Hungarian W3C Office
Mission of the Hungarian Office
Familiarize and popularize W3C technologies
The Hungarian Office is the only W3C office in Eastern Europe. One of the most important tasks and mission of the W3C Hungarian Office is to familiarize Hungarian insitutions (universities, colleges, governmental bodies, civil organizations) and companies with the Consortium’s developments (specifications, principles, softwares), and to give information about them continuously. Today W3C is making developments in nearly 40 areas.
This website is the start-up forum of this mission, on which Hungarian translations of W3C news is and will be published, in which the working groups from different W3C research fields report which phase they are in regarding the development of their Recommendations and what they have achived so far. Furthermore, the news informs the Community about W3C programs and events.
Subscribers to the Hungarian Office’s newsletter ([email protected]) will receive every month a newletter telling them what were the most important W3C news during the past 4 weeks, and what has happened in Hungary in the meantime.
On our website the proofread translations of W3C documents will also be available. To this translation work we would like to ask help from universities and from the profession / trade ([email protected])!
It is also our aim and task to organize events where useful and high standard lectures could be attended in topics of Hungarian interest. We would like to run W3C Hungarian Office as a stable and motivating professional forum of the Hungarian web society. We would like to ensure the availability of all information which would help us increase our role in the world of the Web in the future, as our country has always been in the forefront of informatics research.
Involving Hungarian organizations / institutions
W3C Hungarian Office would also like to achieve that Hungarian institutions, companies do not only follow the World Wide Web Consortium, but they also act as its active developers. Joining W3C makes this initiative possible.
W3C today counts more than 400 members. SZTAKI has been a W3C member since 1995, and for a long time it was the only participant from Eastern Europe. Following the setup of the Hungarian Office several Hungarian organizations have also joined W3C, so this special role for SZTAKI ended. This is very good for two reasons: on the one hand members can benefit a lot from W3C membership, and on the other hand, our country needs more active participants in W3C activitities.
Useful sites / links
The Hungarian W3C Office is located at the SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control). At present this Institute is the only one state owned research institute in the field of information technology and networking in Hungary. It has the following important links with the local economic and social environment:
- problem solving, consulting, system integration based on the results of basic and applied research,
- participation in graduate and post-graduate education (common chairs and Ph. D. programmes with all bigger Hungarian universities),
- participation of Ph.D. and graduate students in research,
- managing the nation-wide computer network for "academic" institutions (universities, public collections ...), creating new contents, services and consulting the users,
- organization of special courses and training.
The main disciplines followed by the research groups in the Institute are as follows:
- Computer sciences (symbolic computations, databases, algorithms).
- Information technology: wide area and local networks, WWW, multimedia, and digital libraries.
- Parallel and distributed computer systems.
- Applied mathematics: graph theory, financial mathematics, statistics.
- Operations research and decision support systems.
- Design and implementation of analogical (Cellular Nonlinear Networks) algorithms.
- System science, signal processing and control: dynamic systems, identification, fault detection, robust control.
- Production informatics, Intelligent manufacturing processes and systems.
This Institute is a member of the W3C since 1995.
The headquarter of this Office is at the Department of Distributed Systems. The primary aim of this Department is the research and development of distributed computer applications including World Wide Web-based software systems, groupware systems and services, digital library systems, digital art projects, audio/video conferencing environments.
Dr. László Kovács,
the Office's responsible manager is the leader of the host Department, he is
also the AC representative for SZTAKI
Head of Office (2002 - )
Éva Virág, fellow at
Coordinator (2010 - )
András Micsik,
senior research fellow at
Semantic Web Expert (2010 - )
Last modified: 2020.8.5.