The numerical id of the comment to delete.
An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes.
Delete a comment. " ;
<#action_wiki.comment.delete_#_comment_id> .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "comment_id" ;
schema:name "comment_id" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The numerical id of the comment to delete." .
a schema:Action ;
schema:name "wiki_comment_get" ;
schema:target <#action_wiki.comment.get> .
a schema:EntryPoint ;
schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_comment_get" ;
schema:url The id of the comment.
The details of the comment encoded as RDF+XML triples.
Get details of a comment. " ;
<#action_wiki.comment.get_#_comment_id> .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "comment_id" ;
schema:name "comment_id" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The id of the comment." .
a schema:Action ;
schema:name "wiki_comment_new" ;
schema:target <> .
a schema:EntryPoint ;
schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_comment_new" ;
schema:url Comments can be put in threads, ie. a comment can have a parent comment. In that case it is considered a reply to the parent comment. The cluster name of the topic
The topic name
The title of the comment.
The text body of the comment.
The name of the commenter.
The email address of the commenter.
An optional URL to identify the commenter.
An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. If successful the error code matches the id of the newly created comment.
Create a new comment on an event or task. " ;
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_cluster> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_topic> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_parent_id> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_title> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_text> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_name> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_email> ,
<#action_wiki.comment.new_#_url> .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ;
schema:name "cluster" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The cluster name of the topic " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "topic" ;
schema:name "topic" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The topic name " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "parent_id" ;
schema:name "parent_id" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired false ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "title" ;
schema:name "title" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The title of the comment. " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "text" ;
schema:name "text" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The text body of the comment. " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ;
schema:name "name" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The name of the commenter. " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "email" ;
schema:name "email" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The email address of the commenter. " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "url" ;
schema:name "url" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired false ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " An optional URL to identify the commenter." .
a schema:Action ;
schema:name "wiki_options_get" ;
schema:target <#action_wiki.options.get> .
a schema:EntryPoint ;
schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_options_get" ;
schema:url The cluster name of the topic
The configuration option name. Supported options are: indexPage skinSource primarySkin secondarySkin wikiPlugin newTopicTemplate newCategoryTempate vhostRegularExpression deliciousEnabled webmailEnabled antiSpam technoratiApiKey conversationEnabled inlineMacros interClusterAutolinks
The configuration option value
Get the configuration option of a Wiki instance. " ;
<#action_wiki.options.get_#_cluster> ,
<#action_wiki.options.get_#_name> .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "cluster" ;
schema:name "cluster" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The cluster name of the topic " .
a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ;
oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ;
schema:name "name" ;
# oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ;
oplwebsrv:isRequired true ;
wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSWikiModuleAPIDoc> ;
schema:description " The configuration option name. Supported options are: indexPage skinSource primarySkin secondarySkin wikiPlugin newTopicTemplate newCategoryTempate vhostRegularExpression deliciousEnabled webmailEnabled antiSpam technoratiApiKey conversationEnabled inlineMacros interClusterAutolinks
" .
a schema:Action ;
schema:name "wiki_options_set" ;
schema:target <#action_wiki.options.set> .
a schema:EntryPoint ;
schema:name "EntryPoint - wiki_options_set" ;
schema:url The cluster name of the topic
The configuration option name indexPage skinSource primarySkin secondarySkin wikiPlugin
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