answer is ever given, but an answer isn't really important. What's important is that the question is asked in the first place. And the series does not stop there. It goes on to ask an even bigger question: What would "fix" Japan? What would return Japan to a position of greatness? Is the answer removing all the deadbeats who aren't working? Or should the country live in constant of terrorism? That one should definitely connect with American audiences.
From a technical perspective, the show impresses on almost every front, from character design and background art to the voice acting and the editing. Of particular note has to be the pacing. I recently watched Eden again and at the end of every single episode, I was startled by how quickly the episode was over. This is a series that moves along at a decent clip continuously. Even when the story seems to slow down for exposition, the pacing never feels like it slows. As a result, I was able to plow through all eleven episodes in a single night without feeling like I needed a break.
There are only two specific aspects of Eden that I take issue with, and neither is all that significant, but both stand out because everything else is so impressive.
The first is the end of episode 7. Takizawa confronts a woman who is about to maim a wanted rapist with a cigar cutter, and she escapes through what we learn in some kind of elaborate illusion. It plays out like this: she appears to sprout wings from her back and then flies away into the night sky from her hotel window. It's a jarring moment because it does not fit the realism of the rest of the series. Everything else that happens is plausible, certainly not likely but plausible. This moment simply does not work in the context of the rest of the series.
My second issue is that the eleventh episode has no closure. It's a logical place for a break, but there is no wrap-up. There is a lot more of the story that still needs to be told, and in order to get that remaining, you have to watch the two films that came after the series, The King of Eden and Paradise Lost. It's not a deal-breaker, but it can be irritating if you don't know about the films.
Overall, I strong recommended Eden of the East. It's technically impressive, it's narratively satisfying, it's thought-provoking... it's the complete package.
Oh yeah, and there's a cute little dog with wings. So, yeah.
5つ星のうち5.0 Watch this show!
This is by far the best anime to be released in 2010 (in R1). Directed by Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Moribito...)and beautifully animated by Production IG, the series sits at 11 episodes and 2 films that are soon to be released (by Funimation). This wild adventure is brimming with action, great comedy, and splashes of romance. The show is very well paced, with an intriguing plot, excellent characterization, and visually stunning artwork. Its very well executed, the bluray transfers look great and the second disc is filled with extras.
Check out the trailer / preview episodes here [...]
5つ星のうち5.0 Capolavoro
Magistrale il lavoro svolto da Kenji Kamiyama e Production I.G, con una trama piena di colpi di scena, che tiene incollato lo spettatore fino alla fine. Un po' di dati:
11 Episodi
Lingua: Inglese - Giapponese
Sottotitoli: Inglese
2 Blu Ray