闪耀舞台设备厂为专业生产铝合金灯光架、音箱架、展示架、龙门架、拼装舞台、脚手架、防爆栏、家具等的新型厂家,本厂拥有先进的技术和设备,生产优质的桁架和舞台,为配合各种展示工程、文艺汇演、文体策划等礼仪庆典活动度身定做合适的成品,价格从优,诚邀商议,共创盛举!业务qq:1751585163,msn:[email protected].
shining truss co. ltd is engaged in design and manufacturing truss , portable stage ,pa tower, barriers and furniture, we have advanced equipment and technology, so we guarantee that all cases can be made with high quality and quite affordable cost. we produce different kinds of truss and stage for different occasions, for example: celebration, art performance, exhibition, you should always get proper products for your different events.
shining truss co. ltd is goaled to manufacturing the world first-class products, give us your idea, let us make it happen in the smartest way.don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.
msn: [email protected].
shining truss co. ltd is engaged in design and manufacturing truss , portable stage ,pa tower, barriers and furniture, we have advanced equipment and technology, so we guarantee that all cases can be made with high quality and quite affordable cost. we produce different kinds of truss and stage for different occasions, for example: celebration, art performance, exhibition, you should always get proper products for your different events.
shining truss co. ltd is goaled to manufacturing the world first-class products, give us your idea, let us make it happen in the smartest way.don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.
msn: [email protected].
- 配套供应铝合金TRUSS架套筒、插销等配件价格:面议 加工定制:是 / 2010-01-01
- 工厂地址:
- 广东省佛山市南海区 -
- 固定电话:
- 86-0757-85126233 未核实,仅供参考
- 销售经理:
- 叶志豪
- 邮政编码:
- 528241
- 传真号码:
- 86-757-85126683
- 顺企®采购:
- 请卖家联系我在线采购产品
区小姐 在2015-04-29 16:57:40.000 说: :请问:贵司在制造舞台上的舞台立柱,需要到机械设备上的减速机吗?