スウィーニー・トッド フリート街の悪魔の理髪師 [DVD]
フォーマット | 色, ドルビー, 限定版, ワイドスクリーン |
コントリビュータ | アラン・リックマン, ヘレナ・ボナム=カーター, ティム・バートン, サシャ・バロン・コーエン, ジョニー・デップ, ティモシー・スポール |
言語 | 英語 |
稼働時間 | 1 時間 57 分 |
ディスク枚数 | 1 |
- アスペクト比 : 1.78:1
- 言語 : 英語
- 梱包サイズ : 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
- EAN : 4988135610584
- 監督 : ティム・バートン
- メディア形式 : 色, ドルビー, 限定版, ワイドスクリーン
- 時間 : 1 時間 57 分
- 発売日 : 2009/11/18
- 出演 : ジョニー・デップ, ヘレナ・ボナム=カーター, アラン・リックマン, ティモシー・スポール, サシャ・バロン・コーエン
- 字幕: : 日本語, 英語
- 言語 : 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- 販売元 : ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
- ディスク枚数 : 1
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 307,978位DVD (DVDの売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 1,263位外国のミュージカル映画
- - 2,456位外国のファンタジー映画
- - 5,729位外国のラブロマンス映画
- カスタマーレビュー:
お客様はこの映画について、以下のような評価をしています: ティム・バートンの映像美に引き込まれ、低俗でないファンタジーなストーリーが描かれていると高く評価しています。また、音楽や音質についても好意的な意見が多くあります。ジョニー・デップの意外な美声も高く評価されており、高音もよく通り抜けていくため広がりのある音になっていると好評です。一方で、残酷さや血しぶきのシーンが多いという指摘もあります。全体的に、作品性が高く、徹底されていると感じています。ただし、一部のお客様は歌が入っていないことを不満に感じているようです。
"ティム・バートン、ヘレナ・ボナム=カーターと3枚揃った。一連のティム・バートンの作品にキラリと光る秀作あり。" もっと読む
"...時に力強く、時に軽快な音楽の美しさ。ゴシックムード溢れる、重厚な映像。 さらに、圧倒的にドラマチックなストーリー。 その中にはブラックユーモアも散りばめられ、毒気とミュージカルの軽さが絶妙にマッチしています。..." もっと読む
"点数は4.1 話はおぞましいが、おどろおどろしさやいたずらに恐怖感を掻き立てようとするところがない。 映像は丁寧に作られており、低俗でないファンタジー映画だ。" もっと読む
"言葉じゃ表せないが良い作品。" もっと読む
"名曲揃い、良いストーリー。 映画としても最高です。何度観ても良いな" もっと読む
"刺激的な描写はありますが最後まで惹きつけられる演技と物語。とても楽しめました。" もっと読む
"...時に力強く、時に軽快な音楽の美しさ。ゴシックムード溢れる、重厚な映像。 さらに、圧倒的にドラマチックなストーリー。 その中にはブラックユーモアも散りばめられ、毒気とミュージカルの軽さが絶妙にマッチしています。..." もっと読む
"...若者:ジョアナが好き ジョアナ:逃げたい なぞの浮浪者:動きがやばい 復讐劇として非常に完成度が高いです。" もっと読む
"名曲揃い、良いストーリー。 映画としても最高です。何度観ても良いな" もっと読む
"...まるでショートケーキに梅干しを載せたような、珍妙な取り合わせですが、これがとんでもない美味。 時に力強く、時に軽快な音楽の美しさ。ゴシックムード溢れる、重厚な映像。 さらに、圧倒的にドラマチックなストーリー。..." もっと読む
"気に入らないことはない 全キャストの演技、歌が素晴らしかった" もっと読む
"私は舞台ミュージカルを最初に観ていたので、映画化はけっこう懐疑派でしたが、本当によくできてます。ジョニー・デップの意外な美声もよかったわ。さすがはティム・バートン!そのうえ、舞台では出せないグロさもしっかりあってホラー好きとしてはたまりませんが、お嫌いな方はご用心ください。..." もっと読む
"いい商品です" もっと読む
"...まるでショートケーキに梅干しを載せたような、珍妙な取り合わせですが、これがとんでもない美味。 時に力強く、時に軽快な音楽の美しさ。ゴシックムード溢れる、重厚な映像。 さらに、圧倒的にドラマチックなストーリー。..." もっと読む
"私は舞台ミュージカルを最初に観ていたので、映画化はけっこう懐疑派でしたが、本当によくできてます。ジョニー・デップの意外な美声もよかったわ。さすがはティム・バートン!そのうえ、舞台では出せないグロさもしっかりあってホラー好きとしてはたまりませんが、お嫌いな方はご用心ください。..." もっと読む
"Tim Burtonの映画は結構見ているが、どれも彼の趣味が中途半端にしか表現されていない気がしていた。しかしこの作品はそこが徹底されていてとても良い。ただ、ミュージカルが元になっているから仕方がないのだけど、個人的には歌はいらなかった。もっとシリアスな劇として表現しても良かったと思う。..." もっと読む
"...時に力強く、時に軽快な音楽の美しさ。ゴシックムード溢れる、重厚な映像。 さらに、圧倒的にドラマチックなストーリー。 その中にはブラックユーモアも散りばめられ、毒気とミュージカルの軽さが絶妙にマッチしています。..." もっと読む
"...サラウンド感はそこそこ。 ガンガンに効いているという訳ではありませんがダイナミックな音になっています。 セリフ部分はクリアでミュージカル作品としては文句なしの出来。 とてもいい音質でした。 内容はダークな要素の強いミュージカル映画。..." もっと読む
"画質はまずまず..." もっと読む
"ジョニーの目の演技には脱帽..." もっと読む
"...殺人鬼側を応援してしまうのは本来どうかと思うが、このあたりの描き方もバートン流炸裂で、気持ちいい。世はBDの時代となり、かなり値段もこなれてきた。驚嘆のビジュアルと圧倒的音声を楽しみたければ、ブルーレイをお勧めします。星は4つ。" もっと読む
"...ティムバートン監督だからこその世界観だと思います。独特な色使いとテンポで引き込まれました。素晴らしかったです。" もっと読む
"...個人的に、設定等は好みな内容だったのと、ジョニー・デップが意外に歌がうまかったので、評価できます。見ていて気持ちがよい作品ではないので、血が苦手な人はやめた方がよいでしょう。" もっと読む
"...悲哀からそんな教訓を感じさせる見事な構成ですが、 ジョニーにしてはユーモアが少ない、血しぶきのシーンが多い、 内容が切ないなどで星を1つ減らしました。" もっと読む
"重苦しくて、残虐過ぎて耐えられなかった。それを歌が入ることで、ちょっと薄めにしてる。" もっと読む
"とても幻想的で、独特の世界観を感じさせてくれます。 このお値段で本当にいいのかしら?キャストも素晴らしいし、まぁ残酷な場面もありますが、 そこも含めて全体的なシュールな仕上がりは素晴らしい。" もっと読む
"ティム・バートンとジョニー・デップというゴールデンコンビ的作品なだけあって、なんともいえない世界観がすばらしいと思いました。少し、残酷なシーンは多いと思いますが、ティム・バートンの創り出す映像美に引き込まれ、あっという間に見終わってしまうでしょう。" もっと読む
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2024年6月4日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入名曲揃い、良いストーリー。
- 2024年3月14日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入映画自体文句の付けようがないぐらい面白かったですし、
- 2021年8月22日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入ティム・バートン、ヘレナ・ボナム=カーターと3枚揃った。一連のティム・バートンの作品にキラリと光る秀作あり。
- 2018年7月11日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入ミュージカル風なので割とみんな歌っています。
- 2023年11月13日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入刺激的な描写はありますが最後まで惹きつけられる演技と物語。とても楽しめました。
- 2019年3月2日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入‘07年、監督ティム・バートン。
- 2023年1月6日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入なにこれ?最悪なんだけど。
5つ星のうち5.0 Sweeney Todd
Amazonで購入Il più bel film di Johnny Depp, che dimostra ancora una volta di essere un'attore incredibile. Il blu-ray si vede benissimo, ed è arrivato in condizioni perfette, consigliato per chi ama questo grande attore.
5つ星のうち4.0 nice..
Amazonで購入nice bluray, decent xtras
5つ星のうち4.0 As expected!
Amazonで購入One of Burton's masterpieces, I was rather thriller to watch it on my new plasma screen over the holidays.
The quality was as expected, ASTOUNDING!
Needs Caffeine2008年3月12日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 A Perfect Movie
Amazonで購入This is one of the most perfect films I've ever seen. Unfortunate it had to compete with other great films this year like "No Country for Old Men" and "There Will Be Blood," but I think this is the far greater achievement. The fact that it's a musical may have thrown some audiences, but now on DVD, I hope people will have the chance to really appreciate and enjoy it.
Here's a couple of things to consider as background to this film:
Movie musicals died a long time ago when audiences tired of them. The height were Rodgers & Hammerstein extravaganzas like Oklahoma! (50th Anniversary Edition) and The King and I (50th Anniversary Edition). Modern audiences thought the whole conceit of characters breaking into song to be just plain hokey. But some films tried a more sophisticated approach: High Society (1956) was a remake of the witty The Philadelphia Story (1940) with original songs written for the film by Cole Porter. It's a great movie because the songs were added in small, intimate ways, consistent with the dialogue. There are no giant dance or production numbers. Sophisticated leads Frank Sinatra, Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby and Celeste Holm were allowed to easily slide from speaking to singing, the transitions were cool and realistic, and the music genuinely reflected the characters and situations.
Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd has taken this approach and refined it further. Other reviewers have given you the story and detail, so I'll skip all that. But a real gift of this film has been Burton's ability, with Sondheim's approval and contribution, to change what was a stagebound spectacle into an intimate film with real, relatable characters. The music seems to slide in as a complement to the action and the visuals. Yeah, people start singing, but the entire drama is personal. There is great subtlety in the relationship of Todd and Mrs. Lovett, and this film focuses on that intimacy, while most musicals pull the viewer *out* of the drama. You see this in the way Burton shot the film: in the old days, songs and production numbers were shot to give an audience the feel of the same scene onstage - showy and unrealistic. More recently, directors unfamiliar with musicals used angles very at odds with the action. A good example is Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You. In this film, he often shot musical sequences with a different technique than the spoken scenes, but it comes across as out of synch. It's a hard thing to nail, shooting people singing. But Burton pulled it off, and brilliantly: in Sweeney Tood, songs are shot as though characters are simply having a discussion with each other.
Really, everything about this film is perfect: the script, and shortened version of songs work ideally for film; the visuals, with Oscar-winning art direction by Dante Ferretti, are breathtaking; cinematography by Dariusz Wolski is quick, exciting, fresh; editing -- especially the hilarious "Worst Pies in London" -- by Chris Lebenzon is dazzling. The orchestrations are also something unprecedented: this is one of the most beautiful scores ever, but Burton and Sondheim went a step further, beefing up the orchestra from around 35 players in the stage version, to something like 70. The result is an incredible richness and depth, a sound that's so big and so effective, especially against the intimacy of the story and the voices. Orchestrator Jonathan Tunick and conductor Paul Gemignani have created one of the best musical soundtracks in the history of film.
And then of course, is the cast.
Edward Sanders is unbelievable as the boy Toby; he's the right age for the part, and his voice is clear and strong. He's got the right accent and look, and despite playing a tough street kid, his scenes of tenderness with Mrs. Lovett are heartbreaking and convincing. Burton is often portrayed as a gothic/artsy director, but I think people overlook his brilliance at drawing poignancy in the most unlikely places. His selection and direction of this great young actor remind us of that.
Jamie Bower and Jane Wisener are ideal as the young lovers: Bower is literally wide-eyed with yearning and wonder, and Wisener is beautiful, innocent and lovely. Again, Burton sketches the story by selecting these exquisitely perfect unknown actors.
And then you have Depp and Bonham Carter. These are two artists at the height of their powers and they are both extraordinary. Depp is an amazing actor, for all the reasons others enumerate here. He is so gifted: he shows us Todd's hard, vengeful crust for most of the story, but softens and nearly seduces Judge Turpin under the razor. Then, near the end, where he realizes what he's done to the beggar woman and who she is, his madness disappears for a flash, and Depp reveals the man Todd once was, his sudden, tragic realization of what he's done, and then, in a flash, it's gone. Few actors have his ability to show such a range of subtle colors and textures. Like the visuals of this film, the first impression is one of grayness and gloom, but on second and subsequent viewings, the amazing amount of detail and subtlety really reveal themselves.
And finally, Bonham Carter. I think the play's hardcore stage fans have unfairly compared her to Lansbury and others. This is an entirely different performance. Bonham Carter finds the subtle, absurd, dry British humor in this character, as well as her very real and touching sadness. She plays it like a drawing room drama, not a music hall belter. And that is the truer and more realistic approach for the modern musical.
Two other great actresses also tried this to different reaction: Audrey Hepburn sang in her own voice in Breakfast at Tiffany's (Special Aniversary Collector's Edition) and audiences were entranced with her lovely but imperfect sound. However, Hollywood would not allow her own voice for My Fair Lady, and she was dubbed over. Similarly, Ava Gardner sang her own songs in Show Boat but again she was dubbed. If you listen to the reissued soundtrack to Show Boat: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1951 Film), you get the original outtakes sung by Ava Gardner, and you know what? They are far better, more authentic and richer than the dubbed versions. It was a mistake not to use Gardner or Hepburn's own voices, and those films seem dated because of it. In Sweeney Todd, Burton was wise enough to have all the actors use their own voices, and Bonham Carter's interpretation in particular is lovely and personal -- and like everything else about this film, appropriately perfect.
I'm guessing that in DVD many more people will be struck by how great an achievement this film really is. At least, I hope they will be. Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd may be one of those films that did only moderate box office in original release, but will, upon future screenings, be recognized for the landmark achievement it is in the history of film. Every actor, every shot, every edit, nuance, costume and moment -- is perfection.
5つ星のうち5.0 Sweeney's Waiting! A Fun Fantastic Film!
Amazonで購入I have watched many of Tim Burton films and many of Johnny's Depp's film as well as the films where these two worked together. Needless to say I loved most of them. That's why I was so happy when I found out that the two would be doing a film together yet again to make the musical Sweeney Todd. I already knew the gist of the story, that it was about a murderous Barber who kills his customers and then with the help of his neighbor Mrs Lovett makes them into pies. Of course as I watched the movie I found the story had much more depth to it.
The story starts with Sweeney's return to London with a young Sailor Boy who rescued him from the ocean. To Anthony he tells him about a Barber and his Wife. Really it is Sweeney's past as Benjamin Barker, and how because a corrupt Judge lusted after his wife, sent the Barber away for 15 years on a false charge so he could have the wife. Sweeney returns to be ruinited with his wife and child Johanna now a young girl, but after meeting his old neighbor Mrs Lovett and learns of their fates, a thirst revenge becomes an all consuming obession. Sweeney Todd is not a happy story but a greek tradgedy with a moral of revenge. And it's clear to see even before the furious, unpredictable Epiphany "They all deserve to die!" and the humourous yet dark Little Preist "It's man devouring man, my dear! Then who are we to deny here?" that this is a story that is not going to have a happy ending.
Burton does not sugarcoat the film as other's might have done. Neck's are cut with blood squirting everywhere, head's are bludgeoned and body's beaten and without spoiling anything the ending is the most violent of all. Another is that Burton, Depp and Carter haven't glorified the story. we sympathise with Sweeney and the injustice done to him past and present and also with Mrs Lovett and her unrequited love for Sweeney, but by the bittersweet Not While I'm Around you can't ignore the evilness that the duo do.
The film does have it's light and funny scenes. Despite the characters and subplot been shortened for the movie Burton does focus on the love plot between the Sailor Anthony and Sweeney's daughter Johanna. As well as the humourous comments made in the film there is the hilarious song By the Sea where the film is suddenly changed from it's dark, dreary colours to a sudden, and shocking vividness of Mrs Lovett's fantasy. From Sweeney's laughable yet strangely cute bathing suit to his hirious expressions during the song, all done wonderfully by Depp, it's a funny change from the dark mood the film has throughout. However this is a story about the Demon Barber and it is his story which is the main one, so song's such as 'Kiss Me' sung by Anthony and Johanna which was in the play is excluded giving a much darker interpretation to the two characters. Even the delerious yet funny song By the Sea has a darker edge to it as despite the funny visuals Mr's Lovett's desperateness can be seen.
The actor's and actresses in the film played their part's wonderfully. Depp while may have cast doubts on others when chosen to the play the part, especially as he'd never sung before, proved in my eyes to be a perfect choice for Sweeney. With his pale face, dark hair with white streak and seductive yet creepy voice, his singing while may not be as professionial as previous Sweeney's is great to listen to none the less and his acting as the insane, revenge hungry Barber is superb. His furious snarles in Epiphany and calming crooning in My Friends are just one of the main examples where he shines in the film. He really out does himself and even put's his own interpretation on the character making Sweeney more brooding, subverted, and angrier. His expressions particuarly the eyes in the film are one's to watch as they show so much. Nothing is as powerful as watching his eyes go from been so sorrowful to suddenly rapid and crazed in a second. Despite Depp been my favourite actor I was not biased and went into this film with an open mind, when it was over I left loving Depp even more. To me he is Sweeney Todd.
Carter while may have a voice considered too weak or at least not strong enough to sing Mrs Lovett's parts does well enough and what she lacks in her singing she certainly makes up for with her acting as Mrs Lovett. She gives a much deeper interpreation to the amoral Baker, not seen in other Lovett's before. From her evident lust for Sweeney in My Friends as she tries to gain his attention "I'm your friend too Mr Todd", to her devotedness for him in Poor Thing "There was a Barber and his Wife, and he was beautiful" to her sadness and tears after Not While I'm Around, Carter presents Mrs Lovett in a way that you can;t help but feel for her and even like her despite her evil deeds with Sweeney.
Alan Rickman and Timmothy Spall are wonderful as the villains really making you hate them, and Sacha Baron Cohen while has a small part in the film is priceless as Pirelli the 'King of the Babers, the Barber of Kings' and the scenes that he are in steal the show. Even Jayne Wisener and Jamie Campbell Bower play and sing their parents well. Special mention should go out to Edward Sanders who plays the innocent Toby who works for Pirelli and Laura Michelle Kelly who plays the crazed Beggar Woman. Probably the two best singers in the whole movie they both play their parts wonderfully, especially Kelly who's Beggar Woman is a joy to watch and only makes me wish she'd had more scenes.
One of Burton, Depp and Carter's best it is a fantastic film which is enjoyable and fun to watch yet at the same time tragic and left me thinking about the story and film after seeing it. Scenes such as the ending (one of the most haunting i've seen) or the tragic and at the same time guiltily funny Johanna Reprise are memorable. Despite some songs having to be cut out (The Ballad which is one I was sad to see cut I feel was neccasary) are done wonderfully and are catchy. I couldn't get the Final Scene, My Friends or Johanna out of my head for quite a while. Even if you don't like the songs or are not a fan of musicals I urge you to still give the film a try as it is (to me) a great film which should not be missed and does justice to the Sweeney Todd play