5つ星のうち5.0The BEST DVD in the Sailor Moon Super S series!!!!
Wow! I was very impressed, especially with the action, unlike the rest of the super s series. I have most of the other ones and it's not as intreading. It's the same old "find-the-mirror-pegasus-is-in," and it gets really boring after a while. This is where the climax of the season is at its highest. If you have seen this series on tv and plan on buying it, get only THIS DVD, but one piece of advice: watch it in JAPANESE with subtitles. You'll appreciate sailor moon even more and find that the english version is incredibly corny. Beyond that, I recommend this DVD very much.
The person from Pepper Mill or whatever spoke as though this was the end of show. Actually they're wrong. In Japan there was another season after this entitled Sailor Stars and the first 6 episodes were devoted to wrapping up the SuperS season and then moved on to a new arc involving Sailor Galaxia and the Sailor Wars. However, this will probably not be licensed in the USA anytime soon due to censorship issues but we can only hope right? Anyway, this disc was really good. I recommend the entire 5 season run to any anime fan. Don't forget the 3 movies! (R, S, SuperS) which are just as good!
Some people don't like the Sailor Moon Super S season because there is too much focus around Chibi-Usa (Rini). This is why, after the first few episodes of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, she is gone, no more, back to the future. That's right, the only other time she appears is a cameo appearence towards the end. So if you think about it, they aren't showing too much of her, they're just making up for the lack or air time in the fifth and final season of Sailor Moon. Other then what I just said, get the DVD. It is worth the cost, trust me.
The disk arrived in excellent condition AND mine came with a tiny mini poster. The cover artwork is nice. But boy was the shipping slow- I ordered it from the UK. Anyway, great show, nice characters, classic and I love Helios!
OVERALL: I give this a 8.8 out of 10. ONLY THREE EPISODES!!!!!!!!