Sparse matrices


Sparse matrix support is still limited in PyViennaCL. The construction
of spare matrices from host data is supported, as is sparse matrix-vector
multiplication and the use of iterative solvers (see
in this directory). However, no other operations have yet been implemented,
and SciPy support is rudimentary.

Here, we demonstrate the construction of a CompressedMatrix instance, and the
calculation of a matrix-vector product.

Other sparse matrix formats are available, such as the CoordinateMatrix,
ELLMatrix and HybridMatrix. They are constructed and used identically to the
CompressedMatrix type.

import pyviennacl as p
import random

# First, we create an empty 5 x 5 CompressedMatrix:
A = p.CompressedMatrix(5, 5)

# Let's set some random values of A.
# Importantly, setting individual elements of a PyViennaCL sparse matrix is
# not nearly as expensive as setting individual elements of a dense matrix or
# vector, since in the sparse matrix case, the elements are cached on the host
# and only transferred to the device when they are needed for some computation.
for i in range(6):
    x = random.randrange(0, 4, 1)
    y = random.randrange(0, 4, 1)
    A[x, y] = random.random()

print("A is:\n%s" % A.value)

# Now, let's construct a simple vector of 5 elements.
b = p.Vector(5, 3.142)

print("b is %s" % b)

# Now, represent the product:
c = A * b

# And the result is only computed when we need to print it:
print("A * b = c is %s" % c)

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Submatrices: slices and proxies

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Iterative solvers

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