Maximum Likelihood Programming in R

R is an excellent platform for maximum likelihood programming. These notes describe the maxLik package, a "wrapper" that gives access to the most important hill-climbing algorithms and provides a convenient way of displaying results. The notes also include a discussion of the likelihood ratio and Wald tests in R.

A PRIMER OF MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD PROGRAMMING IN R Marco R. Steenbergen∗ 2012 Abstract R is an excellent platform for maximum likelihood programming. These notes describe the maxLik package, a “wrapper” that gives access to the most important hill-climbing algorithms and provides a convenient way of displaying results. The notes also include a discussion of the likelihood ratio and Wald tests in R. Correspondence: Chair of Political Methodology, Department of Political Science (IPZ), University of Zurich, 50 Affolternstrasse, CH-8050, Switzerland. Email: [email protected]. ∗ 1 Introduction The programming language R is rapidly gaining ground among political methodologists. A major reason is that R is a flexible and versatile language, which makes it easy to program new routines. In addition, R algorithms are generally very precise. R is well-suited for programming your own maximum likelihood routines. Indeed, there are several procedures for optimizing likelihood functions. Here I shall focus on the maxLik package, which implements a variety of algorithms and offers a convenient way of displaying results.1 Among the implemented hill-climbing algorithms are Newton-Raphson, BFGS, and BHHH. Our focus in these notes is on using numerical derivatives. Syntactic Structure Estimating likelihood functions entails a two-step process. First, one declares the log-likelihood function and next one optimizes the log-likelihood function. The log-likelihood function and optimization command may be typed interactively into the R command window or they may be contained in a text file. I would recommend saving log-likelihood functions into a text file, especially if you plan on using them frequently. Declaring the Log-Likelihood Function The log-likelihood function is declared as an R function. In R, functions take at least one argument, to wit a parameter or vector of parameters. It is often useful, however, to also declare a data object. This serves as a placeholder for the actual data that will be analyzed. The generic syntax takes the following form: name<-function(pars,object) { declarations 1 Full documentation can be downloaded from The package was written by Ott Toomet and Arne Henningsen. Other options for optimizing likelihood functions include nlm, optim, and optimx. 2 } Here pars is the name of a parameter or vector of parameters, while object is the name of a generic data object.2 The declarations section includes the log-likelihood function. Depending on the needs, it may also specify the contents of the parameter vector. The precise specification of the log-likelihood function depends on whether one uses the BHHH algorithm or BFGS/Newton-Raphson. Single Parameter When the log-likelihood function includes only one parameter and numerical derivatives are used in the estimation, the declaration typically requires only one line. What this line looks like depends on the specific hill-climbing algorithm that will be used. For the BHHH algorithm, the loglikelihood is specified in terms of a single observation, as the following example illustrates.3 Example 1(a) Consider the Poisson probability mass function with unit log-likelihood values of ℓi = −µ + yi ln µ − ln(yi !) This may be programmed in the following way: lnl<-function(mu,y) { -1*mu + y*log(mu) - logfactorial(y) } Here y is the generic placeholder for the data and logfactorial(y) is the R command for ln(y!). Since the declaration of the function consists of only one line, the brackets could have been omitted. For the BFGS and Newton-Raphson algorithms, one needs to specify the P full log-likelihood function, i.e., ℓ = i ℓi . The following example illustrates this for the Poisson distribution. 2 Depending on the situation, more than one object may have to be specified (see Example 3 This is akin to specifying the log-likelihood in Stata under the linear form restriction. 3). 3 Example 1(b) For the Poisson distribution, the full log-likelihood is given by ℓ = −nµ + X yi i ! ln µ − X ln(yi ) i Assuming the data are stored in the object data, this may be programmed in the following manner:4 n<-length(data) lnl<-function(mu,y) { -n*mu + sum(y)*log(mu) -sum(logfactorial(y)) } Here, sum is the sum operator. Multiple Parameters When the log-likelihood function contains multiple pa- rameters, then the R commands change only in the sense that pars is now a vector whose contents need to be specified. This modification is generally quite easy to make, as the following example for the normal distribution shows. Example 2 Imagine Y ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ). We seek to estimate the parameters µ and σ using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The kernel of the log-likelihood function is:5 ℓ = −n ln(σ) − .5 X (yi − µ)2 i σ2 We can program this log-likelihood in R using the following syntax: lnl<-function(pars,y) { mu<-pars[1] sigma<-pars[2] 4 It is assumed there are no missing values. In general, in R it is best to remove missing values (or, much better, impute them) prior to performing an analysis. 5 For the BHHH algorithm one would simply re-specify this for a single observation. 4 -n*log(sigma)-.5*sum((y-mu)∧ 2/sigma∧ 2) } We have now declared pars to be a vector with two elements, the first of which is µ and the second of which is σ. Because the declaration now contains multiple lines, the brackets are mandatory. Linear Regression Model In the examples so far, no covariates were included. In most applied work, however, covariates are of central importance. Including them is not difficult but does require a bit of additional work. The following example illustrates the programming steps for the linear regression model with normal errors. Example 3 Consider the linear regression model y = Xβ + ǫ or ǫ = y − Xβ, with ǫ ∼ N (0, σ 2 I). The kernel of the log-likelihood function is given by ℓ = −.5n ln(σ 2 ) − .5 ǫT ǫ σ2 The following syntax allows us to estimate the parameter vector β and the scalar σ 2 : n<-nrow(X) k<-ncol(X) reg.lik<-function(theta,y,X) { beta<-theta[1:k] sigma2<-theta[k+1] e<-y-X%*%beta -.5*n*log(sigma2)-.5*(t(e)%*%e)/sigma2 } The first line computes the number of observations (n), whereas the second line calculates the number of predictors (k), including the constant. The third line starts the declaration of the log-likelihood 5 function. The parameter vector is theta and there are two data objects, to wit the vector of outcomes (y) and the matrix of covariates (X). The fourth and fifth lines partition theta into a k × 1 vector β and the scalar σ 2 . The sixth line specifies the vector ǫ, which is then fed into the log-likelihood function in line seven.6 Optimization Once the log-likelihood function has been declared, the actual maxLik routine is invoked to perform optimization. The generic syntax is name<-maxLik(loglikelihood, method, starting values, object) This causes R to maximize the function specified in loglikelihood with starting values specified in starting values and an algorithm specified in method. The estimation results are stored in name. The whole process is applied to the data in object. Method The maxLik command contains a relatively large number of optimization algorithms. For our purposes, the most useful of these are BFGS, BHHH, and Newton-Raphson. These algorithms can be specified as follows: method=’’BFGS’’/’’BHHH’’/’’NR’’) One should select only one of the aliases, BFGS for BFGS, BHHH for BHHH, or NR for Newton-Raphson. Since maxLik is a so-called “wrapper,” it will now select the appropriate R routine to implement the desired algorithm.7 Starting Values When a single parameter is estimated, the declaration of starting values is extremely simple: start=# 6 Note that %*% is the matrix product operator in R. Also note that t(e) transposes the vector ǫ. 7 In general, “wrappers” in R are programs that provide a single syntax to access a variety of built-in routines, each of which may have a unique syntax. The “wrapper” takes arguments specified by the user and translates them for the desired routine. After passing the arguments to the routine, the results are then displayed in a uniform format. 6 Here # is a particular value for the parameter, chosen in such a way that the loglikelihood function is defined for that value. The following example illustrates this for the Poisson distribution. Example 4 Consider Example 1(a). To optimize the log-likelihood using the BHHH algorithm and a starting value µ0 = 1, one provides the following syntax: results<-maxLik(lnl,start=1,method=’’BHHH’’,y=data) Here data is assumed to be the name of the data object. The syntax y=data substitutes this for the placeholder y. The results from the optimization are stored in results. When the log-likelihood contains several parameters, these will need to be concatenated: start=c(#1,#2, · · · ) Here #1, #2, etc. are successive starting values, which should be specified in the same order as the parameters, and c is the concatenation operator. The following example shows this process for the normal distribution. Example 5 In Example 2, we programmed the normal log-likelihood function. Imagine we want to optimize this using the NewtonRaphson algorithm with starting values taken from the standard normal distribution. We could do this by issuing the following syntax: results<-maxLik(lnl,method=’’NR’’, start=c(0,1), y=data) Remember that the vector pars had µ as its first element and σ as its second element. The command start=c(0,1) thus assigns 0 to µ and 1 to σ as starting values. Those are the parameter values from the standard normal distribution. It is possible to use previous estimation results as starting values, as the following example shows. 7 Example 6 Consider again Example 3. Imagine that X consists of a constant and the variable X1. One can now run the following regression and save the regression coefficients: ols<-lm(y ∼ X1) beta.start<-coefficients(ols) Imagine we wish to use beta.start as the starting values for β and assign the starting value 1 to σ 2 . The following syntax accomplishes this task. estimates<-maxLik(reg.lik,start=c(beta.start,1), method=’’BFGS’’,y=ydata,X=xdata) Here the BFGS algorithm was chosen for optimization. Note that the maxLik command now specifies two data objects, which happen to be named ydata (for y) and xdata (for X). Output The maxLik produces a variety of output. Specifically, one can display the estimates, the value of the log-likelihood, the number of estimated parameters, the variance-covariance matrix of the estimates, and messages concerning convergence. To display the estimates, all one needs to specify is summary(name) where name is the name of the object specified in the maxLik command. This shows the optimization routine used, whether the routine exited normally, the value of the log-likelihood at the maximum, and the parameter estimates, their standard errors, t-values, and p-values. Figure 1 shows a sample output for the normal distribution. The value of the log-likelihood function at the maximum can also be obtained using logLik(name) 8 Figure 1: R MLE Commands and Output This can be useful if one needs the log-likelihood for additional computations such as the computation of a likelihood ratio test statistic. In this case, one should assign a name to the log-likelihood (e.g., loglik<-logLik(name)). In conjunction with the log-likelihood, it may be useful to obtain the number of estimated parameters, which can be done using8 nParam(name,free=TRUE) The variance-covariance matrix of the estimates may also be of considerable interest and can be obtained using vcov(name) This can be used to compute a Wald test statistic, as will be shown below. To see if the optimizer performed properly, one can issue the following commands: 8 The default is to set free=FALSE, but this gives the total number of parameters including those that have been constrained. 9 returnCode(name) returnMessage(name) The first command yields a numeric value. When this is an integer, the estimation was successful. Specifically, the integer 0 indicates success for the BFGS algorithm, 1 indicates success for the Newton-Raphson algorithm, and 2 indicates success for the BHHH algorithm. The second command yields a verbal statement. For Newton-Raphson, one would like to see: “gradient close to zero.” For BFGS, the desired message is “successful convergence.” Finally, a successful completion of the BHHH algorithm is marked by the message “successive function values within tolerance limit.” Constrained Optimization It is easy to impose linear constraints in R. All one has to do is to add a fixed option to the maxLik command. This allows one to specify which parameters should be estimates and which ones should be fixed. Fixed parameters will be set equal to their starting value. The following example shows how this is done. Example 7 Consider again the normal distribution from Example 2. Imagine we only wish to estimate the mean and set the standard deviation to 1. This can be done as follows. r<-maxLik(lnl,method=’’NR’’,y=data, start=c(0,1), fixed=c(FALSE,TRUE) The “action” is in the second line. Here we state that the first parameter, µ, should not be fixed (fixed=FALSE), whereas the second parameter, σ, should be fixed (fixed=TRUE). Since the starting value for that parameter is 1, the effect of the estimation command is to set σ = 1. 10 Hypothesis Testing The following syntax shows how to perform likelihood ratio and Wald tests based on the results from maxLik. The code is a bit ugly but works.9 Likelihood Ratio Test The likelihood ratio test assumes that two models are estimated, to wit an unconstrained model and one that imposes certain constraints. Letting ℓU be the log-likelihood of the unconstrained model and ℓR the log-likelihood of the constrained model, then LR = 2(ℓU − ℓR ) ∼ χ2q asy where q is the number of constraints. To perform the likelihood ratio test in R, one needs to store ℓU , ℓR , and the number of estimated parameters in the constrained and unconstrained models. One should then compute LR, q, and the p-value. Imagine that the objects lnlu and lnlr are the log-likelihoods for the unconstrained and constrained models, respectively. Imagine further that the number of free parameters in the unconstrained model is stored in pu and that of the constrained model in pr. Then the following syntax will perform the required computations and display the results. LR<-2*(lnlu-lnlr) q<-pu-pr p<-pchisq(LR,q,ncp=0,lower.tail=FALSE) results<-cbind(LR,df,p) colnames(results)<-c(‘‘LR’’,’’df’’,’’p’’) rownames(results)<-c(‘‘Test’’) print(results,digits=#) where # is the desired precision with which the test statistic and p-value are reported. The following example illustrates the use of this syntax. 9 For models estimated using lm or glm, I recommend the lmtest package, which is more elegant. 11 Example 8 Consider again the normal distribution. We wish to test the hypothesis that σ = 1 using a likelihood ratio test. We begin by estimating the unconstrained model (in this case using the Newton-Raphson algorithm). res1<-maxLik(lnl,start=c(0,1),method=’’NR’’,y=data) lnlu<-logLik(res1) pu<-nParam(res1,free=TRUE) Next, we estimate the constrained model (as shown in Example 7). res2<-maxLik(lnl,start=c(0,1),method=’’NR’’,y=data, fixed=c(FALSE,TRUE)) lnlr<-logLik(res2) pr<-nParam(res2,free=TRUE) Now proceed with the syntax to compute the LR test statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value. Wald Test For the Wald test, hypotheses are formulated in the form of the linear function Rθ = r Here, the matrix R selects and combines parameters from the vector θ. The resulting linear combinations are then set equal to the values specified in the vector r. The following example illustrates how this is done. Example 9 Consider again the normal distribution and the hypothesis σ = 1. Placing the parameters in the vector θ T = (µ σ), the hypothesis can be formulated using the following linear constraint: h 0 1 i " Rθ # = r µ = 1 σ 12 Here, the matrix R selects the element σ from θ and sets the result equal to 1. To perform a Wald test only the unconstrained model needs to be estimated. The estimates are then compared to the values under constraint, using Rθ̂ − r. If the null hypothesis is true, then this quantity should be close to zero, i.e., the estimates should be close to the hypothesized values. The complete test statistic is given by W = ∼ asy Rθ̂ − r χ2q T RV RT −1 Rθ̂ − r Here V is the variance-covariance matrix of the estimates. which in R can be obtained using vcov(name). Further q is the degrees of freedom, i.e., the number of constraints, which is equal to the number of rows in R. The following example shows how the test can be computed.10 Example 10 Consider again the normal distribution with the null hypothesis σ = 1. Imagine the results are stored in the object res. We begin by storing the estimates in a vector and by obtaining the variance-covariance matrix. theta<-coef(res) V<-vcov(res) Next, the matrices for the constraints are defined. Q<-matrix(c(0,1),nrow=1,ncol=2) q<-1 Now we are ready to define the test statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value and to report these in the desired format.11 10 Here the symbol R has been replaced by Q, as t(R) is sometimes interpreted as the trademark symbol for R rather than as a transpose. 11 Note that solve is the R command for obtaining the inverse of a matrix. 13 W<-t(Q%*%theta-q) %*% solve(Q%*%V%*%t(Q)) %*% (Q%*%theta-q) df<-nrow(Q) p<-pchisq(W,df,ncp=0,lower.tail=FALSE) results<-cbind(W,df,p) colnames(results)<-c(‘‘Wald’’,’’df’’,’’p’’) textttrownames(results)¡-c(“Test”) print(results,digits=#) 14