Welcome to our community!

Write the Docs is a global community of people who care about documentation.

We consider everyone who cares about communication, documentation, and their users to be a member of our community. This can be programmers, tech writers, developer advocates, customer support, marketers, and anyone else who wants people to have great experiences with software.

Attend a conference

We have in-person and virtual conferences around the world:

See all our conferences from past years.

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Get more information on how to meet the community, get involved, stay in touch.

Find or advertise a job

Work with other documentarians.

  • Read our Hiring Guide to get started in the industry

  • Read our previous salary survey information to get a sense of the industry pay

Learn from our resources

We have an ever-increasing set of talk videos, articles, links, and resources:

We’re glad you stopped by! We hope you’ll join us either online or in-person for an event soon.

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