Very cool integrated campaign just released by Doritos in the UK. The rise & fall of Esteban Ortega is a beautiful 2 minutes TVC supported by an additional gaming layer to activate consumers on Facebook or through their mobile devices, both iOS and Android. Read more…
What happens if you combine Google Maps, Flash and Facebook with a cool automotive brand? MINImaps is the answer. A multi-player driving experience by MINI France that allows you to join a virtual race around the world based on Google Maps, while challenging your friends or complete strangers.
Technology keeps surprising me. I didnât know you could use video content streamed via a webcam to a feed live an advergame. The challenge this time is pretty easy: you are a frog and you need to cross the street without being run over. But the street is not just “a” street, it is a major route in Sao Paulo that is streamed live on Facebook.
Ok, now that Friskies has launched an iPad game for cats we can close the blog. I think we are done here. Too bad weâve just gone live with the new designâ¦
Guess what … Some other racing games ! But this time you donât drive usual cars. In the Red Bull one, you drive a soap box.
This site is pretty nice and the 3D environment is very well produced. The visuals and the all atmosphere really remind me of Little Big Planet ones. You can build your own soap box, your own track, customize your avatar, and compete against others. The game is to promote the soap box races that Red Bull is running across Europe.
This one is a one of us and is a good excuse for talking about something else, so weâre pretty happy that could release it in the end. The new product from Rexona in Mexico is called Rexona Energizing, itâs supposed to energize you every time you use it, being this the teaser used for the beginning of the campaign:
So we got in an energetic mood and decided to team with Carlos Ulloa and his new company to create EnergyLab, a brief story about how so much energy was contained inside that bottle.
A few days ago I wrote advergames might have gone out of fashion. Fernando, from Argentina emailed me to deny my comment, and show that advergames are alive and kicky, and can be used also to drive awareness around sensitive topics such as anti-fur communication. Look at the advergame created by BBDO Argentina for FABA (the local PETA).
Long time I donât post about advergames. Is it a sign? Are advergames getting out of fashion? Maybe. The focus has shifted, we all now the new trend is called social media Anyway… this post is about an advergame and a juice, Capri Sun.
The project is aimed at kids, and the design and animation make the difference in delivering a nice experience very much in Pixar style.
In Mexico, our friends at Grupo W made a qualitative and original website for Unileverâs brand Rexona (aka Sure).
To promote its Sportfan range, the brand invites you to compete through a series of different games. Youâd better perfectly know Mexican football for one of them, if not you can still enjoy the freekick game as I did!
The 8 best players will be selected, and will have the chance to follow the Mexican national football team on its way to the next World Cup. That means 4 qualification games and then 4 games in South Africa. That is in the case of the team getting qualified, if not, winners will have to find consolation with friendly games… (Rexona is an official sponsor of the team).
Laaaaadies & gentlemen, please welcome from Australia, the king of Chunga: Hans Fagerlund!
Ok… What is Chunga? : an eatable and sugared version of Jenga a classic ability game, where you need to remove then stack blocks from a tower without ruining everything. And who is Hans? Hans is the undefeated legend of Chunga of course… Both are born from JWT Sydney and RMG Connect imagination to promote online the launch of a new Kit Kat : Cookies & Cream. The site sticks to the product promise, itâs very rich! You will find many more videos on Youtube, a blog, facebook, myspace, msn contents, goodies, podcasts etc … and an advergame which is part of a contest.
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