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Most Ancient European Town's Network

In 1975 the Belgian Prime Minister Leo Tindemans drew õñ a report concerning the European unity, underlying that " the building of Europe doesn't constitute á form of cooperation between country members, but á drawing closer among nations, whßch are aiming at acting in common for adjusting of their societies to the everchanging conditions of the world, while preserving their values that constitute their common heritage".

The idea and proposal that was made by the Municipality of Argos to the European Union, for the formation of a Network consisting of the Most Ancient Eurorean Towns, moved along that spirit. Actions that were taken by the Municipality of Argos for the proposal to be filled and sent to the Commission were lengthy and tiring.Correspondance and telephone calling to the Embassies - Consulates of member / countries of European Union in Greece, European Universities and institutes, CCRE and Municipalities themselves that were considered to be the most ancient in Europe. Finally, happy ending for áll parties concerned came about.

Aims of the Network, as they were stated to the application form submitted to Commission for approval were: Disclosure and exchange of technical know-how and methods ïn matters of archaeological research, tourism and incorporation of ancient monuments to urban ñlánning. Áll these topics were of great interest and vital importance to áll member towns of the proposed Network. Ways of materialization and actions to be taken were the proposed meetings, that would be organized in three different towns, following the initial acquaintance Meeting of Mayors in Argos , as of June 1994. Finally, the proposed application was approved by the Commission and became known as project 94Á0611 - Most Ancient European Ôïwn's Network (ÌÁÅÔÍ).

The first official Meeting of Mayors representing the member towns , that formed the newly founded Network took place in Argos between June 22 - 26 of 1994. Representatives from nine towns all over Europe - except Cadiz (Spain) - were present for the signing of the Association Charter and decided the following:

  • Place and time for the three Conventions - of archaeological interest - that were to be held.
  • Network administration.
  • Presentation ïf towns. Getting to know each other and their respective towns.

    Member towns of the Network are :

  • ÁRGOS from Greece (Network leader)
  • COLCHESTER from Great Britain
  • BEZIERS from France
  • EVORA from Portugal
  • CADIZ from Spain
  • MAASTRICHT from Holland
  • CORK from Ireland
  • WORMS from Germany
  • ROSKILDE from Denmark
  • TONGEREN from Belgium

    More information for each member town.

    All member towns undertake the Presidency of the Network in turn.