Dear Agile Coach Campers,
Last week was pretty hard for us as organizers. The advice from the government did not give us clear guidelines for our little event, as they limited their advice to events of larger than 100. With 50 participants there was not “reason” to cancel or postpone.
But we did not feel good about this. The growing number of people getting sick. Companies advising their employees to avoid large meetings of people and also to stay home to work from there. We were getting bad feelings about bringing together people in an event, no matter how small. Also if companies ask people to avoid events like ours, how would that affect our Coach Camp. Imagine our participants getting sick after joining our event. Imagine them or their parents dying.
First we sent out communication that we would continue on, but things kept deteriorating. By the end of the week we felt really bad about it. And thus we decided to review this decision. We sent out a poll to see what you would say. If you would actually join us. And we spoke to each other to look at the options. We also called the hotel and the insurance company to look at possibilities.
The hotel will have large problems. But they understood the pinch we are in. They expected a large loss of clientele.
The insurance company did not have an answer to our question. They would call back later.
The poll showed a good number of you would not be able to come. So for us the solution would be to move it. To hold it at a later moment.
We’ve made investments, bought materials and made other costs to create the level of quality you know from our previous coach camps. We are unable to pay back all the tickets, so postponing was the best answer.
The hotel offered us an option in November, a good date, and we offered to pay half the rooms, so they would not lose too much income at this point.
The insurance company was not as understanding. The government has set a limit on the number of participants of an event, but even with staff we won’t make it to 100 people. The insurance company keeps to that number though and says we have no reason to cancel or postpone. We need to see the insurance costs as a loss.
We now have a date to look forward to. We are thinking about a theme for this coach camp as well. It is the first time we have a coach camp set in autumn instead of spring. So nature in Vierhouten will be different. So get ready for November 6-8, 2020 Agile Coach Camp!
If you have tickets and problems with this date, please get in contact with us on [email protected] and we will look for solutions.
If you failed to get a ticket last time, as it was sold out quickly. Then also contact us. We can swap the tickets of those who cannot come.
See you in November!!!