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Correlation pair Correlation Years Image Research paper Explanation Num Ratings Rating
Popularity of the first name Stevie & Netflix's stock price (NFLX) 1.00 20 19 4.79
Per capita consumption of margarine & The divorce rate in Maine 0.99 10 18 4.78
Viewership of The Big Bang Theory & Google searches for 'how to make baby' 0.98 12 13 4.92
Google searches for 'why isnt 11 pronounced onety one' & The number of tax collectors in New Mexico 0.92 13 12 5.00
Popularity of the first name Aubrey & Exxon Mobil's stock price (XOM) 0.88 21 12 3.17
US kids in public school & Fossil fuel use in Grenada 0.97 32 11 4.00
Associates degrees awarded in Music and dance & Solar power generated in Costa Rica 0.99 11 10 3.50
Biomass power generated in Philippines & Google searches for 'avocado toast' 0.98 13 9 5.00
Divorce rates in the United Kingdom & Disney movies released 0.93 13 9 4.89
Google searches for 'how much wood can a woodchuck chuck' & Kerosene used in Venezuela 0.89 18 9 4.56
Yogurt consumption & Google searches for 'i cant even' 0.94 18 8 4.75
The distance between Saturn and the Sun & Google searches for 'how to make baby' 0.97 20 8 4.12
UFO sightings in New Mexico & Patents granted in the US 0.94 46 7 5.00
American cheese consumption & Alphabet's stock price (GOOGL) 0.95 17 7 5.00
Popularity of the 'red pill blue pill' meme & Google searches for 'i am tired' 0.96 18 7 4.71
Popularity of the 'distracted boyfriend' meme & The number of statisticians in New Jersey 0.96 17 7 4.71
The distance between Jupiter and the Sun & The number of secretaries in Alaska 0.95 13 7 4.71
Air pollution in Albuquerque & Google searches for 'who is prince william' 0.83 16 7 4.29
Popularity of the first name Marquis & Robberies in Kansas 0.95 38 7 4.29
Bachelor's degrees awarded in Liberal arts & xkcd comics published about philosophy 0.93 10 7 4.29
Number of articles Matt Levine published on Bloomberg on Wednesdays & Nuclear power generation in France 0.98 8 6 5.00
Popularity of the first name Sarah & Google searches for 'learn spanish' 0.99 19 6 5.00
American cheese consumption & Google's Annual Global Revenue 0.96 20 6 5.00
Searches for 'never gonna give you up' & Tesla's stock price (TSLA) 0.95 13 6 4.67
Butter consumption & Economic output of Washington metro area 0.98 21 6 4.67
Milk consumption & The divorce rate in Colorado 0.97 23 6 4.50
Cigarette Smoking Rate for US adults & Arson in United States 0.94 21 6 4.50
xkcd comics published about literature & Robberies in Vermont 0.80 16 6 3.67
GMO use in corn grown in South Dakota & Google searches for 'i cant even' 0.91 20 6 3.33
Popularity of the first name Bailey & Ticket sales for Cleveland Guardians games 0.93 45 6 3.17
Popularity of the first name Katherine & Burglaries in Hawaii 0.98 38 6 3.00
Google's Net Income & Sales of LP/Vinyl Albums 0.97 19 6 2.50
Google searches for 'my cat scratched me' & The Coca-Cola Company's stock price (KO) 0.97 16 6 2.50
Popularity of the first name Kelsey & NASA's budget appropriation 0.88 48 5 5.00
GMO use in cotton & Popularity of the first name Bailey 0.83 23 5 5.00
Butter consumption & Ticket prices at North American movie theaters 0.98 21 5 5.00
Hotdogs consumed by Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Competition Champion & Total number of automotive recalls 0.93 44 5 5.00
The distance between Uranus and the moon & Electricity generation in Japan 0.99 42 5 5.00
Popularity of the 'its wednesday my dudes' meme & Boeing's stock price (BA) 0.88 18 5 4.80
The number of movies Tom Hanks appeared in & The number of special education teachers in Georgia 0.90 11 5 4.80
American cheese consumption & Patents granted in the US 0.95 31 5 4.40
Popularity of the first name Sunny & Solar power generated in Egypt 0.92 39 5 4.20
Number of websites on the internet & Total wind power generated globally 0.98 28 5 4.20
Cheddar cheese consumption & Solar power generated in Haiti 0.99 10 4 5.00
GMO use in corn grown in Iowa & Google searches for 'black holes' 0.96 20 4 5.00
GDP per capita in Canada & Gasoline Prices in the US 0.95 14 4 5.00
Highway diesel consumption in US & Popularity of the 'willy wonka' meme 0.98 6 4 5.00
Votes for Democratic Senators in New Jersey & Searches for 'never gonna give you up' 0.83 6 4 5.00
The distance between Uranus and the Sun & Global count of operating nuclear power plants 0.92 48 4 5.00
Google searches for 'zombies' & The number of real estate agents in North Dakota 0.94 19 4 4.75
Popularity of the first name Jordan & Robberies in South Carolina 0.95 38 4 4.75
The distance between Saturn and the Sun & Customer satisfaction with HP 0.70 28 4 4.75
The distance between Neptune and the Sun & Popularity of the first name Andrea 0.96 48 4 4.75
Air pollution in Berlin, New Hampshire & Google searches for 'Baroque Obama' 0.94 14 4 4.75
Disney movies released & Motor vehicle thefts 0.86 23 4 4.75
Searches for 'never gonna give you up' & Google searches for 'who is elon musk' 0.92 18 4 4.50
Associates degrees awarded in Physical sciences & Total comments on OverSimplified YouTube videos 0.93 6 4 4.50
The distance between Uranus and Mercury & Jet fuel used in Netherlands 0.95 43 4 4.50
Popularity of the first name Barrett & Automotive recalls issued by Mercedes-Benz USA 0.95 48 4 4.50
Popularity of the first name Annabelle & UFO sightings in Maryland 0.96 47 4 4.25
GMO use in soybeans in Minnesota & The number of sonographers in Minnesota 0.91 20 4 3.75
GMO use in corn grown in Minnesota & Pirate attacks globally 0.96 14 3 5.00
Popularity of the 'cicada 3301' meme & Total likes of LEMMiNO YouTube videos 0.94 12 3 5.00
The distance between Neptune and the Sun & Viewership count for Days of Our Lives 0.96 47 3 5.00
Annual US household spending on laundry and cleaning supplies & Google searches for 'flights to Antarctica' 0.91 19 3 5.00
Associates degrees awarded in Health professions & The number of vending machine repairers in Mississippi 0.97 11 3 5.00
Arson in Alabama & The number of library assistants in Alabama 0.77 20 3 5.00
Google searches for 'can texas secede from the union' & Number of edits to the Wikipedia article for Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 0.84 17 3 5.00
Air quality in Grand Rapids, Michigan & Associate Professor salaries in the US 0.84 13 3 5.00
The distance between Saturn and the Sun & Baidu's stock price (BIDU) 0.91 18 3 5.00
American cheese consumption & Constellation Brands' stock price (STZ) 0.97 20 3 5.00
Kerosene used in Cuba & Google searches for 'cia hotline' 0.99 18 3 5.00
Yogurt consumption & The Bank of Nova Scotia's stock price (BNS) 0.84 19 3 5.00
Popularity of the first name Thomas & Motor vehicle thefts in Maine 0.98 38 3 5.00
Popularity of the 'spiderman pointing' meme & Google searches for 'who is alexa' 0.97 17 3 5.00
How clickbait-y Matt Parker's YouTube video titles are & The number of anthropology and archeology teachers in Tennessee 0.95 9 3 5.00
Associates degrees awarded in Visual and performing arts & Google searches for 'zombies' 0.97 11 3 5.00
The number of phlebotomists in Minnesota & Arson in United States 0.92 11 3 5.00
The distance between Mercury and Earth & The number of social workers in Idaho 0.90 13 3 5.00
Robberies in Alaska & Professor salaries in the US 0.92 13 3 5.00
The distance between Venus and Mercury & The number of nursing assistants in Indiana 0.71 11 3 5.00
GMO use in corn grown in Kansas & The number of postmasters in Kansas 0.98 20 3 5.00
Bachelor's degrees awarded in Engineering technologies & The number of tire repairers and changers in Utah 1.00 10 3 5.00
Associates degrees awarded in Mathematics and statistics & Google searches for 'dollar store near me' 0.99 11 3 5.00
The number of movies Johnny Depp appeared in & Season wins for the Los Angeles Chargers 0.94 7 3 5.00
The distance between Neptune and Mercury & Petroluem consumption in Azerbaijan 0.80 30 3 4.67
Google searches for 'whatsapp' & The Coca-Cola Company's stock price (KO) 0.97 14 3 4.67
The number of logisticians in District of Columbia & Google searches for 'i cant even' 0.92 19 3 4.67
The number of computer user support specialists in Minnesota & Automotive recalls issued by Winnebago Industries 0.96 11 3 4.67
Rainfall in San Francisco & The number of printing press operators in Rhode Island 0.91 13 3 4.67
Season rating of Two and a Half Men & Paychex's stock price (PAYX) 0.90 12 3 4.67
Master's degrees awarded in Education & US bank failures 0.93 10 3 4.67
The number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in & Votes for the Libertarian Presidential candidate in Georgia 0.94 10 3 4.67
The number of movies Amy Poehler appeared in & Total Number of Successful Mount Everest Climbs 0.83 16 3 4.67
Bachelor's degrees awarded in Psychology & The number of groundskeepers in Utah 0.99 10 3 4.67
Google searches for 'why do i have green poop' & US bank failures 0.87 20 3 4.67
The number of statisticians in Oklahoma & Customer satisfaction with Sprint 0.74 17 3 4.33
The number of biological technicians in Maryland & Customer satisfaction with Sprint 0.92 17 3 4.33
Popularity of the first name Tristen & Asthma attacks in American children 0.89 23 3 4.33
Bachelor's degrees awarded in Library science & Google searches for 'how to hide a body' 0.79 10 3 4.33

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