arobynsung: (undercovers: gugu has a gun)
[personal profile] arobynsung posting in [community profile] undercovers

Feel free to liveblog, discuss, squee, leave links to reaction posts (non-locked) and other episode related fanworks (icons, fic, art, etc) here.

Date: 2010-10-07 01:26 am (UTC)
ranrata: (undercovers-samantha)
From: [personal profile] ranrata
Favorite part: Sam criticizing Steven for not having a plan when he ran in to save her. So cute.

Date: 2010-10-07 02:48 am (UTC)
timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (sam: look)
From: [personal profile] timeasmymeasure
They refuse to be anything less than hot and adorable, don't they? I love this show!


Date: 2010-10-07 02:26 am (UTC)
timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (sam: look)
From: [personal profile] timeasmymeasure

Steven: Ok, what the hell was that?!? Who are you? Catwoman?
Sam: What?
Steven: The way you scaled that building...*is very turned on*
Steven: That was amazing!
Sam: Oh, that was nothing.
Edited Date: 2010-10-07 02:34 am (UTC)

Date: 2010-10-07 02:49 am (UTC)
timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (sam: look)
From: [personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Of course there was this at the beginning:

Hipbone. GUH.

Date: 2010-10-07 12:44 pm (UTC)
ranrata: (undercovers-samsteven)
From: [personal profile] ranrata
Sexy time needs to wait until end of episodes. Think can't work. Can't brain plot.

Date: 2010-10-07 08:26 pm (UTC)
siria: (sga - teyla swingin')
From: [personal profile] siria
I seriously just lost a lot of time staring at this image. Good lord.

Date: 2010-10-07 06:18 am (UTC)
amadi: A bouquet of dark purple roses (Default)
From: [personal profile] amadi
This show needs to be on my television three times a week. This show needs to take the time slot of Law & Order: LA. And Outlaw. And Dateline (how did they bring back Dateline, for pity's sake?). If NBC does away with this shiny shiny thing, I will cry.

</pathetic meta thinking-out-loud>
Edited Date: 2010-10-07 06:18 am (UTC)

Date: 2010-10-08 04:18 am (UTC)
lilacsigil: 12 Apostles rocks, text "Rock On" (12 Apostles)
From: [personal profile] lilacsigil
I think the thing I love most about this show is the way that Sam and Steven are utterly believable as a long-term happy couple. The way they casually touch each other and move around each other and are totally comfortable together is just something we don't see enough of on TV.