Animated 3D Bar Chart with CSS3

A tutorial on how to create an animated 3d bar chart using CSS only.

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  1. Hi Sergey Lukin… Your work is awesome… I liked it very much… I will use in my future projects… Thanks for sharing…

  2. Always a pleasure to see Sergey’s innovations. A true master. Keep it up!

  3. It’s pity that so bad examples are spreading via web-developers. This example is based on drafts of CSS specifications, which can change in any time. And it already have some mistakes.

    So, “CSS Transforms” specification doesn’t have a level (despite “css3” in url). But the worse part is that there is no skew(x, y) function. And it’s bound to not to be there.

    Furthermore, pseudo-elements ::before and ::after are written with a single colon while they should have two as specified in “Selectors Level 3”. While specification allows single-colon notation for good old pseudo-elements, it should be considered as a bad practice, since rules such as transform are being used in this example, which old CSS 2.1 browsers like IE8 will not understand.

    No explanation is given about specifications, and what things are belong to which specifications. Therefore, I believe, such rude mistakes are present here.

  4. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome,

  5. Looks great. The only (bad) thing catching my eye is that all the boxes have a shadow on their right face except the blue. For some reason the blue box has a lighter right side, and all the others have a darker right side.

  6. Great job! but i wonder who could integrate this on his website efficiently.. 🙁 it seems hard

  7. @sabow I’m currently working on Code Generator, stay tuned to repo on Github.

    Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Really appreciate