I’m proud to announce my latest CSS experiment—The CSS Social Buttons. They are not another "pure CSS3" or "HTML5 canvas" icons. These icons use the basic traditional background-image technique. The purpose of these icons is to provide a cross-browser, consistent and versatile CSS that can be applied in any design, app or theme. Basically, it is one master stylesheet that contains various design styles. It allows you to display many different button styles by combining the CSS classes.
To apply this CSS Social Icons to your site, download the demo zip and include the social-icons.css file to your site:
<link href="social-buttons.css" rel="stylesheet">
Option A: You need to add a .sb class (sb stands for social button) and the icon class (eg. twitter, facebook, rss, etc.) to the <a> link tag. Use this option if you want each button to have different style.
<a href="#" class="sb orange twitter">Twitter</a>
<a href="#" class="sb blue facebook">Facebook</a>
Option B: The .sb class can also be in the wrapping tag such as <p>, <div> or <ul> tag. The icon class (eg. twitter, facebook, rss) is required inside the <a> tag. Use this option if you want the buttons to have one consistent style.
<p class="sb gradient blue">
<a href="#" class="twitter">Twitter</a>
<a href="#" class="facebook">Facebook</a>
<ul class="sb circle gray text">
<li><a href="#" class="twitter">Twitter</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="facebook">Facebook</a></li>
Below is a list of the classes available. You can specify as many classes as you want. It is very versatile. You can mix and match the styles to produce many possible results. For example, you can have "large blue gradient glossy embossed text thick-border" all in one button. Check the demo to see examples.
Because there are too many social networks, I’ve only included some basic icon classes in the demo to keep the social-icons.css file small. You can add more icon classes with the following sample CSS code (don’t forget to add the .sb blass in your link tag <a href="#" class="sb youtube">):
a.sb.youtube {
background-image: url(images/youtube.png);
a.sb.email {
background-image: url(images/email.png);
The icons used in the demo are from the free Mono Social Icons where you can download from IconDock. The vector EPS version is included in the set. The other matching icons are from the Rocky icon set.
You can override the button size and backgound with the following CSS code:
a.sb {
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
background-color: #666;
The gradient background is applied to the :after pseudo element. You can generate more gradients using this Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator. Note that SVG gradient is required for Internet Explorer 9 as it does not support native CSS3 gradient.
a.sb.gradient.custom:after {
background-image: url();
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #b8c6df 0%, #6d88b7 100%);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #b8c6df 0%,#6d88b7 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #b8c6df 0%,#6d88b7 100%);
You can also override the default social-icons.css to create your own styles. The following custom icon class uses the styles from the .gradient class but overrides the :after background-image with a custom image.
/* custom icon */
a.sb.custom {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
a.sb.custom:after {
background-image: url(images/custom-bg.png);
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
/* custom icon blue */
a.sb.custom.blue {
border-color: #96a8af;
a.sb.custom.blue:after {
background-image: url(images/custom-bg-blue.png);
/* custom icon pink */
a.sb.custom.pink {
border-color: #b0a1aa;
a.sb.custom.pink:after {
background-image: url(images/custom-bg-pink.png);
/* custom icon background images */
a.sb.custom.retweet {
background-image: url(images/custom-icon-retweet.png);
a.sb.custom.photo {
background-image: url(images/custom-icon-photo.png);
a.sb.custom.comment {
background-image: url(images/custom-icon-comment.png);
The basic styles work on any browser. The CSS3 effects such as: rounded corners, gradient, glossy, pressed, and embossed styles work on any browser that supports CSS3 such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE9.
It is 100% free for any purpose. Feel free to extend and share it.
Kev Adamson
Very useful Nick. Bookmarked :)
Also bookmarked – so handy!
Abdelhadi Touil
Very interesting! Thanks also for very nice license to use and share it :)
Best Funny One liners on life
I agree with you. These are awesome social buttons and can share them with others too.
Cas Cornelissen
Nice set, but I think you misspelled Circle in the image ;)
Thanks.. I will use it…
This is classic false advertising. Why would you call these “CSS Social buttons?” If anything, call them “simple” or “minimalist.” “CSS” is not the right adjective for this.
These are CSS buttons. Did you read the full article? I feel like you looked at the first set of images and got upset that you had to download files. Just because you use images does not mean they are not CSS buttons. He did not deceive by saying “Pure CSS Buttons”, in fact it is even stated in the beginning paragraph that these use the traditional background-image technique and is a way to stay mostly cross-browser friendly.
“Did you read the full article” is not a defense and is the reason that I think the article’s title is false advertising. I enjoyed the article, but the only reason that I came here was to be impressed with the icons somehow built in CSS. The only CSS here is the design of the buttons. The fact that the clarification needs to be made in the first paragraph should be a sign that the title is inadequate.
Do you not agree that “Simple Social Buttons” would have been a more appropriate title for this post?
I really don’t agree that ‘simple social buttons’ would be a more appropriate name. In my opinion, that would imply that the entire button is simply a premade graphic. I’m 100% confident that if you search for ‘simple social buttons’ in Google then that’s what you’ll turn up with.
The title CSS Social Buttons makes perfect sense to me. You argue that ‘the only CSS here is the design’ – well I’m sorry, but isn’t that what CSS is all about? Building an adva nced design around simple html and minimal graphics?
Oh boy, you are right! Let’s whine some more because you had to open a webpage thinking it was proposing something different.
You select the size/color/type of button via CSS hence, believe it or not, they are buttons creating by using CSS.
Emilio Cobos
Awesome, great job.
Pedro Ivo Hudson
And what about icon fonts for version 2.0? (:
David Maciejewski
I miss the Google+ icons. ;-)
Mike Ambrozaitis
There is some weirdness that happens with the color gradient options in IE8, that is usually my go to test for cross browser support. Sadly as designers we still have to accept the fact that older versions of IE are out there and they tend to misbehave.
Franklin Manuel
Hey Nick, as usual another great tutorial.
P.S – Typo in the third line “HMTL5 canvas”
Here are colored version of social icons http://designmodo.com/free-social-media-icon-set/
Stev Newbury
great article! nice looking, simple to use buttons! I will certainly share what I found here!
Easy to implement. Well explained.
Web Design
Very nice tutorials! Its covering full implementation for beginners as well as expert. Thanks for the post.
Awesome thanks for theses.
Beben Koben
cheers, ty for your kindness ☻
Can’t wait to try these CSS buttons. Awesome to use in place of images.
Jasa pembuatan web
Simple and usefull. Thanks dude :)
Love it! :D
Desktop Wallpaper, HD Wallpaper, Wallpaper Background
Desktop Wallpaper
Nice but I wouldn’t use it until all of your images are grouped into one single image and using sprites!
You would save dozens of HTTP requests and probably some useful bytes too.
It’s not anybody thats need all the icons, so I think the way Nick created this is the best way.
It’s a nice share, but still if i were to add socialbuttons to my site i’d create them myself to keep the code-size down. Nice to use as a base tho and strip down to the essentials!
Felipe Bueno
You could just cut off the parts you don’t need.
Lyndsy Simon
That would require changing the CSS too, so the background wasn’t offset as much.
Easier would be to simply color everything except the items you need white. That should allow the file to be much smaller while maintaining its dimensions.
Wesley Burden
Lovely and clean design, I wish i found these this morning as I was searching for exactly this!
Thanks for sharing your work
No myspace logos?
What is myspace? (:
Would be nice to have this on a reliable CDN..
This is fantastic – thanks so much for sharing your work!
Dirk Schembri
Interested in having your social networking vary from the usual? This is a great guide to get you started to a unique social plugin.
Further Social plugin development and design can be found at Web Design Malta.
Very nice. Thank you for sharing,
nice, would fit perfectly for my sites social bookmarking….thanx:)
Website Design Las Vegas
This was really an amazing. Love to see it. Keep sharing such more.
Dylan Cook
Hmmm just wondering, would using a font such as Socialico (http://fontfabric.com/social-media-icons-pack/) be an alternative? I know the icon images aren’t very big, but using a font opens up hover state colours etc just using code.
Or am I making more work?
great work!!! thanks for sharing… :-)))
Kreativ Theme
Some other guys are selling css social button on codecanyon … but who cares since you can get it fre here … Thanks a lot :)
really great. Can’t wait to try them. thanks :)
great designs
Great work, love gray color. Looks very professional. Thank you.
Awesome job and thanks
Awesome job and thanks HD Wallpaper
“It is 100% free for any purpose.” Love freebies, thanks for sharing.
Nice work, definitely will use it in my next template, and give you credentials.
This is fantastic. You don’t often see freebies like this with the CSS implementation. Thanks!
Loved them but would have loved them more if there were colored.
Thanks anyway for sharing this wonderful post. =)
Great collection, thanks for sharing!
very useful sharing thanks.
thanks heaps.
Debbs Hosting
Wow! Thanks for the thorough discussion and elaboration. I know a lot of blogs are incorporating social buttons now so it’s great that there are guides like yours that are easy to understand and implement.
very quality post, thx
Manoj Singh
Good! this is great for CSS Social Buttons beginners like me. keep up the good work!
ısı yalıtımı
Very good. Thank you.
Tárcio Zemel
Great job! Great icons!
Great work!
Colin Scott-Fleming
If you don’t want to mess with images at all, you could also check out this web symbol typeface!
Interested in having your social networking vary from the usual? This is a great guide to get you started to a unique social plugin.
Great collection. Thanks for sharing such Css social buttons and for downloader facility.
Amazing :)
Why didn’t you add a Google+ Icon too?
Ropascal Edmund
Florian, google+ is lame, nobody uses it. Does someone knows a collection of social buttons but colored and more fancy? Please reply. PS: Without google+ is fine :))
You sound like an annoying Facebook fanboy.
great collection of social button….
Bella Kristen
Awesome collections of Icon set.But you could have designed with more colors to attract.So professional.
adi saputra
it’s so beautifully,.,.
This does look like a great theme.
Serit LED
perfect . aydinlatma, serit led, rgb led, rimak aydinlatma, tasarruflu ampul, led lamba
Nick, they are very lovely. Thanks for sharing them.
really awesome buttons templates
طراحی سایت
I needed it
loved all of them Nick! thanks for share!
What about Fancy button? thefancy.com
전 초보인데 사용할수 있을란지요 그냥 받아서 설치하면 몰라도 어렵네요
Emilio Bravo
Great buttons, but I have a problem with gradients. If the element is wrapped inside a div with a background color, the gradients wont work, instead the button background will be transparent.
Nice Button Template Collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing
Holt Johnson
should add youtube and google+
Good! this is great for CSS Social Buttons beginners like me. keep up the good work!
Michael Aubry
I think this is great work! But more importantly (designers and bloggers pay attention) notice how he is giving away a free download, very cool and I think this is a tip all of us that own a website should follow, I am going to start giving away a freebie on a weekly basis!
Thiết kế lô gô
It just goes to show how powerful CSS3 can be for creating something so simple and yet so useful.
This looks amazing, will implement in my current Bootstrap-based project. Thanks!
Best Funny One liners on life
These are awesome social buttons. Thanks. I have downloaded them and will use.
Very Very good. thank you..
These are very helpful to make a easy write any thing which you wanna be its great to use them!
Just love it!
woow. Thanks.
Beylikduzu Arcelik
thank you.
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very good button and your site look a profesional site good sharing
thank you
good sharing
Alquiler yates Ibiza
I would love to go! sounds like a lot of fun
I cant use this in my site:( please help
Thank you very much for there! I will try them soon!
thiet ke logo
This content is constructed for thinking readers. I found this to be interesting, for lack of a better word and contains excellent points. Thank you….
these social buttons are awesome, recommended for ma all designing students
Can i use that icons in commercial project ? Thanks
I’m sorry I didn’t read to the end
I’m a web designer and would love to attend! Thanks (:
Celso Junior
Well done! I’ve made use of it in my simple web page template. Thanks for sharing ;)
Manoj Singh
Thanks for resource. Just love it!
Loma Bellrichard
Barry Reynolds
That’s a nice technique and easy to implement into several website with the varying colour schemes. Thanks.
Please add Google Plus icon to the mono social icon pack.
Thank you..
thanks for share! it was helpful, keep on posting.
wow nice, thanks