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David Brown

David Brown is an avid jazz record collector and hosts The Jazz Continuum radio show.

About Me

David Brown is an avid jazz record collector and radio show host. By day, he works as an elementary school administrator with an office full of records, a computer and a turntable. He lives in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. He joined G-Town Radio, WGGT LP 92.9 FM as a programmer of the Jazz Continuum in 2020. Each week he pulls from the stacks that fill his row home to explore the elements of jazz through multiple decades, styles and up to the minute releases.

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My Favorite Local Jazz Venues & Festivals

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"; return [content, title]; } function call_geocode(platform, ent) { var ent_addr = ent.addr1 + ' ' + ent.city; if (ent.state) ent_addr = ent_addr + ", " + ent.state; if (ent.zip) ent_addr = ent_addr + ent.zip; ent_addr = ent_addr + ', ' + ent.country_name; if (ent_addr!='') { contentAndTitleArray = renderContentAndTitle(ent); var geocoder = platform.getSearchService(); geocoder.geocode({ q: ent_addr }, (result) => { // Add a marker for each location found result.items.forEach((item) => { $.ajax({ url: 'https://www.jazznearyou.com/functions/ajax-functions/upd_entity_latlng.php?id='+ent.id, type: "POST", data: {'lat': item.access[0].lat, 'lng': item.access[0].lng}, dataType : "json", success: function (data, textStatus) { $.each(data, function(i, val) { if (i == 'errs' && val != '') { // console.log("error: " + val); } else { // console.log(ent.id + " is updated"); } }) } }); var marker = new H.map.Marker(item.position, { icon: icon }); // marker.label = contentAndTitleArray[1]; marker.setData(contentAndTitleArray[0]); map.addObject(marker); marker.addEventListener('tap', function (evt) { // map.setCenter(evt.target.a); // event target is the marker itself, group is a parent event target // for all objects that it contains var bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(evt.target.getGeometry(), { // read custom data content: evt.target.getData() }); // show info bubble ui.addBubble(bubble); }, false); }); }, alert); } } const platform = new H.service.Platform({ apikey: '22RaiAehJhmSQsR3jH-UZKETwDfDSEJzKMO_3w4g_Jg'}); const defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers(); const map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), defaultLayers.vector.normal.map, { center: { lat: 39.99, lng: -75.14 }, zoom: 10, pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1 }); window.addEventListener('resize', () => map.getViewPort().resize()); const behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map)); const ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers); var icon = new H.map.Icon('red-dot.png'); // map.getBaseLayer().getProvider().getStyle().getConfig(); changeFeatureStyle(map); if (entities.length>1) { group = new H.map.Group(); } for (var i=0; i < entities.length; i++) { //console.log (entities[i]); if (!(entities[i].latitude) || !(entities[i].longitude)) { //console.log (entities[i]); call_geocode(platform, entities[i]); } else { contentAndTitleArray = renderContentAndTitle(entities[i]); // use DB long/lat coords to create marker coords var marker = new H.map.Marker({lat: parseFloat(entities[i].latitude), lng: parseFloat(entities[i].longitude)}, { icon: icon }); // add custom data to the marker // marker.label = contentAndTitleArray[1]; marker.setData(contentAndTitleArray[0]); map.addObject(marker); marker.addEventListener('tap', function (evt) { // map.setCenter(evt.target.a); // event target is the marker itself, group is a parent event target // for all objects that it contains var bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(evt.target.getGeometry(), { // read custom data content: evt.target.getData() }); // show info bubble ui.addBubble(bubble); }, false); if (entities.length>1) { group.addObjects([marker]); } } if (entities.length>1) { map.addObject(group); map.getViewModel().setLookAtData({ bounds: group.getBoundingBox() }); } }
"; }); $("#sbar_pm_content").html(pmbcontent); } }); });

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