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Paged Archives Plugin

What is it?

[Paged Archives Logo]

A plugin for the popular blogging software Movable Type. It was originally developed for MT3.3, and should work on any version from 3.2 to 5.1. You Mileage May Vary. It superceeds the Paged Categories plugin.

Movable Type category pages typically hold every entry in the category. For blogs with a lot of posts, the category pages can become very large indeed. This plugin, when installed and set up, can split the category pages into a number of smaller pages. It can do the same for date-based archives and also your main index page.

Although there are a few dynamic paging options for categories, this is, as far as I know, the first plugin to provide a static paging option. Because this creates static files, the system doesn't have to use resources in regenerating the pages every time they are viewed.

PagedArchives will only work for publishing of the following archive types:

  • Main Index
  • Categories
  • Date-based

Note that the plugin will only work if you are statically publishing your blog with MT. It will not work if you are dynamically publishing using PHP files.

Please discuss this plugin here. You can also find older discussions here.

If you make use of this plugin, please consider linking back to this page. Below are a couple of buttons to choose from. You can upload these to your server for use in linking:
[Button 1] [Button 2]

How do I get it?

Download one of the two versions below. The current version is 1.4, which is only compatible with MT5.1 upwards.

  1. PA 1.4 .zip version for Windowsy systems.
  2. PA 1.4 .tar.gz version for Unixsy systems.

For older versions of Movable Type (versions 3 and 4), the current version is 1.31. As this version is no longer under development, it does not have some of the features in the latest version:

  1. PA 1.31 .zip version for Windowsy systems.
  2. PA 1.31 .tar.gz version for Unixsy systems.

Please consider donating to support development of Paged Archives.

How do I install it?

  1. Upload to your MT plugins folder, creating the folder if it doesn't already exist. If you like, put it in plugins/pagedarchives to keep things neat.
  2. If necessary, change the permissions on the file to allow it to be world executable.
  3. In the templates you wish to paginate, add the <MTPAEntry> tag after <MTEntries> and add the <MTPAEnd> tag after </MTEntries>. If you are going to paginate the main index, you should read the section below titled "MAIN INDEX PAGING"
  4. Add display and navigation tags. These go before the <MTEntries> tag and after the <MTPAEnd> tag. Check out the example template here to get a good idea of what it should look like.
  5. Configure the number of entries per page in the plugins section of your MT settings, or use MTPASettings on a per-template basis.
  6. Rebuild your weblog.

The readme file included in the zip files contains instructions on uninstalling the plugin.


  • Settings - The plugin settings page and MTPASettings tag.
  • Tags reference - Required to make the plugin work.

Main Index Paging

If you're planning on adding paging to your main index page, you should read this section first.

This plugin will allow you to paginate your main index as well as category and date-based archives. In the "General" tab of your weblog's settings, there is an option titled "Entries to Display:" which controls the total number of entries to display on the main index. If you want users to be able to page through, say, ten pages worth of entries on your main index, you should set this number to ten times the number of entries per page. E.G. if you have 10 entries per page, set this field to 100 to have 10 pages. You should not set this to a number of days as the number of entries will be unpredictable.

If you want users to be able to page back through every entry you've made, feel free to set this to some number greater than your total number of entries, however please be aware that this may slow down rebuilding considerably.

You should also check and make sure that your other index pages (e.g. RSS feeds) specify the number of entries in their MTEntries tab, like so: <MTEntries lastn="15">

Current Bugs

  • doesn't delete archives on category deletion.
  • May not be compatible with other plugins which affect the category rebuild. Site Map