




ER 緊急救命室 VII ― セブンス・シーズン DVD コレクターズセット

4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 530個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 6枚組
¥3,416 ¥739
DVD 6枚組
DVD 通常版
¥6,800 ¥535








  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 19.2 x 14.6 x 8.8 cm; 698.54 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988135539663
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 16 時間 30 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2003/3/7
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ アンソニー・エドワーズ, エリク・ラ・サル, ノア・ワイリー
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), 英語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000083IZY
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 6
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 530個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

  • 2020年3月26日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2016年9月18日に日本でレビュー済み
    I expected that the momentum of the drama would slow down due to the departure of Clooney and Margulies.

    Hardly. A lot of shocking events happen.

    The sad event was what happened to Dr. Greene. He was not my favorite, but he was sincere and he bent over backwards to help patients and was the pillar of the ER.
  • 2005年3月24日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2003年1月8日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2003年9月25日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2004年1月6日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2013年2月3日に日本でレビュー済み
    作品内容としては 次のシーズンにつながる重要なそれでいて地味目なシリーズな感じですが それでも それでいてかなり大切なシーズンでした


  • Daria
    5つ星のうち5.0 Unable to view some episodes
    The DVD set arrived on time, wrapped as new and appeared in good condition but when I began to watch the first DVD episodes 3 and 4 would not work. I was completely unable to watch them which was very disappointing. I have not gotten through the rest of the set to see if they are working.
  • reader 94
    5つ星のうち5.0 yes !
    une bonne saison de cette série des années 90 qui est totalement authentique et retrace les tribulations des médecins des urgences du Chicago memorial hospital
  • Phil Clews
    5つ星のうち5.0 ER STIILL ON TOP FORM
    In spite of the comings and goings in series 6, this series still delivers drama of the highest quality. However, it marks the beginning of the end for dr mark Green (Anthony Edwards). I am not sure things will ever be so good once he has gone!
  • Joshua Spaulding
    5つ星のうち5.0 The beginning of the end for Dr. Greene
    Season seven of NBC's long-running medical drama ER was an impressive collection of episodes that featured the introduction of one of the best guest star performances in the history of the show.

    While she is not a regular cast member, Sally Field stole the show in season seven, guest starring as Maggie, nurse Abby Lockhart's (Maura Tierney) bipolar mother. Field earned an Emmy for her incredible turn as Maggie, a woman desparately trying to reconnect with her daughter and turn her life around, all the while dealing with a disease that can turn her into a totally different person. Most of Abby's story lines in this season revolved around her mother, and through that, viewers got a chance to learn just where Abby came from and how tough things were for her as a youngster. Abby is the only character in this season that is returning for the 14th season as a regular cast member, so it is nice to see just where the character got her start.

    Abby began the year as a med student, but her ex-husband's failure to pay a bill puts her back in nurse scrubs for the season, however, as the year draws to a close she is thinking about heading back to med school again. Viewers also get a chance to see Abby's budding relationship with Dr. Luka Kovac (Goran Visnjic), a relationship that has resulted in them having a baby and getting married in season 13. In this season, the relationship is still in its new stage and viewers got a chance to see just what Luka went through in Croatia, losing his wife and children in a bombing. It is through his relationship with a dying bishop (guest star James Cromwell) that Luka finally learns to deal with his past and move on with his life.

    At the end of season six, Dr. John Carter (Noah Wyle) was heading to rehab after becoming addicted to pain pills. Season seven finds him out of rehab and looking for his job back. With conditions, he is accepted back to County General and for the most part, is able to blend back in with his fellow doctors. A close call with some pain medication sends him back to square one in his return to work, however. His close friendship with Abby, herself a recovering alcoholic, helps him through the tough times and we get to see the great side of Dr. Carter when he travels with Abby to bring a messed up Maggie back from a hotel room where she was holed up in Oklahoma.

    Dr. Peter Benton (Eriq LaSalle) continues his relationship with pediatrician Cleo Finch (Michael Michele) and also has to deal with the fact that he loses his job in the surgery department after a tiff with Dr. Robert Romano (Paul McCrane). Forced to accept a position with no benefits and no stature, Benton is incredibly disappointed, but stays in Chicago to be near his son Reese, who splits time with he and his ex, Carla (guest star Lisa Nicole Carson). Eventually, Benton is hired as the director of diversity at the hospital in what would be he and Cleo's final full season at County General. Both doctors departed near the end of season eight.

    Jing-Mei Chen (Ming Na) opens the season finding out that she is pregnant. She hides her pregnancy well for a while, keeping her parents in the dark until it is almost time to deliver. She agrees to give the baby up for adoption after realizing that the time was not right for her and the fact that her parents couldn't handle the fact that the baby's father was black. The pregnancy was Chen's main story line, though she does apply for chief resident at the end of the season, a position Carter also wants, but can't have because of the conditions placed on him after his rehab stint.

    Dr. Dave Mallucci (Erik Palladino) has very few large story lines in the season, serving mainly as a character in other people's story lines. It is obvious in this season that the writers were dealing with a lot of main characters, which gave them almost too many stories to tell in each episode and Dr. Dave was one of the people that seemed to fall by the wayside.

    Dr. Kerry Weaver (Laura Innes), the head of the ER, confronts her own sexuality, as she enters a relationship with Dr. Kim Legaspi (guest star Elizabeth Mitchell, Juliet from Lost). She hides their relationship well, but when Dr. Legaspi's career is on the line, Weaver steps up and comes out of the closet to her boss, Dr. Romano. This story line was one of the big stories during the season, one that opened Dr. Weaver up to many relationships, including the one that led to her departure from the show in the middle of the 13th season.

    But, the biggest story of the year was that of Dr. Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards). The longtime ER doc finds out that he has a tumor in his brain the same day he finds out that his girlfriend Dr. Elizabeth Corday (Alex Kingston) is pregnant. The two set out on a course to find a way to treat the tumor and the removal is successful, but Greene has a hard time returning to work, still dealing with the effects of the surgery and the tumor. The two doctors get married (after a slight delay) and welcome Ella to the world and in the final episode, Greene fears for the life of his wife and baby when a distraught father goes on a killing spree after Greene places his son in a foster home. This tumor marked the beginning of the end for Dr. Greene, as its return in season eight eventually led to the good doctor's death in the penultimate episode, one of the toughest moments in ER history.

    This set features a number of deleted scenes and a great gag reel that shows just how much things can get screwed up on the set of a tense show like ER.

    While there could've been more extras, this has been the norm the last few seasons and the episodes themselves make for great television, with or without the extras. If for no other reason, by this set to watch "The Visit," the episode that introduces viewers to Sally Field's Maggie, truly one of the best episodes of the show's 14-year run.
  • Marcel
    5つ星のうち5.0 Eine gute siebte Staffel
    Zu allererst einmal zur Kritik an der Verpackung. Die mir völlig unverständlich ist. Denn ich frage mich gelegentlich was manche Käufer eigentlich erwarten? Wenn ich mir eine DVD einer Serie kaufe erwarte ich einen fairen Preis und eine gute Bild und Ton Qualität der einzelnen Folgen. Das ist bei dieser wie auch den anderen ER Seasons gegeben. Die Aufmachung ist mir dabei doch ziemlich schnuppe solang sie nicht absolut unterster Schublade ist. Die der siebten Staffel von ER ist meiner Ansicht nach völlig in Ordnung. Die drei DVDs in zwei sehr schmalen einzelnen DVD Hüllen verstaut. Diese beinhalten dabei auch noch die Auflistung der einzelnen Folgen die sich auf den jeweiligen DVDs befinden. Somit ist auch ein zusätzliches Booklet nicht mehr nötig. Eine sicherlich überraschende aber nicht schlechte Lösung.

    Nun aber zur Serie/ Folgen selbst. Die natürlich spitze sind. ER Fans wissen einfach was sie kaufen. Die Handlung selbst beschäftigt sich natürlich zum Beginn der Staffel mit der wiederkehr von Carter und der Wiedereingliederung in den Krankenhaus Alltag. Der Rest der Season beschäftigt sich mit der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Benton und Romano, Mark Greenes schwerer Erkrankung und Abbys manisch-depressive Mutter, die plötzlich auftaucht und das Leben ihrer Tochter auf dem Kopf stellt.

    Meine Lieblingsfolge dieser Staffel ist auch die letzte der Season. In Gnadenloser Rachefeldzug läuft ein wütender Vater Amok weil ihm sein Sohn weggenommen wurde. Nach einiger Zeit wird klar das er auf der Suche nach Dr. Greene ist und sich so immer näher an das Krankenhaus heranarbeitet.
    Eine geniale Folge mit einer gut durchdachten Story die solide und spannend umgesetzt wurde. Mit einigen wirklich spektacoolären Special Effekts.

    Ein kleines Manko ist, dass auch bei dieser Season wieder sehr mageres Bonusmaterial zu finden ist. Einzig ein paar nie gesendete Szenen wurden zusätzlich draufgepackt. Ich persönlich würde mir bei solchen Serien mal eine Dokumentation wünschen die dokumentiert wie eine Folge entsteht und einblicke in diesen sicherlich schwierigen aber auch interessanten Prozess zeigt.

    Trotzdem 5 verdiente Sterne!!!!